My Soul Went Up A Level Today.

gp32rich said:
yup! 8-bit cpu's did do BCD addition, with carry so four digit (and more) were fairly simple
6502 as used in NES

Ooh! historic nerd levels to me :D

To save some space on the silicon, the Ricoh CPU omitted the 6502's BCD (binary coded decimal) command.
Nevar doubt Exophase! :P
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So Prometheus, what email address should I contact? The standard Openpandorasales one? Or one of the others? I just want to make sure because it can take a while for them to respond.
When I was concerned that mine hadn't gotten to them, I used (the same as always, really :P).
please keep in mind that Jacklyn don't work on saturday/sunday and she may have a backlog on the monday morning...
She always answered my questions. But sometimes with up to 4 days delay...
I have you beat with a 5 day delay :D Thanks for the quick replies btw
Man, I wish I could get my Pandora back. It seems to have been lost in the mail. If it doesn't turn up it will beat an XBox for "Most Expensive Item of Mine the USPS has Misplaced", before the XBox, the previous record holder was a $20 video game.

Judging by the condition of some of my packages I get, I can only assume they were playing floor hockey with it and it slid under a low shelf. Rather than go through the trouble of fishing it out, they just decided to grab another small box off the stack.
emcee said:
Man, I wish I could get my Pandora back. It seems to have been lost in the mail. If it doesn't turn up it will beat an XBox for "Most Expensive Item of Mine the USPS has Misplaced", before the XBox, the previous record holder was a $20 video game.

Judging by the condition of some of my packages I get, I can only assume they were playing floor hockey with it and it slid under a low shelf. Rather than go through the trouble of fishing it out, they just decided to grab another small box off the stack.

No worries, just turned up at my place today :D
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