Make Your Xfce Scroll Bars Wider


Aug 21, 2008
Where I am
If like me you use the XFCE desktop more on your Pandora you might be annoyed with the default width of the scroll bars. I didn't see (or really look) for anything in XFCE settings to change the width. I did some searching because mousing with the nub and using the stylus was a bit of a PITA to me when it came to scroll bar usage. I came across the following page that helped remedy this annoyance for me. :)

For the too lazy to click you must create a file in your homedir called .gtkrc-2.0

mousepad ~/.gtkrc-2.0

Next paste the following text inside and save:

style "scroll"
    GtkScrollbar::slider-width        = 25

class "*" style "scroll"

Restart your XFCE session.


Using a width of 25 makes using the scroll bar more manageable. Adjust to your personal liking.
SomeGuy99 said:
This is awesome. Thanks :D

I just punched in 40 after trying 25. Good size there, able to use a fingertip now and not waste too much real estate. ;)

EDIT: Anyone handy with a .gtkrc that could add/suggest more XFCE mods please add them or let's make a thread dedicated to this. I'll be doing more research.

EDIT AGAIN: For fun here's one for menu popup delay for submenus (untested)....If I get a collection I will change the title of the post and add them to post #1.

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Oh, that is fantastic. :D I'll be trying that out right away as soon as I get my Pandora back. Thanks very much!
Would be cool if these little hacks could made it into the next Hoftix/Update. :)
I imagine a small Menu where you can set the size of the Scroll Bars - if this is possible.
Someone should make a HackApply tool, with a database of little hacks.

(ie: I'm reminded of HackMAster for PalmOS)

ie: Have it parse a XML file, list all the known hacks, and each hack would have an Setup and Remove script.

Anyone got free time, that would rock :)

Well, for this kind of thing, someone should just make a general gtkrc editor. It'd be useful on PCs, too. I'd be surprised if this doesn't exist already.

EDIT: Here's the GTK 2.0 documentation. It lists all the "properties" you can assign to them through .gtkrc-2.0. Basically look at everything below GtkWidget for all the standard crap, and look in /usr/share/themes/*/gtk-2.0/gtkrc for some examples on how to get this stuff working.:
xopher said:
skeezix said:
Anyone got free time, that would rock :)


I has time, but no skills heh
Me too. :D All time in the world but very bad coding skills. I wish I could sell my time to some talents here, I would make a fortune with that. ^^
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Cheers thats a nice tweak. I agree it would be lovely if a bunch of them could be made into an app with tick boxes and values etc in a nice GUI. Sounds like hardwork though.
If you want the scrollbar buttons stretched to match your new scrollbars, the file needs to read like this:

style "scroll"
    GtkScrollbar::slider-width        = 25
    GthScrollbar::stepper-size        = 25

class "*" style "scroll"
Here's the ones from vminko :

gtk-theme-name = "Elegant Mine"
gtk-font-name = "Liberation Sans 11"
gtk-can-change-accels = 1
sorry for the bump, is there some reason this doesnt work anymore? i get a "Can't convert codeset to 'ANSI_X3.4-1968'" error every which way i try it out