Hase tournament on Friday 24th April (Hase pro hints inside!)


Advanced Member
Jan 15, 2006

Levi, rygD and directive0 planned a little tournament on Friday the 24th of April at 10pm GMT.

I myself will try to participate, too.

There are not specific rules, just a meeting with people wanting to play hase against other real people and not just the AI.

It would be best if everyone, who wants to participate would have the version 1.5.3 (or any following version like and so on). Hase 1.5.2.x and 1.5.3.x are not server compatible (I changed the game logic). Just using the recent version from the repo is the best. :)

If you didn't notice yet: There is an IRC channel #hase on the freenode. Feel free to join it. The Hase lobby joins this channel automaticely. Even ingame you are able to chat with other players.

Hase doesn't need a fast wifi connection, only 2KB/s are needed. However if your Wifi connection is unstable or your pandora is even not available, you might consider playing with one of the other builds for other systems I made:

Linux 64 Bit: http://ziz.gp2x.de/downloads/hase/hase-amd64.tar.gz

Linux 32 Bit: http://ziz.gp2x.de/downloads/hase/hase-i386.tar.gz

Windows: http://ziz.gp2x.de/downloads/hase/hase-win32.zip

GCW: http://ziz.gp2x.de/downloads/hase/hase.opk

Caanoo: http://ziz.gp2x.de/downloads/hase/hase-caanoo.zip

Dingux: http://ziz.gp2x.de/downloads/hase/hase-dingux.zip

Opendingux: http://ziz.gp2x.de/downloads/hase/hase-opendingux.zip

Wiz (Probably broken): http://ziz.gp2x.de/downloads/hase/hase-wiz.zip

Open2x: http://ziz.gp2x.de/downloads/hase/hase-open2x.zip

GP2X: http://ziz.gp2x.de/downloads/hase/hase-gp2x.zip

If you loose the connection for more than 1 minute you are out and a stupid zombie will continue playing for you. ;)

I played and tested the last days a lot with other members from the board and I noticed, that you didn't make much use of the different weapons available - which it makes quite easy to win for me, because I do. Furthermore somtime you shoot in your own foot, because you mixed up the buttons for jumping and shooting. Keep in mind, you can always get an ingame button map help with pressing (Start). However here is a short Hase tutorial for your anyway. Maybe let this page open while playing on Friday to have a quick look if you are unsure:

