Mame Developer Games List


Arguable Idiot
Jan 7, 2005
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I thought it would be important to start a topic for nothing but what games were from what developer. As I try more I will edit this one.

Commando: works with Capcom and Data East fxe
BombJack: works with Tecmo
Time Pilot '84: works with Konami
Pitfall II: works with Sega
Moonpatrol: works with Irem
Return of the Jedi: works with Atari
Berzerk: works with Mame Classics, NOT OTHER
The Real Ghostbusters: works with Data East
from just waht I have on it not all work but here is a list so far for me because I don't have a complete rom sets yet

Sega: Wonder Boy Deluxe, Wonder Boy in Monster Land, wboy set 2, wboy set 4, wb set4 not encrypted, wboy set 1 wboy not encrypted

namco: Dig Dug atari, dig dug namco, galaga namco, galaga bootlef, galaga fast shoot, galaga midway, gallag

Classic: Berzerk, Eyes, Frogger modified Moon Cresta ha..., Frogger set 1, frog, frogger set 2, hangly man, space invaders, Jr Pac Man, Lizard Wizard, Make Trax, Mr. TNT, Ms. Pac Man, Pac Man namco, Pacman midway, pac man harder, pac man plus, Pengo set 1, Piranha, Ponpoko, Punk Man, the Glob Pac Man hardware

Capcom: 942 set 1, Bionic Commando set 1, Diamond Run, Ghosts' n Goblins world?, Ghosts' n Goblins US

Atari: Super Breakout, Tetris set 1

thats just a list look at the gamelist.txt on his site or w/ what you dled

I will check which work later
Cloak & Dagger
Cps'n Robbers
Food Fight
Gauntlet 2
Gauntlet (2 players)
Gauntelt (Intermediate Release 1)
Gauntelt (intermediate Release 2)
Return of the Jedi
Klax (set 2)
Klax (set 3)
Klax (set 1)
Marble Madness (set 2)
Marble Madness (set 3)
Marble Madness (set 1)
Missile Command (set 2)
Missile Command (set 1)
Night Driver
Super Break out
Sprint 1
Sprint 2
Super Missile Attack
Tetris (cocktail set 2)
Tetris (cocktail set 1)
Tetris (set 1)
Tetris (set 2)
Tetris (bootleg)

1942 (set 1)
1942 (set 2)
1942 (set 3)
1943 (US)
1943 (Japan)
1943 Kai
Bionic Commando (set 2)
Bionic Commando (set 1)
Senjo no Ookami
Commando (world)
Commando (US)
Diamond Run
Exed Exes
Ghosts'n Goblins (world?)
Ghosts'n Goblins (cross)
Ghosts'n Goblins (US)
Gunsmoke (US set 2)
Gunsmoke (world)
Gunsmoke (Japan)
Gunsmoke (US set 1)
Legendary Wings (US set 2)
Legendary Wings (US set 1)
Savage Bees
Section Z
Side Arms (Japan)
Side Arms (US)
Side Arms ( World)
Son Son
Speed Rumbler (set 1)
Speed Rumbler (set 2)
Trojan (Japan)
Vulgus (set 2)
Vulgas (set 1)

