My Last Comments On Gp2x


Mar 29, 2005
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I Love The Way it..
•Has Tv-Out (best feature by far)
•Control Stick Doesnt click (yay no clicky!)
•Black color looks good!
•Uses SD Cards, which are cheap!
•Not that expensive.

Things i hate..compared to the XGP
The XGP also has tv-out *sigh* main feature for me
The XGP has Wifi while this thing doesnt *sigh*
The XGP has internet *sigh* doubles as a cell phone
The XGP has a bigger screen *sigh*
The XGP will have the same emus as THIS if its cracked, *ULTRA SIGH* since the only reason the get the gp2x is for the GBA able to be fullspeed. And very slim psx/n64 emu. otherwise i dont care bout the others like the NEO or CP or w/e they are :P

*SIGH* i just realized the XGP is perfect for me since id mostly use it to watch anime. Ugh.. imma buy a gp2x first though since XGP wont be out for a bit :(
Jarska333 posted on Sep 29 2005 at 09:10 AM said:
Get a PSP instead.


no.. it cant hook up to your tv so its useless to me lol

and you also have to format your movies and anime to psp mp4, so screw that :)
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GBA is still questionable, SNES maybe but I wouldnt be so quick to think GBA will be full speed. You have a little too much hope in "what ifs" concerning the XGP and it sounds to me like you're just pushing your self to buy something. Seriously if you arn't sure you should just wait.
Alpha2 posted on Sep 29 2005 at 09:26 AM said:
GBA is still questionable, SNES maybe but I wouldnt be so quick to think GBA will be full speed. You have a little too much hope in "what ifs" concerning the XGP and it sounds to me like you're just pushing your self to buy something. Seriously if you arn't sure you should just wait.

no its fine, im buying it basically for the hook up, this thing owns a dvd player.

and i make like 50$ a week without a job by playing diablo2 LOD. Selling the items i find from there. So money is no prob :P
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Vimacs posted on Sep 29 2005 at 09:46 AM said:
xgp will be open, but its not as powerfull for non-3d stuff as gp2x is.

Ya, but honestly what other emus would be any different at all cept for snes? -.-

Basically the gp2x is for homebrew games like that halo that guy is supposidly making.
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Vimacs posted on Sep 29 2005 at 09:46 AM said:
xgp will be open, but its not as powerfull for non-3d stuff as gp2x is.

Ya, but honestly what other emus would be any different at all cept for snes? -.-

Basically the gp2x is for homebrew games like that halo that guy is supposidly making.
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At best the most you'll see on the XGP is a flood of FPSs from open source ports using the 3d chip to a bunch of commercial ports and 3rd rank games from unknown korean publishers. There might be a couple of 2d emulators but the concentration of effort will be more on the PSP (now that 2.0 is cracked) or 2X, because of the analog controller on the XGP is more suited to 3d games.
One thing you need to remember is that not only is the GPX2 open sdk like the XGP, but the very OS that runs on it is open. And not only is it open, but it's the most popular open source OS out there, so there are already a ton of games, software, and libraries that can be ported to the GPX2. I bet a few months in amazing things will be ported to this handheld. I'm also willing to bet that even though the XGP will run all the older GP32 games the GPX2 will have more games on it in the end.

The only two drawbacks of the GPX2 are it doesn't have OpenGL capabilities and no touchscreen, or the ones that I can see. I'm getting a GPX2 because it will play movies and games I love, I doubt I'll really miss the things that I've mentioned. I'm supporting them now so in two years or so maybe they'll come out with another more powerful Linux-run handheld that has those two things.

But I'm pretty sure that GPH will be amazed at how fast things are ported to their handheld because of Linux.

It's also worth noting that the XGP is widescreen and most anime is still 4:3 so you'll lost out a bit on the screen size (or have to deal with fat characters) although you'll get a very slightly higher rez
I also wish it would have wifi or internet capabilities. But it doesn't need it, as long as it is possible to do multi-handheld gaming in any form then i'll be fine. However, besides no 3D and OpenGL its gonna rock! :P
The XGP's TV-out is for the digital TV standard that is only used in Korea, right?

I'm sure someone will get a SD wifi card working on the GP2x, or wifi/networking via USB.
If I recall correctly the XGP was beign designed to accept digital TV signals from a satellite network of some sort or something but also claimed to have TV out.