  • left & right: Moving left and right. You are a hare (or a frog or a rocket man or you name it) in space, so this is the most natural way to move. Ever seen the video of the moon landing? The jumped, too! In fact walking on earth is just doing little jumps, too. ;) You may jump too far because of low gravity. This is intendent. :p
  • up & down: With this you can steer the direction of your weapon shown by the little crosshairs
  • ( B ): Opens a weapon dialog, in which you can choose the weapon. In the right, bottom corner you see your weapon points. Normally you have just 3. Every weapon consumes these weapon points. You can choose yourself, how many weapon points you use and how. You can use the little carrot bazooka twice and not using the remaining weapon points, you can spend all weapon points for the big bazooka or "Wingardium Leviosa" (later more) and so on. You will notice, that some weapons need more than 3 weapon points and are always greyed out. You will learn later how to get more than 3 weapon points. ;) Close this dialog with ( B ) again or (A).
  • (X): This shoots your weapon. At this point you loose the needed weapon points. If you can't afford the weapon to use nothing happens.
  • (L) & ( R ): With this you can adjust the shoot strength of the weapon or the distance for the building tool. Keep the gravity in mind!
  • (A): This let's you do a jump jump. A jump designed to jump high, not to move fast.
  • (Select): Shows an options menu and gives you the possibilty to exit. Also pauses the game.
  • (Start): Shows or hides a shorter version of this help
  • (Y): Everything not following uses a combination of (Y) and another button. These combinations are for moving the camera, to zoom in or out, hide playernames or the mini map or to chat.(Y) + any direction: Moving the camera in this direction.
  • (Y) + (L)/( R ): Zooming in and out
  • (Y) + (A): Chatting
  • (Y) + ( B ): Showing or hiding player names
  • (Y) + (X): Showing or hiding the mini map
Speaking about the mini map. In the menu map in the upper right corner, you will see 6 colors
  • blue: This is your active hare
  • green: These are your other hares
  • red: Your enemies
  • white: a health package
  • yellow: a weapon point tomato
  • brown: a mine
Speaking of items, here an explanation for every:
  • health.png
    : A health package gives the hare, which found it, 50 extra health!
  • power.png
    : A weapon point tomato gives you one extra weapon point for this turn. If you don't use it, you will loose it, except you your Kaio Ken (see in the weapons sections)
  • mine.png
    : A mine. If a hare is to close to it, it will start to blink red and explode.
  • bazooka_big.png
    Big carrot bazooka 3 WP: Balistic weapon, does around 50 damage.
  • bazooka_middle.png
    Middle carrot bazooka 2 WP: Balistic weapon, does around 30 damage.
  • bazooka_small.png
    Small carrot bazooka 1 WP: Balistic weapon, does around 14 damage. As you can see, the small bazooka and the middle bazooka joined do less damage than the big bazooka. However it is easier to target with more than one try. ;)
  • cluster.png
    Cluster bomb 3 WP: Balistic weapon, when it explodes it does a bit damage, but also splits in 5 sub bombs, which all do the same damage like the small bazooka. So in the best case you can do 5*14 damage, which is 70 damage for 3 WP. However you have to target well and need many hares at one spot.
  • build_big.png
    Big build circle 3 WP: Creates a big circle in the level. This circle has gravity, too! Use it to change the gravity or to protect yourself. You can also make "stairs". The biggest version is best for the gravity purpose.
  • build_middle.png
    Middle build circle 2 WP: Creates a middle circle in the level. This circle has gravity, too! Use it to change the gravity or to protect yourself. You can also make "stairs".
  • build_small.png
    Small build circle 1 WP: Creates a small circle in the level. This circle has gravity, too! Use it to change the gravity or to protect yourself. You can also make "stairs". Most of the time you want to use this cheapest version. ;)
  • mine.png
    Mine bomb 3 WP: Balistic weapon, let's you fire a mine. It makes a bit damage, when it lands and then works like a mine (see above).
  • expelliarmus.png
    Expelliarmus 2 WP: Non balistic weapon (like a gun in Worms). This is a spell, which makes always 30 damage if it hits. All spells do only affect one hare! If hares are very close to each other, it may be, that they hit the hare next to the hit hare instead ;) Use this spell for mid damage avoided the gravity foobar!
  • wingardium.png
    Wingardium Leviosa 3 WP: Non balistic weapon (like a gun in Worms), also a spell. The hit hare will do a super jump (see below). Use this to let hares float in space in low gravity regions. This weapon is somewhat like the baseball bat in Worms. ;)
  • stupor.png
    Stupor 4 WP: Non balistic weapon (like a gun in Worms), also a spell. Does 70 damage.
  • avada.png
    Avada Kedavra 5 WP: Non balistic weapon (like a gun in Worms), also a spell. Kills the hit hare. No mummies to protect you!
  • super_jump.png
    Super jump 1 WP: You do a very high jump. Try to avoid this in low gravity regions, you may float in space until you die at the border. However quite useful to change "planets" or to cross very high borders.
  • kaio_ken.png
    Kaio Ken 2 WP: You will start the next round with 1 weapon point more. You can use this multiple times. E.g. if you got a power tomato, you got 4WP. Then you use this weapon twice. The next round you will have 5WP. You should now know, what to do with this. :> If you did rubbish in a turn or float in space, loose your last seconds to give your weapon points to the next hare in your next turn! Goku would do the same!
  • prev.png
    Previous hare 1 WP: Your previous hare gets your active hare. Quite useful if your hare stays in the middle of nowhere. Keep in mind the choosen weapon is per hare, not per player. So the previous hare will most likely have choosen another weapon. Check it in the bottom, right corner.
  • next.png
    Next hare 1 WP: Your next hare gets your active hare. Quite useful if your hare stays in the middle of nowhere. Keep in mind the choosen weapon is per hare, not per player. So the next hare will most likely have choosen another weapon. Check it in the bottom, right corner.
Last but not least some final hints for the game:
  • In the 5 second you have to flee after you loose your last weapon point, it may be a good idea to sit on the head of an enemy hare. It can't move most likely. ;)
  • Avoid to stay next to another hare of you. It makes it easier for enemies to hit two or more of your hares at once
  • Getting health is most of the time better than shooting at another player. Even if you can't shoot afterwards. However think on the Kaio Ken in that case!
  • Insult your enemies with the insult button in the chat tool. It will make them angry and they will start doing mistakes!
I hope this helps you a bit.All your hares belong to me!


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Oh nice.  Will try to join and see how it goes.  Can the Pandora's microphone be used for ingame chat?  
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Just to check (because I don't think I got an answer last time) but I'm not sure GMT is what you think it is - it's not UK time.  It's UTC.  The UK is currently on UTC+1 thanks to DST, so as specified this contest will be held at 11pm UK time, midnight German time and 1am Finnish time.  More conveniently it should be 6pm east coast US time, which might allow some of our north American brethren to join us, but it may be a little late for some Euros.
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Just to check (because I don't think I got an answer last time) but I'm not sure GMT is what you think it is - it's not UK time.  It's UTC.  The UK is currently on UTC+1 thanks to DST, so as specified this contest will be held at 11pm UK time, midnight German time and 1am Finnish time.  More conveniently it should be 6pm east coast US time, which might allow some of our north American brethren to join us, but it may be a little late for some Euros.
I will be there earlier anyway. ;) But thanks for the clarification.
Cool. I might see if I can get some time

If you loose the connection for more than 1 minute you are out and a stupid zombie will continue playing for you. ;)
heh, it'll probably play better than me. I haven't had chance to play with this since that original "demo" you put out
Oh nice.  Will try to join and see how it goes.  Can the Pandora's microphone be used for ingame chat?
No. o_OI am speaking about normal IRC chat.

