Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chest on Pyra/OpenPandora?


I want to inform you that Smallmodel fixed the issue with the first level and a few other bugs.

In this case, you should use the most recent version of OpenMoHAA to play it.


System requirements for OpenMoHAA:

This matches the hardware requirements (x86) of the original game:

Hardware Minimum
CPU 450 MHz
Memory 128MB
Storage 1.2GB

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I asked Smallmodel about all these issues, and I got the answer: @ptitSeb @TrashyMG @Farox :

Some sections of the code were fixed to take endianness into account (for AmigaOS PowerPC). Only the server part was tested using a PPC64 big-endian machine on Debian 12. The client wasn't tested.
Pyra/OpenPandora uses an ARM32 CPU, but I have no idea whether or not big-endian is used.
Lowering the resolution (640*480) the game start...but something is wrong, terrain is not visible and if i walk into this...i fall down a bit under the objects of the scene.
I had the same issue on PowerPC because terrain patches weren't read the way they should be in big-endian (values are stored as little-endian in the files)

I asked Smallmodel about all these issues, and I got the answer: @ptitSeb @TrashyMG @Farox :




Pyra/Pandora are Little Endian, no issue on that part. Still didn't had anyt time to look at this. I'll try tomorrow...
So, it's working, at least on the Pandora. There is still some work to do with the control, and the fullscreen, and the packaging, and the extraction of data from the GoG installer, and some crash at the exit that I should look into. So there yet. Speed seems correct, so that's a good news.


I wont have time this weekend, will continue that next week...
So, it's working, at least on the Pandora. There is still some work to do with the control, and the fullscreen, and the packaging, and the extraction of data from the GoG installer, and some crash at the exit that I should look into. So there yet. Speed seems correct, so that's a good news.

View attachment 39263

I wont have time this weekend, will continue that next week...

Thank you!

It's great news!

I thought you would first port OpenMoHHA to Pyra.

It's a nice surprise to see OpenMoHAA working on Pandora. It's probably more challenging to port OpenMoHAA to this device.
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Thank you!

It's great news!

I thought you would first port OpenMoHHA to Pyra.

It's a nice surprise to see OpenMoHAA working on Pandora. It's probably more challenging to port OpenMoHAA to this device.
@ptitSeb has ported a good majority of the Pandora software library, has a well established environment for porting to the platform and done a lot of Quake engine ports, so he's been around the block so to speak.

I have been working 6 days a week lately, so time has been my enemy on trying to get anything done with the Pyra port.
@ptitSeb has ported a good majority of the Pandora software library, has a well established environment for porting to the platform and done a lot of Quake engine ports, so he's been around the block so to speak.

Yes, the list of his ported games is impressive.

I have been working 6 days a week lately, so time has been my enemy on trying to get anything done with the Pyra port.

Porting games is a tricky and time-consuming task. On the other hand, I suspect many users have both handheld computers.

Well, my phylosophy is, if it works on the Pandora, it should be easy on the Pyra....

I'm happy that OpenMoHAA won't be limited to Pyra, and more users will play Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chest on their favorite devices.
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I'm happy that OpenMoHAA won't be limited to Pyra, and more users will play Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chest on their favorite devices.

BTW, the, War Chest contains actually 3 games, Alied Assault and 2 other extensios, that seems like stand-alone games, with their own executable and own "main" folder. Is there a way to play them on OpenMohaa also?
BTW, the, War Chest contains actually 3 games, Alied Assault and 2 other extensios, that seems like stand-alone games, with their own executable and own "main" folder. Is there a way to play them on OpenMohaa also?


Spearhead and Breakthrough are more visually impressive games but more challenging when you play some of these levels. These are three separate stories with different protagonists.

These two expansions didn't work without the base game on Windows or Mac - I didn't check it with OpenMoHAA.

I use a script that allows me to run all three games (including cheat codes):

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I hope you didn't encounter too many issues while porting OpenMoHAA to OpenPandora.

Smallmodel made some changes in OpenMoHAA, and you can now listen to music in the main menus and the singleplayer mode.
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I hope you didn't encounter too many issues while porting OpenMoHAA to OpenPandora.

Smallmodel made some changes in OpenMoHAA, and you can now listen to music in the main menus and the singleplayer mode.
Actually, I have an issue at level change: I did a test run on the tutorial, and once finished, it crashed when unload/loading level. I have to debug that. I have finished key mlapping and full screen (only using config files for now), but haven't published because of the crash...
Actually, I have an issue at level change: I did a test run on the tutorial, and once finished, it crashed when unload/loading level. I have to debug that. I have finished key mlapping and full screen (only using config files for now), but haven't published because of the crash...

Thank you for the answer.

The project is quite advanced, but I know about one issue I didn't report.

You can encounter the issue with loading levels when you save a game from the main menu.

In this case, I press F5 to use a quick save, and then, OpenMoHAA loads a game in the correct place without any issues. Additionally, OpenMoHHA automatically saves a game a few times in every level like when you complete one of the objectives.
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Actually, I have an issue at level change: I did a test run on the tutorial, and once finished, it crashed when unload/loading level. I have to debug that. I have finished key mlapping and full screen (only using config files for now), but haven't published because of the crash...


Smallmodel fixed the issue when OpenMoHAA can't load a level when you use saved a game from the main menu.

Can you check if it works on Pyra, too?
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