Logo led on the back of the lid

No, because the LCD plugs into the PCB.
It looks like it makes no sense to move on with this (next question would have been wether the connector on pcb could be moved), but I guess this is going nowhere. Thanks for patiently answering my unqualified questions ! Maybe you could post pictures of both (ldc back and pcb lcd), if yio find the time
Also: it wouldndt look good, if the Logo isnt in the Center of the Lid..

So the LCD is soldered on the Front of the LCD PCB, also the Screen Rotation Ship, and the Logo Ilumination Unit whit the LED and the Ship which controlls the LED Power Suply is on the Backside ???

It seems like the Lid could be a bit hevear than the one from the Pandora, whit all these Technik in it..

I ditnt expekt the Pandora Hinge to hold this weight, so whe need a lott better one..
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The logo will be glued into the back, and no worries, it seamlessly fits. I agree it's a bit big though - will let the designers know.
Other than the size which isn't too big but I'm relieved to hear might be scaled down a bit, the logo looks very stylish.
If done right, I think this will help give the Pyra a premium look. The Pandora is a great device, but to my mind it doesn't have a premuim look. Plus once dev's have implemented functions for notfication, flash light, mood lighting, flash to music/audio/microphone, metronome etc... it will be a useful feature.

I think with the comfigurable nature of this device, I'm sure ED will probably prove and none back-lit back cover if there is demand. And guys, havign a lit logo on the back could lead to fun options like:-



If they have to round out the tips even more to make it smaller, then I question making that move.

If they don't have to... Then why can't they make them a bit sharper at this size?
The logo will be glued into the back, and no worries, it seamlessly fits. I agree it's a bit big though - will let the designers know.
Size is nice, it says "HERE I AM!" :D And we have not seen it assembled from the outside. It may look smaller that way. I wouldn't make it much smaller, like mentioned, this would make the logo even thinner and more fragile.
I think it'd be a good idea if ED did a quick photo from the front of the case top with the transparent logo held in place with a white card or small light behind it to give a better idea of what it'd look like, maybe with a Pandora beside for scale purposes?
I think the size is fine, especially if used as a flashlight or if we ever get a camera model, flash.

Also, I like it in the middle. I guess it would make sense for the transparent piece be tinted to match the system.

I hope the logo edges are sharpen, if possible.
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Maybe like Natsu said it isn't the logo's size that's the issue for some, but the apparent "dullness" of the flame tips. While the points may not be able to be sharpened by much, the thicker lines could be corseted in a little.
Also: it wouldndt look good, if the Logo isnt in the Center of the Lid..
Some people feel it won't look good with the logo at all.  It isn't uncommon for laptops to have the logo either in the center or in a lower corner.