Mame G2x 2.4 W.i.p

Hi Franxis, great work on Mame! I was wondering if you intend to include these features:

1) "tab" menu like in pc-mame
2) save different configuration for each game


Number 2 is already implemented. When setting up options before launching a game, go down and change 'no save configuration' to 'save configuration' by hitting L or R.
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I have found that Rainbow Islands doesn't work properly for me. The sprites appear too low on the screen (inside the tiles), and you can only move up the rainbows when walking right, not left??

Franxis, I remember this happening when the first MAME Rainbow Island drivers appeared on the PC.
I remember there was talk about encryption issues with this ROM which I know they resolved in later Rainbow Islands drivers.

Is this sprite problem on the Mame G2x Rainbow Islands an encryption issue and could it be resolved with a later driver? or is it difficult to use a later MAME version of the driver with your port?

just wondering :) don't even know if i've got my facts straight but i definitely remember the early mame rainbow islands drivers having weird sprite issues like this.
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Hi Franxis,

just one question about the lcd timing issue for firmwares 1.4/2.0(override of the cpu_script, and washed screen) solved commenting out the lcd control lines in the sources.
Will you fix it on next release?

Thanks in advance!



here the quote of god_at_hell who helped me a lot solving the problem:

"for mame, you have to go to the directory src\gp2x of the source and open the file cpuctrl.cpp ... there go to line 67 and commend all the lines between the curly brackets of funktion set_display_clock_div() OR ... open file minimal.cpp and comment line 200 (the only line where set_display_clock_div() is used). I did both."
Hi Franxis,

just one question about the lcd timing issue for firmwares 1.4/2.0(override of the cpu_script, and washed screen) solved commenting out the lcd control lines in the sources.
Will you fix it on next release?

Thanks in advance!



here the quote of god_at_hell who helped me a lot solving the problem:

"for mame, you have to go to the directory src\gp2x of the source and open the file cpuctrl.cpp ... there go to line 67 and commend all the lines between the curly brackets of funktion set_display_clock_div() OR ... open file minimal.cpp and comment line 200 (the only line where set_display_clock_div() is used). I did both."

ummm, i remember to have problems testing something like this, because the screen flickered when the cpu clock was different from 200 MHz, but i will check it again ;) Thanks.

Hi again Franxis.. :)
I don't want to bother you with my silly questions, but what about a playable Mexico86 in mame? Do you think it's possible?

Everything is possible. But I don't promise anything, sorry.

I remember there were some rumblings of some of the games that don't have any sound were going to be updated. I think Slaanesh was messing with those. Has that been given up on?

don't panic DaveC,
i like you read somewhere that one of the GP2X MAME team was adding sample support.
i'll see if i can find the associated post.
it mentioned that the addition of samples was relatively easy when compared to full emulation.

i for one can't wait,
i'm sure i'm not alone.

all is good eh?


Slaanesh is messing with this. I will integrate his modifications when he finish the work :D


The new version will be delayed because i have a lot of problems with the Squidge MMU hack. I will release the new version when i make it working properly. Regards :ph34r:
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Slaanesh is messing with this. I will integrate his modifications when he finish the work :D

Still working on it. I'm also reviewing the entire sound system on the GP32 version :-)
That doesn't mean I'm re-writing it but I am trying to improve some things. We'll see how it goes.

- Slaanesh
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