Lets Discuss The New Cases

That's like being bemused because the work on your house extension is still ongoing, even though the building firm told you it was going to be finished two months ago.

well!, yes!, I don't know how they do things in your part of the world, but in my experience if the builder says they will have my extension done in two months time, then that's when it happens (two weeks before schedule actually), most people are actually quite good at their jobs, that's why you ask em what they think and base your future actions on what they say, you might as well argue it's pointless to pick up your car from the garage on Wednesday, and actually collect it three weeks later cos "the date they told you will not be correct"

you don't have to research anything, the people you contract to do the job should know what they are doing, if they don't, then bring out the penalty clause, (that's sort of like Santa Claus , but he makes you richer, rather than poorer :p )

your "oh! you should have known" attitude is a bit cocky, so when you walk into a shop to buy some advertised product and they tell you they are out of stock, that's your fault?, when you go to a match and it gets cancelled because of bad weather, that's your fault too, when you go to catch a train home and find they are on strike, that's your fault?, when someone backs into your car at the supermarket, guess whose to blame, why? you of course!, and when your girlfriend makes off with your best friend, then that's obviously your fault too, I bet you spend a fortune on antidepressants :lol: :p

the Pandora is a small order for any plastics company, it probably gets fitted in between other jobs, assume Craig DID check out the company, looking at orders they do fill and going from what they say, it could well be reasonable to expect them to be more precise in their estimates , and not saying it was, but how do you know Craig didn't get this company recommended by someone they trust? like TI recommended the board fabricators?, personally, I think they should have made the cases here in the UK or US, maybe even Germany, at least we have people on the ground here, but what's done is done, things seem to heading to a finish, and if the Pandora proves popular enough, then maybe we can move case production here to the West in the future.

footnote: Ironically, a couple of days ago there was a program on BBC r4 about the relationship between big Western firms and Eastern production with many firms being unhappy with the quality and reliability of companies the other side of the equator, even big firms who have invested in plant and facilities in China (for example) are looking at building their next generation plants at or nearer to home, lack of actual skills is one problem, when you have someone assembling DVD drives who's most advanced tool at home is a Hoe and went to school right up to the point where they had to stop and help on the farm at 12/13, then they tend to lack the degree of empathy and understanding you tend to expect in people working on precision, high-tech machinery, they can do the thing by wrote, but they are just as happy turning out substandard gear, as they are making high quality stuff, to an unskilled and disinterested eye, both items are the same shiny thingy they always made, just that one doesn't work properly or fails prematurely.
VRAndy said:
I wouldn't be too quick to blame China.

It is normal for the creation of a complex mold to take a good amount of back and forth.

It is not normal for a company making a device to simply assume that by some miracle it'll all just work the first time, and give their customers a time-table based on that assumption of a miracle.

It's just a case of OP once again not being familiar with the realities of manufacturing, and not including important steps in their time table estimates. In this case "iterating on plastics mold".
This shows a total lack of understanding on your part. I'm sure they expected back and forth. In fact, I seem to recall ED or Craig (probably ED) saying that they expected the first ones to not be perfect due to shrinking and shaving stuff that they would need to discuss with the factory. The factory told them it would be a 30 to 45 day job, give or take some time to account for this discussion. 100 days into that 30 or 45 day job the factory FINALLY started this back and forth. When your contractor says "I'll have this done in a month" and you come back after a month and he says "oh yeah, I should probably get started on that" it is not the customers fault it isn't ready.
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Sphinxter said:
WhiteBat said:
Exophase said:
Of course the units will be silkscreened. Otherwise you wouldn't know which key was which...
the keys don't get silkscreened silly exophase

So the white paint appears in the form of letters how then?

who knows, but the keypad does not undergo a process of 'silkscreening'
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Paradox said:
who knows, but the keypad does not undergo a process of 'silkscreening'
I'd be willing to bet that at one layer at least, the keypad letters are indeed silkscreened.
But the point that the keypad is not silkscreened on the surface like the case labels is correct.
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craigix said:
God Ginrai said:
ndbsolar said:
They run at good speed, but I doubt that is fullspeed. Also, we have no idea whether Craig was using Frameskip or not. My guess is that he was.

-God Ginrai

Mario looked full speed to me... But I am used to the Pal version so maybe it was slower than the american...

Frameskip can make things faster, but you wouldn't say you have an emulator that runs games fullspeed unless it is without Frameskip. Also, Mario

Na-Noo said:
Is frameskip implemented yet? Don't remember any vids being done with it enabled afaik.

