Pandora Light Music Player For Pandora

may88 said:
Well it's very much WIP and very, very lightweight. Developed on Linux and not tested on window as yet.
The files are under here.
You need the kithara_0.1.0.tar.gz file. Unzip, untar and run (or pyw) in a terminal (still some debug stuff written here).

u it was WIP. :P

Cool, I'll be receiving my beauty... tomorrow it seems, if ups is correct, no European hurricanes will suddenly spawn, and it survives whatever other sudden natural disaster it may have to cope with. Surreal...

I'll try it out one of the next days, since python seems to be preinstalled on the pandora, and i don't have it on my linux box (yet, started minimal)

On my player: I switched development for this project to linux, and it has been much nicer to me regarding libraries and stuff. So tag implementation should be demo'd soon.
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MarkoeZ said:
Cool, I'll be receiving my beauty... tomorrow it seems, if ups is correct, no European hurricanes will suddenly spawn, and it survives whatever other sudden natural disaster it may have to cope with. Surreal...

I'll try it out one of the next days, since python seems to be preinstalled on the pandora, and i don't have it on my linux box (yet, started minimal)

On my player: I switched development for this project to linux, and it has been much nicer to me regarding libraries and stuff. So tag implementation should be demo'd soon.
Good news indeed about your Pandora. I'm sure you have your other little project to run on it first. :P This will be one of the first things I'll be running too.
Mainly because I want to hear how Nick's music sounds.

R.E. my player. It would be good to get some feedback on how it sits on a Pandora. The buttons are 100x100 and I image this will give a "largish chunky" look which is finger-able.

R.E. your player - not sure the font in your screen shots is very clear. Something crisper maybe??
I too may steal some of foxblock's ideas. I've been thinking a lot about how to handle the "library" - easy of use verses I-am-not-going-to-spend-the-rest-of-my-life-on-this. The good thing about my approach (python) is that is some little oike says they want a feature I can say "You have the source code. Add it yourself." :)
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MarkoeZ said:
lol, to everyone: font is fixed for now ;)


Some obvious path differences to be fixed, all works though :) but i'll resume work soon
This look like what I'm looking for : music player finger friendly
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Both of these players look really nice. A player with all of the features foxtrot mentioned would be pretty awesome ;D
If it was made open source once you've finished then like, loads of people could contribute and hopefully more features could be implemented rather quickly.

Of course, if you don't want to make it open source, that's understandable.

Gah these forums are just getting me hyped about getting my own Pandora, I hope my parents let me ahaha :P
Josh Yaxley said:
Both of these players look really nice. A player with all of the features foxtrot mentioned would be pretty awesome ;D

It would also take a long time, though. For me, so long as it is able to display album art, can use ReplayGain, and has a shuffle mode, I'll be using it fo' sho'. I think the idea of having it skinnable would certainly add to the popularity, but it's far from an important feature.
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vadsamoht said:
Josh Yaxley said:
Both of these players look really nice. A player with all of the features foxtrot mentioned would be pretty awesome ;D

It would also take a long time, though. For me, so long as it is able to display album art, can use ReplayGain, and has a shuffle mode, I'll be using it fo' sho'. I think the idea of having it skinnable would certainly add to the popularity, but it's far from an important feature.

ReplayGain - just reading about this now. Sounds like an excellent idea and essential for shuffle mode/headphone usage. Something I will look to add methinks.
shuffle mode = lucky dip. At the moment this just makes the "next" track function return a random track, I suspect this mature in time.
Album Art in on the to-do list. I like the shoulder buttons idea for closed box operation and the mouse gestures during playlist editing.

Skinnable - sort of designed to make changing the look easy. It's python/pygame - The player is the code, the code is the player. Open up gedit and personalise it. ;)
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This looks really nice, although I must say that its quite boring waiting for it to handle 40+ gigs of Music directories! :)
torpor said:
This looks really nice, although I must say that its quite boring waiting for it to handle 40+ gigs of Music directories! :)
My! What large CD cards you have. :P
It is supposed to be a light weight player! The player will start to play the first track it spots immediately. Just hope that it's a long one. :)

In my travels I spotted Quod Libet. It's got some cool ideas for handling LARGE music libraries. Like being able to grep them. So to be clear I will not be producing anything to this standard. :P
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I'm still hacking at this. :P Currently thinking about making a finger friendly play-list editor.

How small can the font be and still remain fingerable on the Pandora screen?

Latest WIP image. Bit of a visual redesign. Common header for all screens. The footer can change depending on the screen, and the middle bit will display one of five screens, 1. track info, 2. Playlist - select from the master list into the play queue or into a playlist being edited, or select by album art for the play queue, select by genre or a config screen.

Concept of The Queue. Drag and drop playlists to the queue. Tracks/artists/genres/albums dragged here will create a PlayNow! playlist. Playlist can be flagged to requeue.

The "database" is just a python class which is pickled to a flat file and reloaded. Stop and start the player and it remember the previous state of play.

To do list too long to list and grow faster with ideas than I can code. :P