My Gp32 Is Rip Off


Still Fresh
Jun 23, 2004
While playng gp32 rip off i used the ac 3 volt.
There's a site where looking a inside of gp32????
cellofan posted on Jul 22 2004 at 08:31 AM said:
While playng gp32 rip off i used the ac 3 volt.
There's a site where looking a inside of gp32????
to quote ralph..." Me fail english?! Thats unpossible!" are you talking about? did you break it? did someone steal it? did YOU steal it? are you drunk?

oh, wait...let me translate :-D

wo, wth you talk about? you break it? it get stole? YOU steal? you be drink?

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while playng with my gp 32 with ac adapter 3v is rip off.
i think that broken the resistence into my gp 32.
Is it possible repair??????
Mebbe doesn't speak English well? Maybe he means his power adapter "ripped off" (broke off) and now his power connector is screwy?

I think he means he's broken his 3v adapter (maybe snapped it off even) Now he can't get power into his GP32. And is there a site with pictures of the insides (schematics possibly?) that he can look at.


Have you tried new batteries? (cells)

Failing that post in your native language and maybe someone can translate.
not rip off my ac adapter but my gp32 is ripp off i put ac batteries but don't start too
Sorry for my english is not very good
cellofan posted on Jul 22 2004 at 09:31 AM said:
not rip off my ac adapter but my gp32 is ripp off i put ac batteries but don't start too
Sorry for my english is not very good
OOHHHH i think i get it...

it is damaged i am guessing?

i think you got the polarity wrong...

on the gp32 the center is - and the outside is +...

i can't remember what you need to do to fix this prob...iirc, on dons board there was someone who had the same problem, and it was fixed by replacing a diode...

i hope you don't need me to translate this :lol:
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No, i think i get him:

He used a PSU-Adapter having 3V output. Now his GP32 doesn´t work anymore, not even with bateries. Now he wants to fix his GP by opening it and soldering around. Therefore he wants pictures of the GP internals, that tell him, what to fix exactly.

So, unfortunately i don´t have pics, and honestly, if you don´t know whats broken, don´t soler around in there, you´re probably gonna make it worse. Try console-fix
He means that HE is ripped of, cuz his gp32 doesn't power up etc.

No he certainly said:

My Gp32 Is Rip Off
in the title.

Sounds like he has forcefully pulled the power cord out (perhaps tripped over the wire) and has damaged the internals of the Gamepark.

I am affraid I don't know of any pictures of the internals except on Cobbleware. In fact the guy at Cobbleware could probably tell him how to fix it.
Come on guys, he might have been using Babelfish and this is the result.
There is no schematics of the GP32's innards so you better have it repaired either by the seller or someone else (fx. console-fix was mentioned).