What's Your Religion?

What's your religion?

  • Christian: Orthodox

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  • Christian: Catholic

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  • Christian: Other

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  • Christian, but not really practicing

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  • Judism

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  • Judism: Orthodox

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  • Judism, but not really practicing

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  • Islam

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  • Animism (Native Americans, Shintoism, etc.)

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  • Other (Small or New religion, like Scientology)

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  • Agnosticism

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  • Atheisism

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  • Something, but not really practicing

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SephirothIce posted on Jul 25 2004 at 04:33 PM said:
Anyway I am going to shut up. I am not benfeiting from this post. The only thing I have gotten from this posts is not only insults on my religion, but also my nationality. Anyway have fun in the discussion I don't want to have a huge flame war. Also Dave C explained why he hated Religion I explained why I hated Non Religious beliefs. What exactly is the difference. So I am trying to cram my beliefs down your throats and he is not trying to cram his beliefs down my throat. Anyway like I said if anyone wants a response from me just send it in PM.
Athiests aren't trying to force athieism on everyone. They never said to ban or change the Bible or close down churches.

While religeous activists are inflitrating every institution to try to promote religeon, that is the big difference. Religeous busy bodies are even trying to change science books to take out factual references to dinosaurs, fossils, age of the sun and earth etc because they and their belief system feel threatened by it. That is just plain wrong, dinosaurs etc existed plain and simple, and the earth is older than 6000 years, and that should be in the books period. The truth is the truth whether you believe in it or not.

If religeous right wing conservatives are allowed to change science books then should athiests be allowed to change the Bible? That would only be fair - right?
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SephirothIce posted on Jul 25 2004 at 04:33 PM said:
Assholes aren't breeded in America they spawn from all around the world.
>...And then they move to America ;) .

>*ahem* sorry... keep it clean... keep it clean.

Add you Pub joe, yes, America bashing is very popular these days.

But you need to know that not all Americans go along with the government. I am an American and I think the George Bush and his administration is one of the most corrupt ever. I am embarrased by him. He is a stupid, pompous, arrogant piece of shit. And yes I will vote against him in the fall, and I didn't vote for him before either. That is all I can do.
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That is just plain wrong, dinosaurs etc existed plain and simple, and the earth is older than 6000 years, and that should be in the books period. The truth is the truth whether you believe in it or not.

The truth is what the World of Science proclaims. We are to follow their logic based on their credentials. While most try as they might to really seek the "universal truth", it shall always be out of their grasp, for what is true today may be untrue tommorrow.

If religeous right wing conservatives are allowed to change science books then should athiests be allowed to change the Bible? That would only be fair - right?

While a powerful analogy, it is flawed in that children are subjected to science in public schools, but can easily be protected from the Bible while in school if their parents wish.

Many of those conservatives proclaim they wish the books changed because the children go to public schools, and thus are subjected to these ideas without the parents having any say. Even if the parents are idiots, the USA gives them the right to brainwash their children to whatever point of view they wish, as long as that is deemed "acceptable" by the majority. Not to say that anyone who believes in the Bible is an idiot, in fact I make this point on a tangent, that I feel parents are given too much power over their children. Many bright children have been born to idiot parents and then never to fully recognize their talent.
generalnmx posted on Jul 26 2004 at 01:59 AM said:
That is just plain wrong, dinosaurs etc existed plain and simple, and the earth is older than 6000 years, and that should be in the books period. The truth is the truth whether you believe in it or not.

The truth is what the World of Science proclaims. We are to follow their logic based on their credentials. While most try as they might to really seek the "universal truth", it shall always be out of their grasp, for what is true today may be untrue tommorrow.

If religeous right wing conservatives are allowed to change science books then should athiests be allowed to change the Bible? That would only be fair - right?

While a powerful analogy, it is flawed in that children are subjected to science in public schools, but can easily be protected from the Bible while in school if their parents wish.

Many of those conservatives proclaim they wish the books changed because the children go to public schools, and thus are subjected to these ideas without the parents having any say. Even if the parents are idiots, the USA gives them the right to brainwash their children to whatever point of view they wish, as long as that is deemed "acceptable" by the majority. Not to say that anyone who believes in the Bible is an idiot, in fact I make this point on a tangent, that I feel parents are given too much power over their children. Many bright children have been born to idiot parents and then never to fully recognize their talent.
I am not talking about a "universal truth" here. I am talking about plain facts that religeous zealots want taken out of science books. Dinosaurs are an example, there is no "debating" if they were real or not it is just the facts, and no that won't be untrue tommorrow.

How are children "subjected" so science books? The same way that they are "subjected" to math, physics, language skills, etc?

And by the way the science books never say "God is fake" either. If it is a theory they say it is a theory. if it is a law they say that too.

The fact is:

school is for learning.

Church is for religeon.

