Sorry I was without internet for a few days (damn, that really hurts the urban kind of person, me).
What I though of music on the first place, is based on what moon patrol brought back on the days.
I consider it one of the very first arcades to have musical genre that is not a march(military), a rustic music (ya, classic) nor kid´s alegro music.
I see it as a nice funk soul and from that point on, I saw a great arcade music evolution.
I though to have something similar, the funk soul, my latest thoughts are around reproducing some stuff similar to kashmere stage band in a moon patrol style.
It may not fit or mix with the rest of sound fx, but the rest can be redone here (and some still is).
That is just my idea, if you want to do music for it, then it is best that you be free to do what you see fit.
The latest version now, other then the bullet time power, has a sand storm happening every now and then.
Let me know if you are interested in doing the music. PM me.
here is a bit of video, not much new though.