Amidar (US)
Amidar (Japan)
Amidar (Scramble Hardware)
Ant Eater
Armored Car (set 2)
Armored Car (set 1)
Astro Invader
Astro Laser
Battle of Atlantis
Bagman (Stern set 2)
Bagman (Stern set 1)
Beastie Feastie (Pac Man Hardware)
Bezerk (version 1)
The Billiards
Blue Shark
Boot Hill
Cosmic Avenger
Crazy Climber (bootleg)
Crazy Climber (Japan)
Crazy Climber (US)
Cheeky Mouse
Crazy Kong (set 1)
Crazy Kong (set 2)
Crazy Kong (Jeutel Bootleg)
Crazy Kong (Scramble Hardware)
Cosmic Alien
Cosmic Monsters
Crush Roller
Dead Eye
Depth Charge
Destination Earth
Donkey Kong Junior (bootleg ?)
Donkey Kong Junior (Japan)
Donkey Kong JR (original Japanese)
Donkey Kong 3
Donkey Kong (US)
Donkey Kong (Japan)
Donkey Kong Junior (US)
Mr. Do's Castle (set 2)
Mr. Do's Castle (set 1)
Dog Patch
Mr. Do! Run Run
Mr. Do vs. Unicorns
Mr. Do's Wild Ride
Double Play
Super Earth Invasion
Extra Innings
Fast Freddie
Fly-Boy (bootleg?)
Frenzy (version 1)
Frogger (modified moon cresta hardware)
Frogger (set 1)
Frogger (set 2)
Space Invaders Galactica
Galaxian Part 4
Galaxian Part X
Galaxian (Namco)
Galaxian (Midway)
Galaxian (Namco Modified)
Galaxian Turbo
Galaxy Wars
Guided MissileGorf
Gorf (Program 1)
Galaxy Rescue (bootleg?)
Gypsy Juggler
Hangly Man
Hard Hat
Head On
Heiankyo Alien
Heli Fire (Revision A)
Heli Fire (Revision B)
Video Hustler
Space Invaders
Space Invaders Part II (Taito)
Space Invaders Part II (midway)
Invinco / Deep Scan
Invinco / Head On 2
Invader's Revenge (Dutchford)
Invader's Revenge
Jack the Giant Killer (Set 1)
Jack the Giant Killer (Set 2)
Jack Rabbit (Set 2)
Jack Rabbit (special)
Jack Rabbit (Set 1)
Gingateikoku No Gyakushu
Jump Bug (bootleg)
Jumping Jack
Jr. Pac Man
Jump Bug
Jump Coaster
Kick Rider
Killer Comet
King & Balloon
Lady Bug
Lady Bug (bootleg)
Laguna Racer
Lazer Command
Lizard Wizard
Lost Tomb (Hard)
Lost Tomb (Easy)
Lunar Rescue
Lupin III
M79 Ambush
Make Trax
Mario Bros.
Amazing Maze
Meadows Lanes
4 Player Bowling
Monkey Donkey
Moon War II (set 2)
Money Money
Moon Alien Part 2
Moon Alien Part 2 (older version)
Moon Cresta (Bootleg on Galaxian hardware)
Moon Cresta (bootleg)
Moon Cresta (Gremlin)
Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu)
Moon Quasar
Moon War II (Set 1)
Mr. Do! (universal)
Mr. Do! (bugfixed)
Mr. Do! (taito)
Mr. Do! (yukidaruma)
Mr. Du!
Miss Pac Plus
Ms. Pac Man
Mouse Trap
Pac Man (Namco)
Naughty Boy
Nibbler (set 1)
Nibbler (set 2)
Ozma Wars
Pac Man (Midway)
Pac Man (bootleg on Pisces hardware)
Pac Man (Namco alternate)
Pac Man (harder)
Pac Man Plus
Space Panic (set 1)
Space Panic (set 2)
Space Panic (german)
Pioneer Balloon
Pengo (set 2)
Pengo (set 2 not encrypted)
Pengo (set 1)
Pepper II
Phantom II
Phoenix (T.P.N.)
Phoenix (Amstar)
Phoenix (IRECSA G.G.I. Corp)
Phoenix (Taito)
Pleiads (Centuri)
Peiads (Tehkan)
Polaris (Set 1)
Polaris (set 2)
Pop Flamer
Port Man
Puck Man
Radar Scope
Defend the Terra Attack on the R
Robby Roto
Robot Bowl
Rolling Crash / Moon Base
Route 16
River Patrol (bootleg)
sasuke vs. Commander
Saton of Saturn
Super Bagman
Super Bagman (Stern)
Space Chaser
Scion (Cinematronics)
Super Cobra (Stern)
Super Cobra (bootleg)
Super Cobra (Konami)
Sea Wolf II
Sea Wolf
Space Fever (B&W)
Side Track
Silver Land
Super Invaders
Snap Jack
Space Attack II
Space Fever
Space Phantoms
Space Trek (upright)
Space Zap
Space Encounters
Speak & Rescue
Spectar (Revision 1?)
Spector (Revision 3)
Super Pierrot (Japan)
Space Trek (Cocktail)
Sega Space Attack
Strong X
Strategy X
Super Casino
Super Bond
Super Galxians
Super Mouse
Swimmer (Set 1)
Swimmer (Set 2)
The End
The Glob (Pac Man Hardware)
The Pit
Tornado Baseball
Tranquilizer Gun
Triple Punch
Vanguard (centuri)
Vanguard (SNK)
Venture (Set 2)
Venture ( Version 4)
Venture (Set 1)
War of the Bugs
Wizard of Wor
Yankee Do! (Two Bit Score)
Zig Zag (Set 2)
Zig Zag (Set 1)
I need to work now :P hope these are a bit of a help...they are copied off my GP32 as they appear in the different FXE's.
I will add more tomorrow unless someone else makes the lists ;)
djchk posted on Mar 7 2005 at 06:52 AM said:
I need to work now :P hope these are a bit of a help...they are copied off my GP32 as they appear in the different FXE's.
I will add more tomorrow unless someone else makes the lists ;)

