Mounting the .PND failed.

Jan 7, 2013
I know several people encountered this problem, but give me a simple way to fix this problem.

After quitting CrlMAMEPro and moving my Micro SD card from my laptop to my OpenPandora while it was charging, I ran a Neo Geo emulator and a pop up window came up and said "Mounting the .PND failed".
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Yes I am having the same problem with some PNDs. I tried looking on the boards but the search option is hard to use :P I tried everything except reflashing my Pandora but I really don't want to do that just a few PNDs. 
Never happens for me, some possibilities:

1) Maybe you just need to reboot and try it again. Was the PND in question working before? If it was working before and a reboot doesn't help, do you have the PND stored on your PC? Copy it to the SD card again (deleting the old one).

2) If the PND never worked or won't work after a reboot or replacement, it could be Broken/Corrupt - try downloading it from the repo again, doublechecking it's the right size when you get it.

3) Some SD cards can be problematic, if either of the above works but you get similar problems again, look into getting a reputable brand SD card that others have no problems with.
I solved my problem: first I backed up the data, then I formatted the SD card, then copied the backup data back to the SD card. And strangely, some files I used to have on my SD card before returned in my current data.