Serial Porter
Here is SRB2Kart, a "Mario-kart" like game with a Sonic theme
The game use Sonic Robo Blast 2 Engine. This build use SDL2 and gl4es to run. On first start, go to options to configure keys (defaultare not really Pandora friendly) and configure screen (default is 1280x800, wich makes the game too slow to be good). I suggest to go to minimum 320x200 to get higher framerate, but you can also use 800x480 and lower draw distance maybe...
History log

The game use Sonic Robo Blast 2 Engine. This build use SDL2 and gl4es to run. On first start, go to options to configure keys (defaultare not really Pandora friendly) and configure screen (default is 1280x800, wich makes the game too slow to be good). I suggest to go to minimum 320x200 to get higher framerate, but you can also use 800x480 and lower draw distance maybe...
History log
- Initial build