My New Gameroom


Arguable Idiot
Jan 7, 2005
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Just finished up my game room, got a new love seat and check it out. I'm planning on putting a shelf above the TV, i still need a place for my Jaguar and my binders i've put together with my collection of old manuals, advertising posters, catalogs, etc.

On the left bookshelf is

Top Row: NES, Sega CDX, N-gage QD

Below that are my portables: GameGear in back, Neo Geo Pocket color in front, GBA in front of that, Atari Lynx next to GBA, GP32 laying down in front of Lynx, DS, PSP, behind PSP, on top the games are, Gameboy Color, Gameboy original, Cybiko Xtreme

3rd row down are my Segas: Dreamcast, behind that is 1st gen Genesis, in front is 2nd gen Genesis, and the Saturn next to that with the 4-1 cart in.

4th row down: N64 and Super NES

Last row: bunch of games.

On the right bookshelf is

On top: another N64 and Virtual boy

Top Shelf: Colecovision and games, and a sideways Atari 2600JR

Below that: all my atari 2600 games, close to 250 no dups.

3rd row down: Intellevision and games

4th row down: Atari 7800 and Atari 2600 "6 switcher"

Last row: oddessy 2 and games.
I'd take a picture of my stuff like that, but it's all separated and put away in a safe place... besides that, I don't have most of the games for my old systems cuz we sold them during our(referring to me and my brothers)"newer is always better no matter what, and old just plain sucks" phase. I regret it now, but at least the GP32 can take the place of all the stuff I don't have anymore. I'm trying to catch up and get a hold of some of the stuff again though.
haha, i know all about that phase.
man, i should post a pic of my stuff.

and yeah, have fun dusting all of that! nice stuff btw :D

i like how you arranged your shelves haha

Sorry, took this picture with a video digicam, so quality sucks. I put everything in one heap.

Anyways, some stuff is missing in that photo like n64, gba, gb and I just recently added shock troopers 1 & 2 to my neo geo system.

BTW. Love you gamingroom KickinWing, makes mine look like shiat. :)
phew.. That's very nice. Have fun dusting all of that. ;)

And an Odyssey II.. man, you are hardcore. :)

EDIT : And what the heck's that head on your PSP box?

I live about 20 miles north of Pittsburgh PA. so i went to a pirate game last year and it was Pokey Resse bobble head night at the park, Pokey keeps an eye out on my games while i'm away, but its funny in the pic because all you can see is his head.
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KickinWing posted on Jul 1 2005 at 08:23 AM said:
I live about 20 miles north of Pittsburgh PA. so i went to a pirate game last year and it was Pokey Resse bobble head night at the park, Pokey keeps an eye out on my games while i'm away, but its funny in the pic because all you can see is his head.
haha, cool.

I live around Pittsburgh, too. You're probably heard of Fayette County--poorest county in PA? Yep, I hate it here.
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lol, yeah i've been there a few times, like Conellsville, or however it's spelled i think is in Fayette County. I'm at the top north tip of Westmoreland.
What turntable is that? Are you looking to sell it? I'm in the market for a cheap-er table after my Technic's recently broke and I'm too poor to repair it.
Timpas posted on Jul 1 2005 at 11:40 AM said:

Sorry, took this picture with a video digicam, so quality sucks. I put everything in one heap.

Anyways, some stuff is missing in that photo like n64, gba, gb and I just recently added shock troopers 1 & 2 to my neo geo system.

BTW. Love you gamingroom KickinWing, makes mine look like shiat. :)

haha, nice!
can i borrow your camera? :P
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Another show off your stuff thread....
I would post a pic but you would just see a mass of fabric, a sewing machine, gp32, gba, psp, nds, ngc, xbox, a laptop and a graphics tablet, dreamcast, ps2, psOne, a 5mgpixel camera, about 10 games and a half finished full length cord coat....oh and a mass of wires