MultiDosgames Qemu PND,ready to play "Entry Project"

Yes and every new Qemu Version we tested

worked realy much slower than the :)

That is the Reason why i stay @ this Version.

More Emulation Speed ;)

Most work fine but here and there little Things what with a new Version should be fixed.

But want you realy a slower emulation then?

We tested much much Versions and is stable and faster then all other tested Versions on the Pandora.
Yes and every new Qemu Version we tested

worked realy much slower than the :)

That is the Reason why i stay @ this Version.

More Emulation Speed ;)

Most work fine but here and there little Things what with a new Version should be fixed.

But want you realy a slower emulation then?

We tested much much Versions and is stable and faster then all other tested Versions on the Pandora.
You can still make double versions of QEMU, like i've done it with DosBox EX. I would love to see haiku on OP even if QEMU will be slower
I only need more Time,i am on a Advent Saturday as Seller here in a famous big Electrical Store.

Much work,much People and loong working Time.

In the Moment have i not much time but in January much more then ;)

But in the Moment Hardcore working.

Today i am again 12 Hours not Home and that is normal here.

Then Sleeping+Eating+Girlfriend results in not much Time for Hobbies like Pandora.

But i am still working on a Slackware Image with Wine and Qemu-I386 is build in that from LinuxBochs.

Maybe i can Build the newest Qemu-System-I386 Git Version in a Differrent Directory for testing it for Haiku ;)

The git Version should work and with LinuxBochs Buildin Glshim have we maybe finaly an acceleration

when i open it in a OpenGL Window/Fullscreen.

It interest me too to try new Versions of Qemu.

Last Version i tried had Errors with the installed GTK Version.

But without GTK worked it only shortly because all Prebuild Images dont worked more.

It had many Errors to read the Qemu own Qcow2 Format.

Maybe i got the same with Haiku and the newer Version.

This Error appeared since Qemu 1.2 :(
The jury will have to check _every_ game proposed in the pnd to ensure the validity of the entry :D .

Phew that was hard today but the first biiig Step is done. :) (used nearly the entire Day for this)

A Test Image for the Qemu PND is uploading for Guys who want to Test.

Its very incomplete now because next Steps are :

Todo List:

- DONE Filling a bootable Qemu Image with many many Free Games and Sharewares and Demoversions. DONE :)

- Making a List what for Games exactly are inside

- making a Bootmenu for the working Games insde(not all testet yet)

- packing all into one PND for mostly easy using ;)

Here the actual Download Link for the Qemu Image for Testings:

Link Deleted,ist now on the Repo as PND:

(is uploaded)

there are around 160 Free Dos Games inside this Image :D

There are only Freeware/Shareware and Demoversions inside this Image,feel free to test but its an very early Version.
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Only the biggest first step was creating this Image ;)

Some Highlights are a

-Mario Game,

-BattleArena Toshinden Demo,


-GtaFreeware for Dos,

-many PointnClickAdventures in German/English

and TerminalVelocity and a Final Fantasy like Freeware RPG ^_^

mostly in Categorys like










some Games are in the Wrong Category now,will be fixed in next Testversion :lol:
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Hi a little Lifesignal from me.

I am too busy with other private Things to finish the Qemu Image Project now.

I will finish it for the Community,but in that early State cannot i participate.

You can mark my Project as "not finished yet"

Sorry,i hope you are not Angry.

I can packaging it this Evening into a PND and upload it to the Repo but the Todo List is:

-making a exactly List with Game and Software Stats

-try the Games which work and not

-making a Menu to choose your Game

When i packaging it yet will it be a big Surprise Dosgames PND ;)

Should i release this or should i make the other Things first?
Ok will Release as a PND this Evening ;)
Not complete but i can work on it after Releasing too.
Then you can see next Releases as Updates and Bugfixes ;)
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Its Uploading to the Repo but under Freedos will Elder Scrolls Arena not working.

You have around 160 Other Games to test.

Found an easy Solution fo the no Menu.

Just Type dc and the Doszip Commander will load with Mouse Support.

All my Qemu releases are inside,many many Point and Click Adventures

and Games for German Only Users too like Das Erbe and many many others.

