MUpen64 Plus - Blocky Graphics?


May 1, 2012
Just downloaded the current version of MUpen, but now the graphics look absolutely horrible.  They were smooth before I updated, now not so much.  It's like this with every N64 game I try.  What am I not doing?
I think in the latest version, the resolution is set down to 400x240 and upscaled to get some more speed.

You can edit the configfile of the graphicsplugin in the launcher and replace the 400 and 240 with 800 and 480.
Looking at the config file, the screen settings are 800 x 480....window settings, 640x480, and frame buffer 320x240.
Sorry this is my fault! ;)

But seriously I made these changes to create a "better" default config with input here on the forum. Before these changes, instead of "The GFX are too blocky" people were saying "No games run well"

So the default config is tweaked for performance, but you are, of course welcome to make changes. :)

EDIT: You need to change the framebuffer value. to 640x480 (aspect correct) or 800x480 (Fat Mario stretched to fullscreen)

EDIT: Thanks mcobit! :)
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Sorry this is my fault! ;)

EDIT: You need to change the framebuffer value. to 640x480 (aspect correct) or 800x640 (Fat Mario stretched to fullscreen)
The second one should be 800x480 instead of 800x640.
Still not happy, I liked it better when the game took up the entire 16:9 screen.  800x480 results in a pillarboxed image, and I hate that.

Current settings:

Screen settings = 800x480

Window settings = 640x480

Frame Buffer = 800x480

Do I need to change Window settings?  (EDIT:  changing window settings to 800x480 causes it to hang when I try to load a game, all I get is the mouse cursor in the middle of the screen.)
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Very strange... I dn't have my Pandora to hand and my lunch break is coming to an end, so... I can only suggest experimenting with those values until you come to something that works... :/
Does anyone happen to have the older config file from a previous version of MUpen?
You can download older versions by clicking on the Archived button next to the Downloadbutton on the repo.

The code shouldn't have changed between versions, just the config.
To be fair, power up your n64 on a current gen TV... It's pretty blocky there too. Old CRTs Televisions sort of had a natural anti-aliasing.. 
^ I know, but the problem I have is that it was at least moderately smooth on the Pandora with the previous version of MUpen, it's absolutely abominable with the new one.  I understand this change was made with an eye towards improving performance, but it should've been made available as a separate config file available for download, because it utterly ruined the experience with a game that played just fine before.
I used n64oid for Pandora android yesterday for perfect dark, graphics looked much better and good speed vs mupen, but without the analog controls its just no fun, also played Winback and it played real good and without the graphics glitch that mupen has.
strange i just had time the other day to play around with mupen haven't since the new config file and found that a lot more games would play and even goldeneye is very playable and starfox as well, played that like 75% to the end then died.

that's with a rebirth oc to 1050ghz

sorry to hear it's giving you problems
I installed Gingerbread and N64oid today on my 1Ghz Pandora and the results are awesome. It's far better that Mupen, but a little bit below android consoles. Anyway, original resolution and fullspeed are back and Hirez texture packs are compatible. here is a pic of Super Mario 64 with Hirez textures and a small video (331 Mo - 1min)


Is this version 2.7? of n64oid.. I've tried this recently and my Rebirth unit clocked at 600mhz plays Mario and Zelda better with Mupen than it does with Android at the same resolution.. n64oid seems to do some anti-alaising so it looks cleaner.. but I rather have a few jaggies than the periodic slow downs I've experienced with n64oid with my 1Ghz Pandora. Not to mention it seems to lack a way of mapping the analogs so I'm stuck using the DPAD as an analog..
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