Boy, this is the biggest cluster fuck I think I've ever seen in video gaming history, and I've seen some whoppers!
I never wanted the ONE, simply because I can't stand forced motion/movement controls. Now, although I wasn't being forced to actually use the Kinect, I was being forced to buy it. The Kinect represents everything that I find wrong with MS gaming division these days. Ever since this thing was introduced, MS seems more concerned to appease the masses, than the gamers who supported their efforts in to the video gaming unknown.
Now, I want a ONE even less than before, for no other reason than these guys have no clue what they want to do. Although I'm no fan of the Kinect, I do support the idea of them including this "thing" with every unit, as that is the only way it will ever see proper support over time, but they should be paying for it, not me. I really think Sony should have included their new "Eye" device as well(for free), and at least it would have hopes of more than a lame add on device that it is sure to become.
All I see when that ONE $499.99 price pops up, is a device I don't want to pay an extra 100 to own, for a device I don't want. If its cool, and can add to my experiences, great. But if its a glorified "paper weight" like the original, I'd rather keep my money. Now, if they are saying it's not required, what the hell is the point? Damn, the ONE hasn't even been released yet, and MS has changed their plans waaaaaaaaaaay to many times for my liking. There is no way this thing is ever going to be good with so many flip flops.