Pandora Emulator Features ?

Game servers to play other Pandora owners on :blink: . Seriously, that would be the SWEETEST feature since savestates I've ever heard of being implemented on old games. Pandoras would be selling a shit ton of them even after the 4th batch. I can see it now, playing random people at Super Tecmo Bowl on NES.

But it's such a genius idea I'm sure other people have thought of it and I'm sure it's quit hard to implement. But still, such a sweet idea.
FireHazard51 said:
Game servers to play other Pandora owners on :blink: . Seriously, that would be the SWEETEST feature since savestates I've ever heard of being implemented on old games. Pandoras would be selling a shit ton of them even after the 4th batch. I can see it now, playing random people at Super Tecmo Bowl on NES.

But it's such a genius idea I'm sure other people have thought of it and I'm sure it's quit hard to implement. But still, such a sweet idea.
Well there used to be Kaillera for that but it wasn't very well supported by the emulators. Shame they won't open source it as it's going to waste :(
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FireHazard51 said:
Game servers to play other Pandora owners on :blink: . Seriously, that would be the SWEETEST feature since savestates I've ever heard of being implemented on old games. Pandoras would be selling a shit ton of them even after the 4th batch. I can see it now, playing random people at Super Tecmo Bowl on NES.

But it's such a genius idea I'm sure other people have thought of it and I'm sure it's quit hard to implement. But still, such a sweet idea.
See this developers thread:

Looks very promising and will be a convenient way for devs to integrate online functionality.

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centrlink said:
See this developers thread:

Looks very promising and will be a convenient way for devs to integrate online functionality.


There's also TINXL :)

EDIT: POND is more the sort for commercial/homebrew multi-player games, while TINXL could be better for emulators (although they could both work for either I suppose).
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Net play would be sweet. I think a standard multiplayer client simillar to kaillera would be good (with a host server feature aswell) i guess most of you have used or at least heard of kaillera before.

A second idea would be a 'send rom via bluetooth' if the person doesnt have the rom that you want to 2player with.

djmaddis said:
A second idea would be a 'send rom via bluetooth' if the person doesnt have the rom that you want to 2player with.
Whilst I must admit to having had a similar idea, I suspect it wouldnt be a good move, mostly for legal reasons. Whilst there's nothing inherantly wrong with it - for instance, if you're only playing public domain roms, and one happens to be 2 player - it seems like the kind of emulator feature that would cause problems sooner or later...
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i can remember this feature in a gameboy colour emulator for symbian s60 which i had on a phone a year or so ago. Cant remember the name off the top of my head. I think thats what inspired me for the suggestion.
Save states and control configuration are the only things needed...otherwise no.

But could there be a way to port ZSNES somehow? that's the best SNES emulator. It was ported to the Xbox (believe it or not, the Xbox port is BETTER than the PC version) I'd say it "could" be possible to port "somehow (I'm not a programmer)" to the pandora.

Or otherwise Snes9x would be a pretty good secondary option (since this one has been ported to everywhere!)


Savestates are for cheaters, if you are going to cheat why not have gameshark and cheat searching ability?

Another example is, in my case I like playing a lot of RPG games and sometimes I just don't feel like playing a game anymore at some point and the next save point is who knows how far away, I don't want to spend like half an hour looking for another one so I just use a savestate and quit, I don't use it for the way, savestates ARE needed by emulators, almost every emulator for any system out there has it and it's a feature that many emulators that have been running for years had since day one or close thereafter.
Moonfrost said:
But could there be a way to port ZSNES somehow? that's the best SNES emulator. It was ported to the Xbox (believe it or not, the Xbox port is BETTER than the PC version) I'd say it "could" be possible to port "somehow (I'm not a programmer)" to the pandora.
I'm afraid not. ZSNES is full of x86 assembly, as I understand it - that pretty much rules it out.
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Just stumbled accross this open source version of Kaillera:

Quote from their homepage:

"Is there a linux port for the client library? Which distro would I need? Can it be ported on other platforms? Is this wine compatible?

A: The 0.15 WIP version (latest) is compileable on linux and has been tested to work perfectly. As far as dependencies are concerned, it only depends on pthread (threading), rt (clock) and juce (GUI). The rest is written with portable bsd socket functions and standard c++. Juce sources needs to be downloaded to compile those sources and is obtainable from their website. It depends on pthread, X11 & freetype. Since all distros have them, there should be no problems involving compilation, linkage and usage.
It works perfectly on wine environment too if you compile it on windows."

I am not a programmer but does this sound ok?
djmaddis said:
A second idea would be a 'send rom via bluetooth' if the person doesnt have the rom that you want to 2player with.
This has the potential to be a very dangerous feature, actually. It feels to me to be falling very close to the dark side of the legal grey area that emulation inhabits. Besides, it's totally useless. If the person doesn't have a ROM and you are in a position that you can legally share said ROM, just pass over your SD card and copy directly from one card to the other. It'll be faster than copying via bluetooth or network.
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My two cents is that emulators should always have GUIs that are accessible in midgame. This is why I don't like frontends. This is good if I forget the key to a certain action or if the settings are being finicky.
Now that I understand the OP, sorry. (must be a communication error, combined with me not paying attention)

It would be sweet if you could play a game of Tekken 3 over the wireless (if you are near somebody that shelled out $400 for a handheld too.)

Better yet if you could play against PC/MAC/Linux emulators, so the guy who spent $150 on a decent (ancient) laptop with plenty of power to emulate SNES and PSX could play you.