All the other vids, however, were done by devs who were working on the emulator, the one ndbsolar was talking about was not. I don't remember the devs mentioning any large speed increase between the last dev video and Craig's, therefore, I see it more likely that Craig was running it with Frameskip than a great speed increase that the devs just didn't mention.

-God Ginrai

There was no frame skip and it was rendering at 800*480.

Wow, that's good to hear. Was sound enabled?

-God Ginrai
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We should have full speed n64 emulation be time we get our Pandoras.
@God Ginrai I think sound was enabled.
WolfSpider said:
We should have full speed n64 emulation be time we get our Pandoras.
@God Ginrai I think sound was enabled.

I hope so. Really, all I'm hoping for is that OoT is playable by the time I receive my Pandora. I want that to be the first game I play on my Pandora.

-God Ginrai
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WolfSpider said:
We should have full speed n64 emulation be time we get our Pandoras.
@God Ginrai I think sound was enabled.

At least for the contexts craigix showed. I don't know if this is fully representative of performance more generally or not. Mario 64 is faster to emulate outside the castle than inside levels and F-Zero X is faster to emulate when there are few cars on the screen. StarFox 64 did look to me like it was slowing down, but I have no idea if it was the emulation or the game itself, and if it's the latter, if it'd run faster if more instructions per second were emulated or not. Or if my perception was wrong and it wasn't really slowing down.
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Exophase said:
WolfSpider said:
We should have full speed n64 emulation be time we get our Pandoras.
@God Ginrai I think sound was enabled.

At least for the contexts craigix showed. I don't know if this is fully representative of performance more generally or not. Mario 64 is faster to emulate outside the castle than inside levels and F-Zero X is faster to emulate when there are few cars on the screen. StarFox 64 did look to me like it was slowing down, but I have no idea if it was the emulation or the game itself, and if it's the latter, if it'd run faster if more instructions per second were emulated or not. Or if my perception was wrong and it wasn't really slowing down.
Super Mario 64 does slow down when you go to certain spots. I saw that in some older videos.
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WizardStan said:
This shows a total lack of understanding on your part. I'm sure they expected back and forth. In fact, I seem to recall ED or Craig (probably ED) saying that they expected the first ones to not be perfect due to shrinking and shaving stuff that they would need to discuss with the factory. The factory told them it would be a 30 to 45 day job, give or take some time to account for this discussion. 100 days into that 30 or 45 day job the factory FINALLY started this back and forth. When your contractor says "I'll have this done in a month" and you come back after a month and he says "oh yeah, I should probably get started on that" it is not the customers fault it isn't ready.
This shows a lack of following the thread of conversation on your part.

I was clearly replying to someone who was bemoaning the fact that china was still "dicking around with the cases" after "a couple of weeks". This person was obviously referring to the way, just last month, We were hyped up for either a pre-christmas delivery or a delivery a week or so later and it is now clear that neither will occur.

Therefore I put forth my theory that the problem in this particular case is setting customer expectations based on the idea that the molds will work on their very first try.
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im afraid that all customer expectations are gone really. come monday, they will be another delay of somekind. were i could use these delays to my advantage, oh mr. irs, the check is in the mail.lol
XPANSiVE said:
They have to send MORE????!?!?!?!?

*buries face in hands* Yes. As has already been explained. And which is no surprise to anybody who is able to read this or any other recent thread about the cases. Sheez.
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WolfSpider said:
We should have full speed n64 emulation be time we get our Pandoras.
@God Ginrai I think sound was enabled.

I just hope they don't delay the Pandora for the emulator to be finished... ;)
Oh, another thought, maybe the guys making the emulator can give us some estimations on when they're done!
That way maybe we'll have a valid estimation (as it seems the Chinese factory is not that good at those).
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centus said:
I just hope they don't delay the Pandora for the emulator to be finished... ;)
Oh, another thought, maybe the guys making the emulator can give us some estimations on when they're done!
That way maybe we'll have a valid estimation (as it seems the Chinese factory is not that good at those).

There is no way OP would intentionally delay Pandora for the release of any emulator.
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Exophase said:
centus said:
I just hope they don't delay the Pandora for the emulator to be finished... ;)
Oh, another thought, maybe the guys making the emulator can give us some estimations on when they're done!
That way maybe we'll have a valid estimation (as it seems the Chinese factory is not that good at those).

There is no way OP would intentionally delay Pandora for the release of any emulator.

I think that comment was made in jest.

-God Ginrai
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