Movie/music Player Lockup Issue, Fw 1.4 Related?


Still Fresh
Jan 19, 2006
United Kingdom
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Okay, Here's the deal.

I like to watch Tv series episodes during my lunchbreak, at 40mins long it's ideal, the problem seems to be however that after approx 8-9Mins of play (At any clockspeed) the video will just freeze, but it's not just a complete lockup as the Moviplayer menu still displays, you just can't exit back to the main menu or resume play/rew etc.

This happened for the first time yesterday so I thought I'd wait until today to ensure it's not just a badly encoded file (I didn't rip them), unfortunately it happened again with the next in the series (Once or twice) and the only way to carry on is restart.

This is annoying enough but it also happened whilst playing an album doing exactly the same thing after a few tracks, this leads me to think that something is still wrong with the sound subsystem, I know some apps have had issues after the upgrade.

(P.s the batts are fully charged 2500mah, FW 1.4 Official)
ive been having the same video problems while watching a a videos thru tvout keeps freezing every now and then have to restart to get ut working

very annpying
yep same problem. But i noticed a strange thing (maybe it is just a coincidence, i dunno) the video seems to freeze when i touch the headphone jack (you heard a noise in the headphone) O_o, but as i said, i may be only a coincidence.
Maybe its because you are running the video in Safe Mode? (100mhz) You can change that in the Movie-Explorer with the Y button(it displays the current mode in the upper left)

No I dont think so, I have tried it at all settings, although save is too jerky to watch at this resolution

yep same problem. But i noticed a strange thing (maybe it is just a coincidence, i dunno) the video seems to freeze when i touch the headphone jack (you heard a noise in the headphone) O_o, but as i said, i may be only a coincidence.

I was using headphones however I unless this is shorting something internally I'm not sure how this could affect things

Will test without phones now...
2Gb A-DATA 50x - Samsung Flash

N.B Just tested again, no phones, Clockspeed=Normal, Next episode in series, slight glitch at 3 Mins touch of Y button to bring up menu resumed play, 13 Mins Full lockup Reset required.

Def something not right here, hope it's the firmware as
A - Craigix dreads returns :lol:
B - It's been a solid performer and I'm quite attached to it B)
I have just updated to the newist firmware and when I try to load a video I just get stuck on the loading screen and the only way to get out of it is to switch the unit off and back on.

Any idea what's causing this, it was fine before the update.
I've tried videos that I first watched when I got my GP2X and they no longer work, I just get what looks like pink/green tv fuzz and audio or either a black screen and audio.

Any idea what's going on, i've tried all 3 video type, Save, Full and the other one but still same problem.
This happens alot with my music player these 'lockups'.

It isnt permanent though, cuz i can just push the play button again and then its back to normal.
How bad is the movie using ffmplay? Then you can single out if it is app, or hardware a little easier.
The sync issues are fixed, but now it crashes during playback? Great.

Ah well, yet another reason for me to get ffplay using the video hardware (I'm getting there) :)
Damn, this is a widespread issue.

Still with nickspoon's FFplay in the works, I can't see myself using the Movie/Music too much longer, how is the GUi coming along by the way?

Rimmer (I'm performing the salute as we speak) does your 150x card provide any advantage in apps/Emus like GP2PSX etc?
I was considering getting a faster card but up until now everything seemed pretty good...
Gaijin posted on Feb 22 2006 at 09:10 PM said:
Rimmer (I'm performing the salute as we speak) does your 150x card provide any advantage in apps/Emus like GP2PSX etc?
I was considering getting a faster card but up until now everything seemed pretty good...


Sorry, but this 2GB card is the only one SD I have, so I don't know whether any difference is here. The only thing I can confirm is that this A-DATA works for firmware flashig.
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