Mounting Problems Pnd's


Sep 4, 2008
B.C Canada
Hello Guys,

I am at my wits end surounding mounting problems. I have had nothing but problems with PND's working one minute and not mounting the next.
If I remove my SD card at any time and reinsert it... Some of my Emulators do not work and kick back a Mount Error.
Case in point.. the new Clock App that was kindly ported for me. Well, 2 were ported but lets look at the FlipClock PND.

It initially would not mount stating in the error log, invalid FS. I thought it was a problem with my SD card. For some reason, it started to work and I thought all was well. I turned off my Pandora and later when I restarted it.. it did not work and kicked back..
"Mounting the PND failed. The aqpplication wont start. Please have a lok at /tmp/pndrun_FlipClock.out.

The file showed the following :

sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ -m -p /media/PANDORA/pandora/menu//flipclock.pnd -e ./fcT -b FlipClock -a
getopt: option requires an argument -- 'a'
The Union File-system is not mounted !

I reformated my SD card with FAT32, reloaded my card including the flipclock pnd under the menu folder and tried again.
I got the same message this time through..

I am running the latest Beta Hotfix and just recently re-flashed when I installed the Hotfix.
It just seems that sometimes the pnd's work, other times they do not, even after removing and reinserting the SD card.

I am not sure what is going on. Is it my SD card, it is the PND file ?
Can anyone point me in the right direction to determine what might be the cause to my problems ?

Thank you,

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It may have been the PND file in the case of FlipClock.pnd, because I left in the default "arguments=" property on the application node .. this was removed and seems not to be causing any problems with the mount any more. Please re-download the flipclock beta ( and try again - btw, the beta is going to have a few more bug fixes done to it today (Sunday) so if you're interested, stay tuned ..

Thank you.. I thought I was taking crazy pills or something. The FlipClock does load now ok but I will post the bugs in the appropriate thead.
I still would like to figure out why I am experienceing so many PND mount problems. Is this normal ?
Do you have to unmount the SD card everytime before removing it ?


Eisner said:
I still would like to figure out why I am experienceing so many PND mount problems. Is this normal ?
Is it any how related to that : ?

Eisner said:
Do you have to unmount the SD card everytime before removing it ?
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Good to hear.. Must not have been fixed in the latest HF yet as I have installed the latest Beta HF and I still have the problem.. If this is the issue and it sounds like it is, then at least there is hope for a fix.

this should be fixed.... as I have not had this issue prior to any of the beta hotfixes....
TJFBryant said:
this should be fixed.... as I have not had this issue prior to any of the beta hotfixes....

If it has been fixed, I wonder why I am still having mount problems with my Patriot 16GB Class 6 card.
I was looking at getting another 16GB card or maybe 32GB. What does the forum generally suggest is the best class and card company to go with ?

I was looking at the Kingston Cards but I am weary about going with another Class 6 or 10 if I am going to run into the same problems.
I read that for most cases, getting another other than Class 4 is not really needed and I stress.. in most cases. Faster is always better but I do not want to run into the same problems as I currently have.

Is there any other way to see if it is my Pandora or my card other than trying a different SD card ?

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I said "will be fixed in next HF" as in not yet done ;)
My changes havent been integrated in the lastest beta as I've done this after ED created this beta.
I wasnt aware of the problem until Prometheus bugged me about it.
^ It's not your Pandora, it's not your card. It's just a bit of junk from the UnionFS setup, that isn't getting cleaned up after you use an application - I documented this a really long time ago, it's the ".aufs.xino" problem (the old thread where I first made a note of this is here).

It is my understanding that it should be fixed by the time that Hotfix 5 is finalised, as at one point sebt3 linked me to a still-work-in-progress fixed version of, which did contain the fix for it (long story short, it won't work under Hotfix 4, so just wait a bit longer :P ).

EDIT: Ninja'd by the man himself. :P
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sebt3 said:
I said "will be fixed in next HF" as in not yet done ;)
My changes havent been integrated in the lastest beta as I've done this after ED created this beta.
I wasnt aware of the problem until Prometheus bugged me about it.

I apologize.. I misunderstood your response ( enter... did not read it well enough :blink: ).
I am glad to hear that it is not my Pandora nor my card but an issue that will be fixed.

Thank you
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Prometheus said:
^ It's not your Pandora, it's not your card. It's just a bit of junk from the UnionFS setup, that isn't getting cleaned up after you use an application - I documented this a really long time ago, it's the ".aufs.xino" problem (the old thread where I first made a note of this is here).

Thank the lord.. Glad to hear this... I did not find this old thread.. Will have to give it a read.

It is my understanding that it should be fixed by the time that Hotfix 5 is finalised, as at one point sebt3 linked me to a still-work-in-progress fixed version of, which did contain the fix for it (long story short, it won't work under Hotfix 4, so just wait a bit longer :P ).

Good to hear, thank you.

EDIT: Ninja'd by the man himself. :P
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So, as per my last post...

Would you recommend a Class 4, 6, 10 ?? card or will the class (speed) not really have an negative impact ( as I have read in the forum read, can be) once this problem is fixed in the next HF ?
I am fine to go with Class 10 as the cost, in some cases, is cheaper than a Class 4 card. Just want to make sure if there is some factor other than cost that I should consider.