ah but do they all work??

here is my working list (sorry not in maufacturers order)

Kung fu master (really slow on all FS)
Exed Eyes
1942 (perfect
missile command
Return of the Jedi
makai mura (ghosts n goblins jap)
d kong
d kong jnr
king of boxer (slow)
shoot out
circus Charlie
contra (slow)
green beret
hyper Olympic (slow)
iron horse
jail break
konomi gt
track and field
twinbee (aweful)
dig dug 2
pacland (midway – no sound)
pac and pal (very good)
Exciting soccer (way slow)
Gun dealer
Snow bros (slow)
Speed ball (slow)
Wonderboy (not bad)
Wondr boy monsterland (awful)
Crono soldier (jap)
Teddyboy blues
Sega ninja
Seishun scandle (my hero)
Mister Viking
Im sorry
Bull fight
Bank panic
Great swordsman
New zealand story (too slow 2 play)
Double dragon (bootleg)
Mysterious stones
Gridiron fight
Pinball action
Solomons key (brill!!)

sPaCe :ph34r:
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spaceboygp32x posted on Mar 7 2005 at 07:48 AM said:
djchk posted on Mar 7 2005 at 06:52 AM said:
I need to work now :P hope these are a bit of a help...they are copied off my GP32 as they appear in the different FXE's.
I will add more tomorrow unless someone else makes the lists ;)

ah but do they all work??

I was trying to help people know what FXE to look in for their games...I thought that was the point of this topic :P

Anyway...I think I have a good complete romset now and I haven't found any roms that don't work yet but I haven't finished going through them all. If there are any roms you want me to check please feel free to ask me.
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What settings do you use for New Zealand Story? on my blu New Zealand Story 1 & 2 both run at a reasonable speed at 166mhz FS2 with sound and so does Wonderboy in Monster land.
Well its taken me AGES to go through trying out all the MAME roms i have off the original list by Franxis but heres my list of games i've got working and in what category....


Gemini Wing - Very good vertical scroller - weird bug though, works first time, not again after that unless you delete it and copy it over again ??
PinBall Action 2
Rygar (US Set 2) - works well
Solomans Key (Japan)
Star Force - Great shoot em up
Bombjack - CLASSIC

Technos Japan

(Needs a button to drop block)
Renegade (US) - starts but badly bugged :-(


Bank Panic
Choplifter (Alternate)
Congo Bongo
4d Warriors (very good Side Arms clone)
Future Spy - no sound, bugged
I'm Sorry - very weird !
Mister Viking - basic Commando clone
My Hero - Cartooney Kung Fu Master game
Pitfall II - works very well
Regulus - Very good Xevious/Commando type game
Star Jacker (Sega) - very good shoot em up
SWAT - Good game
Super Zaxxon - Fast, no sound
Wonder Boy Deluxe - Perfect !
Zaxxon - no sound


