Release MegaMan 8bit Deathmatch


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is MegaMan 8bit Deathmatch.
And a video of the game play on the Pandora from ingoreis

Note that you will need the ZDoom PND Build 09 or more for this to run (like with all "runtime" PND, you don't need to launch it, it just have to be present and will
be automagicaly used).

/!\ You'll need a swapfile to run this game, even with 512Mo model /!\

There is a long pause when starting a level, when the game fill his cache with data...

Tip: you can enlarge the font for message, as it is a bit small on the screen. Go in "DISPLAY OPTIONS", and select "MESSAGE OPTIONS" and "TEXT SCALING", then put a virtual size of 400x240 for larger font (or 320x200 for even larger). Don't forget to put "ENABLE TEXT SCALING" to "ON".

History log

Build 04

  • Updated to latest version
Build 03

  • Attempt to make it run on older firmware
Build 02

  • Refined launch script
Build 01

  • Initial build
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I ran around in the area you start in, but didn't really play.  It is pretty cool.  There were a couple of slow downs on my classic Pandora, but it may be playable on it.
not sure this has a sense anymore since we lost the boss of this game...
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Can we use the left analog nub to move?
Probably. I activated it as Joystick, so it should work. But I must say I didn't tried.

*EDIT* I tried, but it doesn't detect the nubs. More debug needed...
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I ran around in the area you start in, but didn't really play.  It is pretty cool.  There were a couple of slow downs on my classic Pandora, but it may be playable on it.
I tested it on CC myself, as long as you make a swapfile of 512Mo, it runs pretty well. You need to make the mouse more sensitive than the default to play with the nub, as the A.I. is quite fast!
*EDIT* I tried, but it doesn't detect the nubs. More debug needed...
When I tested it I messed around with the control settings and thought I had at least the right nub working.  I can check again tonight.  I don't know if the second sentence above is related to this, however if it worked I kept my settings the same.  I may have made my nubs way more sensitive at some point in the past, because in my mind that would decrease wear on them.

AS for the swapfile, I do have one, and it is larger than required.  My slow downs were when it was loading the level, I think, at whick point I thought it locked up or something, but since I saw the activity LED I waited and everything worked out.  I think there was another while running around, but it wasn't really anything too bad.  It was enough that it could get the player killed in a FPS, which was the only reason I commented.
I have updated the PND. It's a minor update, where I have just refined a bit the launch script (zdoom PND should unmount properly now).

Note the to have Joystick support, you should update ZDoom PND to Build 11.

Build 02


  • Refined launch script
OMG I was thinking that this is Bomberman in ego-perspective o.O
Updated build on the repo. Use it with latest ZDoom build for best result (but it's not mandatory).

Build 04

  • Updated to latest version