Logos from Erico

Too bad this isn't one of them.  Agree. Dislike the circle.
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... or a frog with hair. 
hahaha sure shot! I had it in different positions and styles, probably less coffee frog resembling, hehe.

It is ok, it was just an attempt while time was a bit available to be off the normal deeds of life.

Number 3 in the pool is really neat, quite different from mine. But it dosen´t seem to get much love from everyone else.
Ops, there is already a voting, maybe I was too slow  :D

I was going for the crow foot logo and was messing with colors/shape and wanted to add an ear ring for that punk look. Dropped the eye idea as it was too much a beauty parlor sallon logo...

Anyways, here a closer to finished result.
I like the new eye
My first thought was the Java logo


Not that similar, but the coffee cup impression was strong enough :P
There is one version with the ear ring off the solid and another with a different type ring, they look less like a mug.

Still, it bothers me to add another shape, I think I prefer it raw as it was.