Arkanoid (Tayto bootleg, Japanese) - Runs too fast ! run at 133mhz
Alpine Ski (set 1)
Crazy Balloon (set 2)
Elevator Action (bootleg)
Frontline - initial screen comes up but nothing else ? Could be good, Commando clone ?
Great Swordsman
Qix - Works but cant select 'english' on first screen
Space Dungeon - Cant select language
Slapfight (Japanese bootleg) - Only see half the screen, pity !
Tiger Heli (Set 1) - Same as above, works well but only half the screen :-(
The New Zealand Story - too slow
The New Zealand Story 2 - too slow


Circus Charlie (Level select) - Good game
Gradius (have to wait a while for the counter to finish !) - Bit slow
Galactic Warriors - slow
Gyruss (Konami) - very good
Hyper Sports - works but you'll damage your GP32 !
Iron Horse - fraction slow but good
Jailbreak - works very well, sound for speech is odd though
Konami GT - bit slow
Mikie - Works well
Nemesis (UK) - Gradius basically in english, fraction too slow
Ping Pong - Speed fine but cant seem to serve !
Pootan - Arcade classic, works very well
Pooyan (Konami) - Same as above
Road Fighter (set 2)
Green Beret - Fraction slow but playable
Time Pilot
Time Pilot 84 - fraction slow
Track n Field
TwinBee - fraction too slow. vertical shoot em up


Blue Print - Decent
City Connection - Slowish
Cop 01 (set 1) - Basic Kung Fu Master style game
Espial (US?) - Very good Xevious clone
Exciting Soccer - Works but dull
Exerion - Vertical shoot em up (press coins to get it working in normal view)
Gun Dealer (set 2) - weird card tetris type game
Ninja Kid II (alternate) - fraction slow
Penguin-Kun Wars (US) - Great game, bizarre !
Pot of Gold - weird !
Psychic 5
Sauro - horizontal shoot em up, bit slow
Snow Bros (set 1) - good game, bit slow
Space Firebird - Galaxians clone
Terra Cresta (YM2203) - Great game, fraction slow
Vaster (set 2) - Great Side Arms clone


Bosconian (Namco) - Bit slow, sound weird
Dig Dug 2
Dig Dug (Namco)
Galaga (Namco) - Best played at vertical , just see tip of ship on normal view
Mappy (US) - Cant seem to shoot ?
New Rally X - Classic game
Pac Land (Midway) - no sound and a fraction slow, cant find any with sound
Pac & Pal - Works very well


Kung Fu Master - arcade classic, works well
Moon Patrol - another classic, works well
Vigilante (US) - too slow


1943 US
1943 Kai
Bionic Commando (set 2) - too slow
Diamond Run - Like Boulderdash - Bit slow at 166
Legendary Wings (set 2) - Excellent vertical shooter, works very well
Ghost n Goblins (US) - fraction slow but very good
Commando - Slightly slow but good
Gunsmoke (World) - Works well, confusing way to shoot though
Section Z - Like Side Arms
Side Arms (US) - excellent
Vlugus (set 2) - great vertical shoot em up


Cloak & Dagger
Tetris (set 1)
Gauntlet 2 - fraction too slow
Gauntlet - fraction too slow
Return of the Jedi - cant seem to move player down
Klax (set 2)
Missile Command (set 1)
Night Driver - terrible but an old classic
Super Breakout
Sprint 1 - Old Super Sprint style game, difficult to control
Super Missile Attack
Xybots - too slow

Data East

Astro Fighter (set 2) (no sound) (1st time worked fine, any other time graphics distorted ?)
Burnin' Rubber (good car game)
Burger Time (Data East) - Works but cant see middle platform
Cook Race - Same as Burger Time which works, use this one
Express Raider - Bit slow but playable
Fire Trap (Japan bootleg)
The Real Ghostbusters - Like Commando, pity theres no sound
Karnov (US) - fraction slow
Karate Champ - arcade classic
Lock n Chase - pacman style game
Psycho Nics Oscar - too slow
Scrambled Egg - Maze Pacman type game
Zoar - vertical shoot em up
Break Thru - Great game, works very well


