More unusual features in emulators?


Still Fresh
May 10, 2009
Warwickshire, the UK
The GP2x had some really nice, full speed emulators. But now as we find ourselves edging closer to the release of the Wiz, I find myself wondering about the myriad of extra gimmicks of certain consoles.

For example, the Gameboy printer. I've noticed that Visual Boy Advance has emulation of this (although I haven't Attempted to 'print' anything with it) it would be pretty cool to be able to dump image files or whatever to the SD card or NAND.

Maybe as developers have the base of their software coded for the GP2x already, (and I say maybe, because I know nothing about coding whatsoever) they would be more inclined to add fun extra features, as that might free up their time a bit :D I know the SNES emulator for the DS, as bad as it is, has SNES mouse support using the touch screen. I know these things would probably be difficult to make, but just imagine playing touch screen duck hunt or (god forbid) using the screen like the power glove, that would be bad! :lol: