Moxie passed away

Moxie was not a person I came into great contact with, but when I was still a lurker on this forum, his posts were some of the most interesting and insightful to read. It's a damn shame how many great people die way too young by cancer, and eventhough I knew about his struggle with it, I never would have thought it ended like this.

My thoughts are with his wife and kids, I wish them the very best of luck in the rest of their life. He will never be forgotten.
While I didn't know him personnally, nor can I recall having a long chat with him, I acknowledge he's been a great part of this community.
I do believe in afterlife, so I'm pretty sure he's on to new adventures. We shouldn't cry on his fate but rather wish him the best as he would probably do for any of us.

Maybe we could write something in the Pyra manual or anything.
Like : In fond memory of Real "Moxie" Name. (please insert his real identity here, I don't know it)
That would mean a lot to his family and us, and it's been done in many movies and stuff. I'm all for a little in memoriam for community members who passed away on the road to the Pyra release.
Very sad news.

Moxie was a great moderator of the community well before he officially was one. A truly nice and thoughtful guy who always spoke his mind without holding back, but in a way that you would stop and think about what he said instead of getting upset or defensive. Or you wished you didn't when you thought about it later. (not sure if digging through old posts will work against me here..)

My thoughts are with his wife and family. Hopefully they'll get to read this thread and find comfort and pride in being part of making Moxie who he was.
So sad to hear of this, like many of the regulars here, he seemed to me to be a decent kind of guy.
Respectful wishes to his close friends and family and anyone who's life is affected with this loss.
RIP Moxie
My condolences to those here who knew him personally.
I only knew him from some posts here and there but as many other mentioned he felt very level-headed, kind and knowledgeable, a great person who will be missed.
Oh No! My condolences. He was a very nice and funny dude. I always enjoyed his posts. Glad to hear he at least did not suffer, though his struggle alone was surely painful enough. May he rest in peace. He will be remembered well.
Instead of spending trillions of dollars on wars, that could be spent on cancer research and life extension research....
lighting a candle for Moxie... sorry... 11 days too late... (and a candle for the other member, whose name I forgot, who also left our ranks). ps: tomorrow is mothersday...