Moxie passed away


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
I have some really sad news today.
Moxies wife just informed me that he has passed away on May 2nd this year, after having a long fight with cancer.

Moxie was a well respected and long-time member of the community. He just had his 10-year-forum-anniversary in April.
He was always nice and helpful and lent us a helping hand as he was also a moderator at these boards.

I know him so long that it feels like I knew him personally. I know he wanted to have the Pyra in his hands before he died, but unfortunately that didn't work out.

According to his wife death itself was quick and painless, he didn't have to suffer much.

I post this thread in honor of him. It's always sad to see a long-time, reasonable and helpful community member pass away.

You were always there when someone needed to be sorted out here, always took lead when required and were always keen to talk about things. You were more than a mod and were a friend.

My condolences to Moxies family and to you EvilDragon. Reach out if you need to.

Speechless.. I wish the family and friends a lot of strength to get through this incredible hard time. RIP Moxie.
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I wasn't going to post because he already knew how much his friendship meant - and still means - to me. But I decided that I owe it to him and his family to share my thoughts of him like everyone else has.

Moxie was the most levelheaded person I've ever known. He had the best common sense and a fantastic sense of humour. His morals and principles were spot on too, and he always took the time to listen and reason with the utmost respect. Moxie was a truly remarkable friend and person. And he fought so so hard and had so so much hope about defeating the cancer. But though he's passed, he didn't lose. People like him never lose.

I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you when you came to London, but one day I'm sure we'll meet up wherever.

All my thoughts and condolences to his family and all those closest to him.

Gone but never forgotten, by any member of this community.


this is so sad.

i always liked your humourus posts.
thanks that i had the chance to be with you in the same great community.
i will name my pyra after you for remembering.
RIP and all the best, Moxie.
I can't really find any words. Just from reading how he responded to other people, I was able to understand what a good person he was.
RIP Moxie
I didn't know about his condition, sad thing indeed, he was a cool member of this community.

R.I.P. Moxie
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