Release Merry Christmas From Ed With A New Pandora C64 Vice Video

Awakening said:
GunPei2X said:
I actually like it with the old chunky sprite there :)

Only if the whole game was in the same style, but then what's the point in a remake?

I totally agree, and I love chunky graphics; just see pretty much everything I've ever done (probably because i owned an Amstrad CPC and loved Mode 0 :P)

I could reproduce the C64 game pixel for pixel, but then you might as well just play the original version in an emulator. When I write a remake I ensure that they are enhanced - fix any bugs or issues that I didn't like about the original game as well as improve graphics and sound and add extras that I think might improve the experience, as well as adding accessibility options (like redefine keys etc.). With IM, there aren't any bugs/issues I wanted to fix, but the graphics and (not so much) sound are pretty lacking nowadays.

It will however see the light of day, maybe even this year, fingers crossed :)
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Yeah can you make putting together the puzzle pieces easier to figure out? ;-) That was the Impossible part of the Mission IMHO
There seem to be three types of people where IM is concerned -

i) Those that enjoyed the platforming sections, but hated the puzzle bits
ii) Those that enjoyed the puzzle bits buts found the platforming tedious
iii) Those that enjoyed both equally

I fall into the latter category and that's why my remake currently uses the same puzzle pieces as the original. I am open to alternatives though, as the majority of IM players seem to fit into the first category.
iprice said:
It will however see the light of day, maybe even this year, fingers crossed :)

Oh, I think you are a few hours too late for that now ;)

iprice said:
There seem to be three types of people where IM is concerned -

i) Those that enjoyed the platforming sections, but hated the puzzle bits
ii) Those that enjoyed the puzzle bits buts found the platforming tedious
iii) Those that enjoyed both equally

I fall into the latter category and that's why my remake currently uses the same puzzle pieces as the original. I am open to alternatives though, as the majority of IM players seem to fit into the first category.

Would be cool if you made the game with 3 options:

1. Easier puzzles
2. Easier exploration
3. Full game
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Oh, I think you are a few hours too late for that now ;)
I was already in New Year mode when I wrote that - having already seen others post New Year messages :P Besides the game is pretty much finished, just not available on the formats we all love and/or want ;)

Would be cool if you made the game with 3 options:

1. Easier puzzles
2. Easier exploration
3. Full game

1. Possible.
2. Hmmmm. Options already exist for infinite time and infinite snoozes/lift inits, but the platforming is what it is. Uncompleted rooms appear differently on the map already.
3. Of course :)
4. New rooms? Maybe... ;)
Puzzles have been traditionally mixed up colors, rotated, flipped, mirrored, superimposed... I just want to find all the pieces, then find the exit, and win, or do something really simple like put them together without having to superimpose them or change the colors.
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wow, price. That looks like photos. Did he make those with gimp or what? The pixely images are just unfinished or unmade pictures though, right?
Cool, iPrice. Looks better than the PS2, Wii, DS, and PSP versions.








All the graphics were created with 3DS Max with touching up done in PhotoShop IIRC. The pixellated images are rips from the C64 version.

As for looking better than the recent commercial remakes - that was the plan :)
I must say that I like how colorful those other versions are, especially the Wii picture. And I love the indented elevator shafts and the lines going across the walls, mixed with the colors the images becomes less dull. I've always been in favor of more cartoonish colorful styles then grey realism.
I have to admit that I actually asked the artist to add colour and extra detail to the grey backdrops (you should have seen them before!), as I didn't like them looking so plain and boring. He added extra detail (which looks great), but refused to add colour, not even a wash. He was really odd in many ways, and to get so far into the project and drop out was very unexpected. :(

I had to create an animated feature for the wall fans, which I thought would look cool. He refused to implement it (wouldn't give a reason), so I did. It looked cool and really added to the scenes that they appeared in. He admitted I was right. Same thing with the tape machines - he had an animated feature that looked totally wrong. I fixed it to be more random; tape reels rotating back and forth and it looked so much better. Again he agreed that this was better. He might know more about creating art than I do, but I know what makes games look and feel more atmospheric. Animation was obviously not a strongpoint for him. Perhaps that's why he abandoned the project - because of the main character and having to animate it. Dunno.