Amidar (Japan) - Great classic
Amigo - Same as Amidar
Ant Eater -
Armored Car (set 2)
Astro Invader - no sound
Battle of Atlantis - Good Defender clone - Bit fast at 166mhz
Bagman - Sound crackly
Beastie Feastie
Berzerk - no sound
Blockade - no sound
Boot Hill - no sound
Cosmic Avenger - Good Defenda type game
Crazy Kong - Bad sound
Cosmic Alien - no sound, like Galaxians
Cosmic Monsters - no sound, like space invaders
Donkey Kong Junior (bootleg?)
Donkey Kong 3
Donkey Kong (US)
Mr Do's Castle (set 2)
Mr Do's Run Run
Mr Do vs the Unicorns (sams as Mr Do's Castle)
Mr Do's Wild Ride
Super Earth Invasion - no sound, Space Invaders clone
Eyes - Pacman type game, weird
Fantasy - no sound
Fantazia - Moon Cresta
Frenzy (version 1) - Like Berzerk but no sound
Frog - Frogger
Frogger (set 2)
Galaxian Part X - perfect
Galaxian (Midway)
Galaxy Wars - no sound
Gorf - classic !!
Gunfight - no sound
Guzzler - Good Pacman style game
Intepid - Elevator style game
Space Invaders - no sound sadly
Space Invaders Part II (Taito) - no sound
Invinco / Deep Scan - no sound
Invico / Head On 2 - Invaders clone, no sound
Invaders Revenge - no sound
Jumping Jack
Jump Bug
Jump Coaster
Kamikaze - no sound
Mario Bros - classic with sound
Moon Cresta (Gremlin)
Moon Quaser - same as above
Mr Do! (Taito)
Mr TNT - Weird
Miss Pac Plus - works with sound
Ms Pac Man - works with sound
Nibbler (set 2) - no sound
Ozma Wars - no sound, decent shoot em up
Pac Man Plus - works with sound
Pac Man (bootleg on Pisces hardware) - works with sound
Space Panic (set 1) - no sound, Lode Runner clone
Pengo (set 2) - great game
Phoenix (Taito) - no sound
Pickin' - Pacman type game
Pisces - Galaxian type game
Pleiads (Centuri) - no sound
Polaris - no sound
Port Man
Puck Man - Original Pacman
Pulsar - no sound
Defend the Terra Attack on the R - Space Invaders type game
Robby Roto - way too dark
Rolling Crash / Moon Base - no sound
Round Up - Pacman style game
River Patrol (bootleg)
Satan of Saturn - no sound
Super Bagman
Super Chaser - no sound
Super Cobra (bootleg) - Scramble clone
Silver Land - skiing game
Super Invaders - no sound
Snap Jack - weird !
Vanguard (SNK) - no sound
Wizard of Wor
Zig Zag (set 2) - Dig Dug
zzyzzyxx - Weird

If anyone has a working Tiger Heli and Slapfight full screen PM me ! ;-)
not sure if its been already mentioned, another alternative is to download MAME32 on PC. their category filters has a manufacturers section which lists every game supported in MAME by manufacturer or just use the main screen and enter the game name and it will show it this way.
Guyfawkes posted on Mar 7 2005 at 05:07 PM said:
not sure if its been already mentioned, another alternative is to download MAME32 on PC. their category filters has a manufacturers section which lists every game supported in MAME by manufacturer or just use the main screen and enter the game name and it will show it this way.

thanks for the great info will be getting it soon.
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psj3809 posted on Mar 7 2005 at 02:58 PM said:
Technos Japan

(Needs a button to drop block)

I`m not sure if this is the same version of Blockout But, If you press the credit/insert coin/left shoulder button, That drops the blocks, But your credit increases everytime you do. ;)

Btw: It plays full speed without sound. :D

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Thanks Trooper !

That may have been the one button i didnt press ! Duh !!

I'm still stunned that Bombjack uses the music from the Beatles on the 2nd level and later ones. I think its called 'Lady Madonna', theres no way on earth that Paul McCartney agreed to this being used ! Sorry just ranting as companies like these are total hypocrites, they moan about people using illegal roms etc and then the next minute theyre using copyrighted music ! Hypocrites !!

Great game though !