Cool. I might see if I can get some time

If you loose the connection for more than 1 minute you are out and a stupid zombie will continue playing for you. ;)
heh, it'll probably play better than me. I haven't had chance to play with this since that original "demo" you put out
Just give it a go against the AI and try to get familar with all weapons (maybe except the mine bomb. In fact it's useless ^^). That should be enough to have a good chance to win. Many of the game mechanics are random. You start point, how good you hit and of course, which items fall down. ;)
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Maybe folks with strong wiifi could run mumble & tv-out to make a let's play...
Not while playing, but the replays stay online for a week (Or more if I want :p ), so I could make some replays of the best games later. I probably will. Definitely of all games I will have won. ;) (Does this past in the future thing even work in the English language?)

Maybe folks with strong wiifi could run mumble & tv-out to make a let's play...
Or the people using the PC instead of the Pandora. Of course the disadvantage is, that the chat comments are lost. But I don't think, that they are so interesting anyway...
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Definitely of all games I will have won. ;) (Does this past in the future thing even work in the English language?)
It didn't faze me when I read it but I don't think it's totally standard english.  Or rather I think it's grammatically correct, but a rarely used feature of english as spoken by its native speakers.  Probably an englisher would write 'Definitely all of the games I win from now on' or something along those lines.
Hey I noticed that there are lots of possible game types for this.

In the interest of expediency would anyone mind a game round where we all play together, 1 dude per player, 30 second shot timer? The game could easily get ridiculous if there's 4-5 of us in there with 3 dudes each and 35-40 seconds.

Just throwing that out there.
Hey I noticed that there are lots of possible game types for this.

In the interest of expediency would anyone mind a game round where we all play together, 1 dude per player, 30 second shot timer? The game could easily get ridiculous if there's 4-5 of us in there with 3 dudes each and 35-40 seconds.

Just throwing that out there.
Yes. If we plan with more than 4 players, we should at most have 1 hare per player. However the engine supports a random number of players and hares. ;)
I've noticed the frame rate suffers if you have too many hares in the level.  I agree on 1 hare per person if we have a lot of players, but would prefer two per player as long as possible as then it gives the hare with one life left a slight advantage in that they can get two shots from one hare compared to one from each hare of their opponent.
I will be there earlier anyway. ;)
Me too!
I probably will be, too.

Hey I noticed that there are lots of possible game types for this.

In the interest of expediency would anyone mind a game round where we all play together, 1 dude per player, 30 second shot timer? The game could easily get ridiculous if there's 4-5 of us in there with 3 dudes each and 35-40 seconds.

Just throwing that out there.
Yes. If we plan with more than 4 players, we should at most have 1 hare per player. However the engine supports a random number of players and hares. ;)
I recall a few bunnies floating off into space during one game.  Would it slow things down much to have 2 per player?  Default is 3, so for 3 players that is 9 hares, and 12 for 4 players.  You can have 5 or 6 players with 2 each for aaround the same number of hares.  I guess I could just stick to the "newbies and idiots" games instead of the ones for people that know what they are doing.

I've noticed the frame rate suffers if you have too many hares in the level.  I agree on 1 hare per person if we have a lot of players, but would prefer two per player as long as possible as then it gives the hare with one life left a slight advantage in that they can get two shots from one hare compared to one from each hare of their opponent.
How many hares cause issues?  I forgot about multiple shots after losing hares.  I think the 2 or 3 best players should play each other with as many hares as possible.
I did some tests. With 48 bunnies it runs at least with 10 fps. That isn't much, but still playable.

However 26 teams with one bunny seemes to run quite well. :) And the team health bars fit all in the screen ;)

The problem is the collision checking. 48 bunnies neeed 48*47 = 2256 checks per ms, 26 bunnies need only 676 checks per ms. ;)

I created a replay with 26 team with one bunny. Just have a look, how well it runs.

But please use the most recent hase version for this! In the last one I forgot to include the sparrow3d version with NEON optimizations...
I would watch a video recording of this, but only if it has the chat included and there are enough players that there's enough time to write entertaining comments inbetween moves.
I would watch a video recording of this, but only if it has the chat included and there are enough players that there's enough time to write entertaining comments inbetween moves.
Just participate. ;)
For now I don't think, that someone will be able to record this.