I understood what you meant, and you understood what those advertisements meant. It just doesn't matter.
This is the crux of the whole issue, and exactly what I've been saying all along. This is the attitude that I've been trying to explain.
Now, imagine teachers (who are now graded by children, amongst other ludicrous things, as explained in the resources I previously suggested you take a look at) taking this attitude, and never correcting poor communication "
because we understood what it meant, it just doesn't matter". Can you see why I find the apparent results of this a bit sad, now?
then told me to read a book about what some guy thinks about the education system.
"Some guy" being a teacher, who explains it rather better than I can due to me not being a teacher, and merely someone who feels concern about current and future generations (including my own future children, grandchildren, and so on

). I only suggested it because the books and the blog explain in great detail (usually in humourous snippets, in the case of the blog) some of the issues that appear to have directly led to the sort of thing that the thread is about.
Everyone makes assumptions. You are not immune, and I have never claimed that I am not making assumptions. I make assumptions all the time, and whether you acknowledge it or not, you do, too.
:rolleyes: Way to completely miss the point. Re-read;
The difference is I'm not assuming that you're making these minor mistakes because you're stupid.
You stated, in a manner that appears as though you're stating it as a fact, that I'm assuming people are stupid. If you don't see how this is a highly rude assumption for you to make, then I simply don't know what else to say to you.
Again, to clarify: It really is as simple as I've said; I think it's a bit sad that people who are paid money to advertise to enormous audiences write in this fashion with what appears to be increasing frequency. Due to the fact that this is a profession, which one would expect some reasonable amount of specialisation in, and the fact that money changes hands for the copy concerned to be written, I do not believe that this is on the same level as normal everyday minor errors, which I fully expect, accept, and understand. I do not think that those perpetrating these mistakes are stupid and have never said or implied that, and it's readily obvious that I think that the problem has risen from silly schemes forced into the education system that actively get in the way of teachers actually teaching effectively. I even pointed to resources that go into this in great detail.
I truly cannot explain my thoughts any more clearly. If they are not understood now, then I apologise.