There is no need to have religeon in both. Which was my main point before, the religeous want it in both places and everything else too, which I hate.
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Well the article is ment for humor also. Also he does make some valid points. Why do athiest always complain about everything unless it's a convienience for them. Anyway I guess I should shut up now because I'm the evil american.
Sorry, I wasn't talking about you specifically, even though it may have sounded that way. I was actually referring to a lot of the Americans who posted here, atheists definitely included, who seemed to me to be more intolerant of the other side as compared to posters from Europe. I'm not saying that all Americans are like this, just most.

It's not racism, either; it's political reality. Since I live in Canada, I've been following American politics quite a bit over the years, and it really seems to me like the majority of the populace is unable to see any merits in anyone else's point of view but their own. The US is an extremely diverse country, but they all tend to keep to themselves & ignore other opinions (ex. Berkeley's far-left populace that is characterized by intolerance if all big business and managers, who will routinely get convicted in courts there even if it is blatantly obvious that they did nothing wrong).
I suppose this is a by-product of the 2-party system, where the members of the opposition (be it Democrats or Republicans) ALWAYS vote against any motion by the ruling party, regardless of what it is. I mean, how could enemies POSSIBLY agree on anything, right? The only time that they did was in the wake of a horrible tragedy such as 9/11.

I also find that your news channels rarely give truly balanced coverage on ANYTHING. They swing completely to the right for some time, and then to the left if political polls show the left gaining favour, but they almost never seem to show all the sides of a story (because apparently that's not what the public wants to see). It's a vicious cycle, because showing only one side of a story makes the public think there IS only one side to the story.

I think that in Canada, people are generally more open to different options than they are in the US (in the recent election, 4 parties split our vote share, each gathering a healthy share of the vote, resulting in a minority government that will be forced to make compromises with other parties).

Anyway, it's my opinion that all of this results in a populace that is less informed and more polarized than people in other parts of the world like Canada. I can't really speak for Europe because I haven't lived there recently, but most people in this thread who are from Europe seemed to me to be more open-minded (Axeman, for example).

Oh, and as for this:
Also your right George Bush is a bad bad man compared to some of the great rulers from Europe for example Adolf Hitler.
That was then, this is now.
I think that two world wars on their soil have made most Europeans extremely vary of war as a solution.

Incidentally, I never said that Bush was "a bad, bad man". I simply don't agree with his statement "you're either with us or you're against us" since it seems an extremely ignorant thing to say.
Just because I'm against you on some things does not mean that I'm against you on absolutely everything! Can you agree with that at least?
I am not talking about a "universal truth" here. I am talking about plain facts that religeous zealots want taken out of science books. Dinosaurs are an example, there is no "debating" if they were real or not it is just the facts, and no that won't be untrue tommorrow.

I think there was a miscommunication, because facts != true. They are two seperate words. Facts is what can be proven, truth is what simply IS. What can be proven isn't necessarily what IS, for one day we may discover some, if not all, of our current facts to be untrue.
Mark posted on Jul 24 2004 at 10:38 AM said:
I havn't been following this thread; but I really dispise the Christian religion and how it's forced down my throat every two minutes. People can obvouisly do what they want, but I mean, when God KILLS someone for 'spilling his seed' on the ground, what kind of God is that?

I'd dare to argue that most Christians are scared of death, and need to believe in an afterlife.
Well I think that atheists are just as nasty as some christians.
Lots of them hate christians just because of just a few nasty christians they have met.

I myself am a moralist and don't have a problem with any religons or lack-of's .

I believe there has been a lot of corruption in the bible as it has been rewritten so many times and believe it is quite likely that homophobic views could have been added into the original bible.

There is proof of the old roman catholic church doing this.

(can't remember where though)...
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This thread is still going on? This thread has made too many points, and now they are completly boring. I know most of the people here are old people who moan and groan, but come on! This is a GP32 forum, not Religion Weekly!
Someone please just say something to end this all.
sebastian_insua posted on Jul 26 2004 at 06:57 PM said:
I believe there has been a lot of corruption in the bible as it has been rewritten so many times and believe it is quite likely that homophobic views could have been added into the original bible.

There is proof of the old roman catholic church doing this.

(can't remember where though)...
If this is the case then the Bible would be worthless even for a Christian. If things were added, changed deleted by people than how do you know what has been changed/added and what is original?
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Sadako posted on Jul 26 2004 at 09:20 PM said:
This thread is still going on? This thread has made too many points, and now they are completly boring. I know most of the people here are old people who moan and groan, but come on! This is a GP32 forum, not Religion Weekly!
Someone please just say something to end this all.
As finty said... this is Off topic... dont come in to up your post count by whinging about that fact. It may be a long topic, but its still only one link in the forum, and it's produce a very interesting debate.

If you cant stand the heat - get out of the thread :P
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I know most of the people here are old people who moan and groan, but come on!

What d'ya mean ya youngster?! Just because I'm OLD and BALD is no reason to be so disrespectful. Leave us old-timers to our philosophical discussions, will you? ;)


Actually, I'm probably younger than you are. :ph34r:
Nice to see so many fellow heathens out there :lol:

Of interest: My wife is a fairly devout Catholic, and I'm pretty much a stone-cold Atheist. We've been married aver 11 years now, and still going strong :D
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