First start can be 2-5 Minutes because the PND System will extracting one 1 GB big Qemu Image full of Games.

All Savestates from your Games are able to save in that Image in Appdata.

Games like:

Action Category:

- Abuse (Freeware)

- Alien Carnage aka Halloween Harry(Freeware)

- Assault Trooper

- Raptor (Shareware)

- Terran Fire (Freeware)

- Tomb Raider (Demoversion)

- Tyrian

Adventure Category:

- Teen Agent(Freeware)

- Bifi

- Bifi 2 Action in Hollywood

- Arnie goes for Gold

- Elder Scrolls Arena(maybe someone find the right startsettings)

- Gobliiins Demo

- Victor Loom

- Lure of Temptress

- Telekommando 1 +2

- TomLong

- Starship PDS

- Iron Will

and others

Arcade Games:


- Antarctic Adventire

- Apac

- Aquanoid

- Astrofire

- BCracers Demo

- Brix

- Cash Invaders


- CDogs

- Digger

- Elite

- Ganja

- God of Thunder

- Gravity Force

- Jetpack

- Kallico

- MRBoom

- Nibbler

- Overkill

- Smines2

- Spitwad

- Stryker

- Tummel

Beat N Up Category:

- One must Fall 2097

- Battle Arena Toshinden Demo

Jump and Runs:

- Super Angelou (Mario Clone)

- AroElmi

- Cduck

- Chrystal

- Darkage

- Earth Worm Jim (Demo)

- Foody

- Giana Sisters 32k Freeware

- Happy Land Adventures

- Inner Worlds Freeware

- Jump and Bump

- Kellogs Jump and Run

- Mario War Freeware

- MarioVGA

- Mega Man X Demoversion

- Pom Bear Chips Freeware

- Prince of Persia 4D Fangame

- Quiky Tricky Games 2 (Nesquik Freeware Game)

- Rayman (Demoversion)

- Toffifee Jump and Run

- Tom&Jerry Freeware

- Yogho! the Yoghurt Drink Jump and Run


- Balgame2

- Beyond

- BloHell

- Dbilly

- Gemworld

- Haspa

- Majong


- Qtetris

- Rechess

Racing Games:

- Bifi 3

- DigDogs

- Drally

- Ford Racing 1-5

- Highway

- Karts (Demo)

- Need for Speed (demo)

- Race Driver

- Skyroads XMAS Version

- Skyroads

- Stunts (aka 4d Sports Driving)

- Sworms (demo like Mario Kart)

- Tube

- Wacky Wheels Demoversion

- Whipsplash Demo (Aka Fatal Racing)


- GMSong (A Final Fantasy like Freeware Game)

- Ultimau (Demo)

Simulation and Action Simulation:

- LHX Chopper (Demo)

- Command & Conquer Freeware Dosversion

- Descent 1 Demo

- Falcon3

- Stunt Island Demo

- Linewars

- Max Mech and Mechanized Demo

- Pixels

- Radix Shareware(Realy cool,faster than Descent)

- Scuba

- Seek

- Settlers

- SF3000 (Demo)

- Sim City 2000 Demoversion

- Island Hopper

- Triplane

- Terminal Velocity Demoversion

- Warcraft Demoverion

- Warcraft 2 Demoversion

 and and and :D

Its Uploading yet to the Repo

Edit: Is uploaded to the Repo but with little Name Error,will be Corrected ;)

Edit Edit: Download Disabled,will new upload the Image,sorry.
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This will get download if the battle for whesnot is down on my Pandora SD Card..

Seems like the Pandora get a lot of huge games on his old days (they hopefully also on the Pyra work)...

400 mb isnt realy big, mybe it will need about 2 Hours to load..

Good that i have a 16 gb second Card, and all my Big PSX Roms on the first SD Card..
The Games in the List are not all,will edit them to the first Post.

btw: When you want to see a Video of the free Dosgames can you can you follow the white Rabbit into the German Forum ;)

No German Needed to see the Videos in the Spoilers :P

Alice in Wonderland awaits you ;)

Download here:

Little Bug on the Repo...

...i used a Remoted File which is hosted on the OP Server,because that are no Pictures visible on the Repo.

Maybe someone can Fix that ^_^
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