My Pandora 2 and ICP2 Keyboard Layout, GCW One/Dual(February 18th 2013)

Added Wifi and BT toggle on/off.

Added Volume down/up shortcuts.

Added Mute.

Delighted with how the layout turned out. :wub:
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After much thought and a semi-exhaustive exam of keyboard shortcuts for various OS's, I've decided on the arrangement in this thread's opening post. I'm not saying it's perfection, but I am confident given the characteristic hardware that the user will have a generally uncompromised experience using an ICP2 or Pandora 2 with this layout. At the very least, hunting for a needed key or stretching for that key combo should be nominal and unrestrictive for the individual.

For research, I used a handful of sites, including the following, which you could survey to verify the effectiveness of the final suggested layout:




Thank you. :)
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The beauty of a good night's sleep(hopefully).

Another site to check the integrity of my proposed layout:


Removed Shift + Delete for / key.

Shift + Delete is a popular Windows combo per Microsoft for deleting files and folders permanently without placing them in the Recycle Bin.
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Made some major revisions to the layout on the first page. Hope you guys like it as much as I do. :wub:
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Saber, in my opinion it's a bit annoying to edit the first post all the time instead of putting the updates in follow-up messages in which you explain the changes. You can edit the first message to put a pointer to the latest version in it, but if you change the proposal all the time, the discussion below it becomes strange.
Saber, in my opinion it's a bit annoying to edit the first post all the time instead of putting the updates in follow-up messages in which you explain the changes. You can edit the first message to put a pointer to the latest version in it, but if you change the proposal all the time, the discussion below it becomes strange.
Well, that's your opinion and I thank you for it, but my thoughts on the matter are that the "strange" comments after my first post(my scratchpad if you will) can be either ignored, looked at humorously, or viewed as contemptible by the reader who's clearly been informed by the "Edited by Saber, Today" forum notification in the opening post that the revisions occurred much later and are not part of the critique and sad cynicism just after it. Another reason I didn't link the first post to a later one is because I didn't want to litter the thread with picture after picture of minor changes i've made to my "artwork". ;)

BTW, made a minor edit to the Break key location in my keyboard layout. ;)
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Fixed a mistake with the layout that I hadn't noticed early this morning until I got home from work.

Darn you Scroll Lock and darn you lack of sleep. <_<

Switched Mouse Double Left Click and Single Left Click. Feels more efficient this way.
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Revised the layout again so it's easier to use both thumbs. :)

Rearranged media key locations.

Moved the currency symbols.
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Revised the layout again so it's easier to use both thumbs. :)

Rearranged media key locations.

Moved the currency symbols.

I think that is a fairly solid layout for, 'Pandora Mode'.

What I would like to see is an set of 3 keys pressed together to switch it into 'alternate modes'.

Toggle once and it would shift into a 'remote control' mode (remember, this is for the iControlPad too. Toggle more and reach Apple Phone/tablet control mode, Android phone/tablet control mode, Wii, Playstation, DOS FPS mode (Function keys all live at the top), etc...

If only we could have clear top keys that act as windows to a cheap insanely thin low resolution touch screen under the keys - so we can change what the letters are, get backlighting and use the positional touch to register key presses. Would be stupid expensive though.
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Revised the layout again so it's easier to use both thumbs. :)

Rearranged media key locations.

Moved the currency symbols.

I think that is a fairly solid layout for, 'Pandora Mode'.

What I would like to see is an set of 3 keys pressed together to switch it into 'alternate modes'.

Toggle once and it would shift into a 'remote control' mode (remember, this is for the iControlPad too. Toggle more and reach Apple Phone/tablet control mode, Android phone/tablet control mode, Wii, Playstation, DOS FPS mode (Function keys all live at the top), etc...

If only we could have clear top keys that act as windows to a cheap insanely thin low resolution touch screen under the keys - so we can change what the letters are, get backlighting and use the positional touch to register key presses. Would be stupid expensive though.
The worry I have with toggling different modes(besides +Shift or +Function) is how difficult it would be to remember which key changed to what special function. If only present technology allowed something like the Optimus Maximus Keyboard in something the size of the ICP2, but imagine the skyrocketed parts bill.

A probable and practical solution though might be to let the end user print out custom overlays for say things like Remote Control mode or Android 4.03 mode. There could also be an overlay for RC Car mode. Maybe Openpandora could even ship later iControlPad 2's with region specific overlays for different demographics. I know it isn't a perfect solution, but it could alleviate some concerns without excluding buyers. Who would've thought 55 keys wouldn't be enough? :blink:

Thanks for the compliment BTW. :wub:
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Modified the layout slightly and reintroduced Menu and Backlight.
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Crazy thought.

We'll have an LED back light. This crazy thought works on the idea that the back light could be a 'white' RGB LED that can control it's color. I.e. produce 256 or more colors.

Lets examine a typical back lit key-cap. It's a gel/clear item with the area around the 'letter' blacked out so that the light shines through to illuminate the key's function.

My idea works on a negative principle to that - the key's icon would be dark and surrounded by a color glow. LED light can be very wavelength specific. Filter media/paint can be too.

When the back light is in red mode, a red filter in the shape of a key should cause that shape to 'shadow'. Green light and a green filter stacked on the red one (which green light can penetrate) should result in a dark letter with a green background. Blue using a blue filter should result in a dark letter with a blue background. Since each wavelength can penetrate the rest of the filters, you can have three (maybe more depending on filters used/available).

That would, in theory, yield a back-lit keyboard that can have multiple icon/letter sets that it can switch between by having the desired shape on the key be done in something relatively opaque to the light being produced at that time.

It would take a bit of experimentation to get it right.
Made a few more changes to my layout.

Thanks to Onpon4 for his constructive criticism in the other thread. :)

Cleaned up the layout a bit.
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