Mini Menu questions


Jan 4, 2011
I hate XFC with a passion.

Love mini menu however

Will a music player ever be implemented? For instance if you pressed some weird combo you could skip tracks in game. Is multi tasking in the works? I still love how the pandora button just kills the app you're running so cleanly as I can never be bothered to learn whatever combination the devs have set up to exit with all the apps. I hope if multi tasking is in the works it still kills the apps in such a clean way.

Secondly when I toggle my wifi in Mini menu it enables however it wont work as you need to be in xfc for the password manager propt to start.

Also Fennec web browser is ace :)

Also is there a way for mini menu to have the apps i want when i open it up?
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Minimenus author Skeezix will no doubt give you some feedback on those points but as the first person to mention Fennec in any light whatsoever, despite a 6 page thread on web-browsers

Congrats you just won a special prize :)

(Fennec has a friend now and is well pleased with that)
Mmenu can be configured to switch to your desired tab on launch (See the Select -> Configure menu), which helps. (Also see the hotfix 5 beta 3 or minimenu preview threads to get the most current mmenu, as a lot is changing these days, with another build comign today/tomorrow :)

In the configure screen you can also show/hide any apps or tabs you don't need, so you can sort of narrow in.

Soon you'll be able to re-assign the apps to tabs, so you can move apps around a bit to try and organize your own way; not sure how far I'll get with that right away, but lots of customization on the way.

I'm still not sure how far to go with things like music player/control, video player, etc. Recent mmenu's is exposing a basic directory browser so you can cruise around your SD cards to run things; it is tempting to make it so if you hit run on an mp3 (for example) that it could just play it (likewise playing movies, etc); but mmenu ois meant ot be tight and fast and not full of 'junk', so I'm tryign to resist going so far. I could have mmenu invoke the preferred audio player when you run an mp3 say (such as play mplayer or vlc or whatever), but in that case there'd be no way to manage the audio from mmenu (each app would have its own api, if it has one at all.) Another option is to build a music player into mmenu say, with controls. And oif course, your question about playing music and controlling it while another fullscreen app is up .. lots of complex stuff :)

mmenu can support multi-tasking in the sense where .. mmenu doesn't get in the way nor care if you do it, but doesnm't offer a direct way of controlling existing apps.. thats out of 'scope'; more recent mmenu's have an option in the configure screen so that mmenu doesn't quit when you run an app, though. Change your environment a bit to use a system shell/tray at the scren bottom say (like in xfce), and mmenu as your launcher, and you're in pretty good shape; Pleng has been doing that .. instead of just mmenu (exiting on runs), he set it up for mmenu (not exiting on run) + app-bar, and then you've got a decent mmenu based multi-tasking setup.

ITs all a work in progress :) Sorry for the messy reply, butjust woke up, and no caffeine yet, so I'm all scattered :)

I'm still not sure how far to go with things like music player/control, video player, etc. Recent mmenu's is exposing a basic directory browser so you can cruise around your SD cards to run things; it is tempting to make it so if you hit run on an mp3 (for example) that it could just play it (likewise playing movies, etc); but mmenu ois meant ot be tight and fast and not full of 'junk', so I'm tryign to resist going so far. I could have mmenu invoke the preferred audio player when you run an mp3 say (such as play mplayer or vlc or whatever), but in that case there'd be no way to manage the audio from mmenu (each app would have its own api, if it has one at all.) Another option is to build a music player into mmenu say, with controls. And oif course, your question about playing music and controlling it while another fullscreen app is up .. lots of complex stuff :)

Do any of the already ported players have an API that would allow them to be controlled from mmenu? I remember I once had a Trillan plugin that let me control Winamp directly from the always docked and visible Trillian window. Could mmenu not do something similar? Call MP3 player X, then pass control messages from a simple interface. If as you mentioned a taskbar is used, then it could use that for the UI, or perhaps be triggered through some kind of global hotkey?

Just a thought... :-)
Wow I just flashed to latest firmware and mini menu is looking sweet.

Still would be amazing to have wifi thing sorted though.

I see in skeezix's post above on the 1st Feb that it will be possible to - "be able to re-assign the apps to tabs, so you can move apps around a bit to try and organize your own way; not sure how far I'll get with that right away, but lots of customization on the way".

I've only just got my Pandora so I'm not if this has been implemented yet or I'm just too stupid to work out how to do this! (I guessing it is the latter!)

Can anyone help

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Wow I just flashed to latest firmware and mini menu is looking sweet.

Still would be amazing to have wifi thing sorted though.

Hi Richiz, if you mean the "Keyring" password then next time you do a flash (on the Pandora)when it asks for a keyring leave it blank and click "Create" it will then say "Store Unsafe" click and thats it.
Hi thanks that doesn't work though. Still have to boot into xf-crappy-c to initialise my wifi.

Still want someone to do a basic mpr player in mmenu :(