My Mp Pandora

How is the battery holding up, in fact? Is it lasting the full ten-hours-or-so that was expected based on your usage?
skyeyemachine said:
How is the battery holding up, in fact? Is it lasting the full ten-hours-or-so that was expected based on your usage?

It's expected to last over 10 hours.

We didn't lie with our battery stats like so many other companies do.

You would have to have the WIFI on constantly for it to drop severely.

Also, that's not the back room.
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craigix said:
OpenTheBox said:
Craigix, how is the battery level after the few hours of play?
How warm is the unit after your extensive play?


The unit does not get hot at all. I've used the Pandora for about 7 hours so far.

to bad I dont have streches of 7 hours to play

Any idea of battery time with wifi on? (probably ill be in close proximity to a socket when i use wifi but just in case, they are putting wifi in some dutch trains as of next year so I might use it on there)
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craigix said:
skyeyemachine said:
How is the battery holding up, in fact? Is it lasting the full ten-hours-or-so that was expected based on your usage?

It's expected to last over 10 hours.

We didn't lie with our battery stats like so many other companies do.

You would have to have the WIFI on constantly for it to drop severely.

Also, that's not the back room.

Thanks! I wasn't trying to imply any dishonesty, if that's what came across; I just thought I'd ask directly, as I've not seen that question asked since the units were being put together. The extensive battery life is one of the more exciting things about the Pandora for me, as compared to its pocketable size and capable processor. It'll be lovely to take it for a trip without having to worry too much about bringing adaptors and finding power sockets. :)
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craigix said:
Ed may well do a test with the wifi left on.

I'd expect it to drop to around 6 hours with it on, wifi is pretty hungry.

I'd say that's pretty awesome. But bad for me. The netbook battery doesn't last longer than 2 hours. So if I fully charge it and decide to go to bed, instead of two hours of mindless browsing, it'll be six hours and I'll still be up.
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Sorry, I didn't mean to sound confrontational.

I just got irritated by an advert for a laptop with outrageous claims of battery life, along with the little * which revealed the totally unusable, crippled conditions required to actually get anything like they were claiming.

There needs to be some laws about battery life claims similar to MPG figures. Ie Independent tests.
That's one of the things high up on the list of irritating things.
Right along with stopping for pedestrians at a crossing who proceed to do nothing at all and stand still.

I ramble.
craigix said:
Sorry, I didn't mean to sound confrontational.

I just got irritated by an advert for a laptop with outrageous claims of battery life, along with the little * which revealed the totally unusable, crippled conditions required to actually get anything like they were claiming.

There needs to be some laws about battery life claims similar to MPG figures. Ie Independent tests.

I have a request - make your next post from your Pandora. I know - no way to prove it legit - BUT it's the thought that counts.
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Ed has posted from the Pandora to the forum a few times, he no doubt will again, I'm leaving the application stuff to him, he will have his Pandora tomorrow.
craigix said:
The problem with a tripod/webcam etc. is that unless it was strapped to my head you just end up with rubbish footage of the back of the Pandora.

It has to be a FP view to get the real experience.
You could do what did, with one live feed from the pandora's tv-out, and another of you playing.

Also, I'd be expecting strangers showing up at your door. *Craigix looks outside* Oh shiii... *zombies fill his yard*
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Eheh, yeah, asterisks and their ilk are like the proverbial living room rug for the advertising industry. They can sweep most anything they'd rather you not see beneath its quaint and inoffensive guise. ;)

Sort of like how food manufacturers don't have to report any ingredients that make up less than 5% of the product (at least in Canada and the US, if I remember correctly). I've always found that a little unnerving.

EDIT: Good grief, this thread moves fast sometimes! Either that or I type too slow!
Mr.Confuzed said:
Also, I'd be expecting strangers showing up at your door. *Craigix looks outside* Oh shiii... *zombies fill his yard*
Ahhh! the "P" virus is spreading already!!! :lol:

*zombie: Braaai ... I mean .... Paaandooraaaaa...
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craigix said:
The unit does not get hot at all. I've used the Pandora for about 7 hours so far.
BTW, does Pandora have a temperature sensor inside CPU or elsewhere?
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Vitel said:
craigix said:
The unit does not get hot at all. I've used the Pandora for about 7 hours so far.
BTW, does Pandora have a temperature sensor inside CPU or elsewhere?

The Pandora CPU isn't the kind which overheats, it's not an X86 or 'Intel' CPU. It's an ARM.

If it did somehow overheat it would just crash and reset.

Oh and the battery has internal protection.
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I've checked the OMAP datasheet. No mention of an integrated temp sensor, except connections for a DDR DIE temp sensor. MWeston should know if it's used.
First post.

The Pandora iz da sh1te!

ignore heavy netspeak please.

Pre-ordering within the next 5 minutes.

(yes I was a lurker >_>)
craigix said:
Vitel said:
craigix said:
The unit does not get hot at all. I've used the Pandora for about 7 hours so far.
BTW, does Pandora have a temperature sensor inside CPU or elsewhere?

The Pandora CPU isn't the kind which overheats, it's not an X86 or 'Intel' CPU. It's an ARM.

If it did somehow overheat it would just crash and reset.

Oh and the battery has internal protection.

Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but what is it about the X86 that generates so much heat/uses so much power versus the ARM architecture? Does the X86 perform many more overhead calculations, or something to that effect? My initial encounter with the Pandora was really the first time I clued in to the different architectures, having only ever much thought about X86 and 64-bit PC chipsets as related to common PCs, and it's made me curious about what makes the different architectures unique (as well as what else is out there).
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