Looking Into A Used Ipod

rio Karma, best buy you'll ever make. Ogg and Flac support, cheap, good battery life, nice screen, small and comfy in your hand...looks nice, plus you won't be all trendy and such...plus ipods are great big signs telling people to mug you, even the muggers don't even seem to want anything but a Ipod....
Thanks to everyonbe who actually posted about my iPod question and din't try to become a salesman for the other MP3 Players :lol:

anyway.. I decided I'll just keep the $130 I had to buy the used iPOd with and keep it for my PSP funds.. then I'll buy an iPod over the summer..

EDIT: Just checked out that student discount thing and found out I can get a 20gb iPod for $260!!!
heh, I guess I might have come off as a bit of a salesman but really if your after an mp3 player you can do much better for the price of an iPod.