Well I've sketched a hybrid of different design suggestions, trying to simplify everything as much as possible...
Sketch: (powered by Inkscape...)
The home screen would contain:
- Popular searches
- Maybe upload history
- If the user is logged out:
- If the user is logged in:
- Basic user profile info like the username + avatar
- A list of available updates + download statistics like in the current version
- An "Edit..." and "Logout..." button
The "Popular" and "Newest" tabs determine sorting direction. "Advanced" will replace the categories row with a search field like the one in the current version.
The row with categories contains the most used categories, sorted alphabetically, and the "..." can be clicked to enter a new category.
There are 6-8 application entries per page, and either dots or page numbers as described by milkshake to visualize which page you're on.
Each application entry will have the layout as shown. I might consider replacing the "uploader" or "time" field with rating stars in the application overview, we'll see about that. When an application is clicked, you will be taken to the application's details page, similar to the current one, with comments etc.
Does this design sound like a good compromise?
Also, does anyone have color scheme suggestions? (I suck at creating color schemes, especially when it comes down to nitty gritty details like table header colors and diagram gradients)