Local forums?

This will not work.
User who speak english do not care about such section and user who do not speak english will leave this place before they find said section.
Also IF there is a post there, none will blend it out, we will just try to impress with the barely readable 2nd or 3rd languages we learned at school.
Instead of one matzesu per thread, we get a thread full of matzesus. (Sorry dude, could not resist the analogy :D)

Dunno about that, internet forums are probably the reason I learned to write/read English in the first place.
Communicating with people is the best way to learn a language, so using "Welcomes people with poor language skills" as reason is not good I think.
Ahrg, no one understands my chain of thoughts.
As an English only person I say that @Elw3 is wrong. I may not understand Spanish, but I have friends and family that do, so I can get help from them if no one else replies. For other languages I would try to use something to translate back and forth if they don't get a response.
You are saying i am wrong while proving me right in the very same line.
What i meant and fear is: Imagine someone posting in spanisch and instead that a spanisch comrade answers he gets some google translate lines that sound like chinese product descriptions just because someone thought he had to answer this at all cost.
As an english only person you may not know this, but this fucking thing does not work, it just produces word salad.
Or even worse, i could try to answer, i kid you not, my spanisch teacher said i was the worst student he ever had.
And actually i like the idea of trying spanisch again, its just a tad painful, but not for me :D
Ahrg, no one understands my chain of thoughts.

You are saying i am wrong while proving me right in the very same line.
What i meant and fear is: Imagine someone posting in spanisch and instead that a spanisch comrade answers he gets some google translate lines that sound like chinese product descriptions just because someone thought he had to answer this at all cost.
As an english only person you may not know this, but this fucking thing does not work, it just produces word salad.
Or even worse, i could try to answer, i kid you not, my spanisch teacher said i was the worst student he ever had.
And actually i like the idea of trying spanisch again, its just a tad painful, but not for me :D
So it is better to ignore people if we don't speak their language?
Ich rede hier ja nicht von legitimen Hilfsanfragen sondern allgemeinen Langeweilevertreibungsgeplauder.
Ab einem gewissen Punkt bleibt dir da gar keine andere Wahl als geflissentlich drüberzulesen.
Aber wer würde das tun? Etwas Ausblenden? Blasphemi! Darum wirst du diesen Beitrag lesen, du wirst gar versucht sein zu antworten, scheitern und am Ende reden wir doch wieder English.
Falls das so rübergekommen ist: Ich hab natülich nichts gegen den Versuch einzuwenden, ich glaube halt nur nicht das das funktionieren wird.
Was ein schönes Wort. Obwohl es mir mehr Zeit kostet, es macht mir Spaß um auf dieser weise mehr über Sprachen zu lernen.

Man, my active German sucks. I need to start refreshing it one of these days.
Was ein schönes Wort. Obwohl es mir mehr Zeit kostet, es macht mir Spaß um auf dieser weise mehr über Sprachen zu lernen.

Man, my active German sucks. I need to start refreshing it one of these days.

Meiner Meinung nach, Forumsposting für fremde Sprache lernen sehr gut ist. Es ist nicht so schwer in einer informell Umgangston. Aber in "technischer" Besprechung... zu schwer, die Bedeutung klar machen (mehr als "nur ein Lösung" bringen). Vielleicht es richtig für mehr Personen, wer Deutsch noch lernen, ist (arbeite ich im Fensterbau, nicht im IT, man muss viel mehr Worter lernen!).

Ich rede hier ja nicht von legitimen Hilfsanfragen sondern allgemeinen Langeweilevertreibungsgeplauder.
Ab einem gewissen Punkt bleibt dir da gar keine andere Wahl als geflissentlich drüberzulesen.
Aber wer würde das tun? Etwas Ausblenden? Blasphemi! Darum wirst du diesen Beitrag lesen, du wirst gar versucht sein zu antworten, scheitern und am Ende reden wir doch wieder English.
Falls das so rübergekommen ist: Ich hab natülich nichts gegen den Versuch einzuwenden, ich glaube halt nur nicht das das funktionieren wird.

Natürlich: solltet es der general Consensus bekommen, gern kann ich (mit Profit für mich!) teilnehmen in der Sprache dass kenne ich. Aber denke ich, dieser Form des antworten gibt nicht höher Qualität der Posts... und vermutlich die Leute dass eine Frage im Englisch nicht einschreiben kann, kommt nicht von Deustchland, Spanien oder Polen, und unser User-base hat vermutlich nicht so viel Personen dass hilfen kann.
I am not talking here of legitimate requests for help but general boring perverting.

At some point, you have no choice but to read over it.

But who would do that? Hide something? Blasphemi! That's why you'll read this post, you'll even be tempted to answer, fail and in the end we'll talk English again.

If this is the case: Of course I have nothing against the attempt to object, I just just do not think that will work.

Word salad seems to be working for me...

I especially like
"general boring perverting." Which makes perfect sense.

I find it a lovely phrase and will now eagerly be looking for opportunities to use it in ordinary English... ;)

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
die Leute dass eine Frage im Englisch nicht einschreiben kann, kommt nicht von Deustchland, Spanien oder Polen, und unser User-base hat vermutlich nicht so viel Personen dass hilfen kann.

Apuprètz: Era gent qui poden pas escríuer ua question en anglés, e vien pas d'Alemanha, Espanha, o Polònia, era nòsta comunautat d'usatgèrs non a guaires persones entà poder ajudar-les.

Non pensi que sigue un gran problèma. Escríuer ua question e non recéber responsa non ei pas piri que non poder-la escríuer. E tostemps i pòt auer beth un que revira era question en ua auta lengua, dilhèu.
O eth madeish usatgèr pòt escríuer era question dempús en ua auta lengua que parle.
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es ist fuer mich eine lange Zeit gewesen, Deutsch zu schreiben (oder reden). ich konnte der neue Matzesus auf dem Deutschen Forums werden.
Catalan? I give up ;)

Occitan (as used in Aran and Comenge). Near miss. :)

The choice of language was meant to hint we don't know what languages our community can understand if we always speak English, so we don't really know when someone comes asking something in a language with few speakers whether there'll be someone able to understand and answer (or at least translate the question). If we discover there was someone, great, if not, the user can always ask in another language later, that's no worse than an English-only forum.
Ok, so native language when needed, otherwise English, German it French for what we have so far?

And we need to translate the wiki?

So do we need help forms in other languages? What about menu options and button labels?
I would just leave it as it is :) and archive the German forum, over there or over here :)
It is a good Idea to leave the German Forum as it is...but read only.
So no Spambots have a Chance more and we can Gather all Informations and Files from the Past Normaly.

The last German Users like Matzesu and me can Switch here completly then and Maybe its a good Idea to simply allow all Languages here.

I have no Problem with a Multi Language Forum...where some Threads are in French or some Threads are in German.

I like the Idea when anyone want to ask a Question in his own Language...let him Post it..
..maybe other Users can Help in his Home Language and most People in the World can read english too.

We can maybe learn sometime new Words in other Languages maybe.
Its a little mixed Forum then ;)
Vous manquez d'un bon sens de l'humour.

Or perhaps I do. And forgive me for the google translate. My French is really rusty.