Milky Trakcer+Korg Nano Key


Advanced Member
Oct 25, 2011
I have tried milky and it is wonderful.
Specially after the voxatron guy used it to compose his soo much beautiful music.
scroll down the blog for a XM version.

One problem my version crashes when exit.
Another, I have borrowed a korg nano key from a friend and have tried with the usb, no success.
But then again, no success on the pc either yet, I will give better tries these days...

What is the last / best milkytracker for the caanoo?
erico said:
I have tried milky and it is wonderful.
Specially after the voxatron guy used it to compose his soo much beautiful music.
scroll down the blog for a XM version.

One problem my version crashes when exit.
Another, I have borrowed a korg nano key from a friend and have tried with the usb, no success.
But then again, no success on the pc either yet, I will give better tries these days...

What is the last / best milkytracker for the caanoo?

I compiled Milkytracker for the Caanoo last summer, and the crashing is due to a segmentation fault. I've been working on solving this problem, but haven't had any success so far. The program seems to exit properly after crashing, it's just that gp2x menu doesn't start back up again.

Anyway, no, it probably wouldn't work right out of the box. You might be able to get it to work (or even a mouse to work) if you compile and insert a kernel module for it. If that doesn't work, maybe some source code editing will do it. However, a standard USB keyboard should work well, even though the key combos might be a bit different from the PC version of Milkytracker.

So the one I compiled last summer is the best out there for the Caanoo at this point. I've recently dug through my backups and scollback logs and I'm getting onto fixing a few things, but I won't have much time to do so.

If you want help on compiling and inserting a kernel module, look back in the forums and look for threads that talk about compiling/inserting WIFI kernel modules, those would probably help you a great deal.

A script (run from Milkytracker's directory) to run milky and insert the kernel module would look something like this:
/sbin/insmod /mnt/sd/driver/sta1386.ko

Also, if anyone knows anything about debugging with the Caanoo or SDL, I could probably use some pointers. I've tried littering the code with printfs, but either they're not being printed or they aren't in the area that's having problems... or maybe I just need to flush the buffer...
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