[SOLVED]My Pandora Dream Has Come To An End...

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DaveC said:
We are all a bunch of thieves on here technically. I mean unless you REALLY own all of those ROMZ on your SD card...
I do. That's why, whenever I take a photograph showing a particular game, I always put the cartridge, disc, or PCB in-shot. :P

EDIT: @Poke - Now, now. Let's not let facts get in the way of the insinuation that you're a terrible person for having had your property unlawfully taken from you. :lol:
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So do I. Well, I own the games, but not the exact roms I downloaded.

Sorry, but It feels like pretty poor form to go spreading rumors about a guy after he responds to a "no questions asked" posting about your lost property.

Not nearly as bad as stealing something to begin with, of course, but two wrongs don't make a right.

Congrats on getting your stuff back, though. Dunno if I already said that.

Promethius said:
That's why, whenever I take a photograph showing a particular game, I always put the cartridge, disc, or PCB in-shot
Wow, that sounds like work. I couldn't easily lay my hands on half my old games.
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VRAndy said:
Wow, that sounds like work. I couldn't easily lay my hands on half my old games.
All of my consoles are to-hand, so it's pretty essential to keep my games decently organised. :P

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VRAndy said:
Sorry, but It feels like pretty poor form to go spreading rumors about a guy after he responds to a "no questions asked" posting about your lost property.
My Pandora was in the bottom of my bag, under my clothes... my sweaty T-shirt that I walked to work in. To get to my Pandora my bag had to be rummaged around in. The story that I heard as to how the Pandora came into his possession doesn't make sense, why were the cards swapped and why was the screen heavily smudged? If it had come into his possession by accident, i.e. I put it into his bag accidentally... Why on earth not call work straight away and inform that something that doesn't belong to you ended up in your bag.

You can take it how you want and see it how you want but it's very wishy washy and I do hope karma bites his ass. I've edited out his name in my posts, ok so people did some further name dropping afterwards but dammit I've had my possessions violated.

Do I believe he stole it? Yes.
Am I glad he did the right thing? Yes.
Do I think he did the right thing because he was provided with safety on reading that letter that my boss left? No... if that was the case why on earth take it out of my way to the police station, why not leave it for me at work? Just drop it discretely into the managers office when no one is looking...

He took it to the police station because he believed that they wouldn't drop his name to me. And only because he ran out of options trying to make my Pandora work for him.
I'm sorry if this doesn't sit right with what you think is morally acceptable but hey I was annoyed. And I'll say it again... my BOSS wrote the letter, I never signed anything that states that I specifically will take no action against the guy and I have no clue how I will react on seeing this guy if he still is working at the pub... He's lucky I don't persist and persist with the police to be fair.

All in all, my ambient anger with this has settled, yes I posted his name previously, but generally I'm done. I may make some sort of game out of this or I may not, but right now my focus is for Penjin, NovaKitsune(Yes I liked that name) and sorting out this competition for the spare Pandora from "Mr Generous".
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Prometheus said:
so it's pretty essential to keep my games decently organised.
That sounds like work!
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DaveC said:
We are all a bunch of thieves on here technically. I mean unless you REALLY own all of those ROMZ on your SD card...
Well technically that's copyright infringement not theft. ;)
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While we're on this tangent then

trix said:
Xmoon said:
Well. Some to learn here. If someday I steal a thing and I get a message about "no consequences". Don't return the thing and destroy it. Because You can anyway get your name destroyed and people do not forgive.

Or, you could just not be an idiot and not steal the damn thing to begin with, and not have to worry about it at all.

There ARE people out there who don't ever steal anything, you know. And those of us that are like that, simply do not have much sympathy or compassion for the thieves.

- trix

Excuse me, I am christian. You know, all these things like not judge, not steal, not lie, etc...
But I think anyway that boss had a great idea posting that. And I absolutely understand PokeParadox. :)
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