Pandora Languages for Pandora

C and C++ can't be compared with java as they are strongly linked to UNIX, and also produce fast programs.
Did you know that Windows is mostly C++ code ?

I'm also convinced Google may be planning to make Android Ruby-friendly, and why not, drop Java.
After spending millions to keep the right to use java as much as they like.... I doubt so.

Also, java programmers usually dislike java, which is the contrary with Ruby.
I know many dev that love the power of java while I dont know anyone paid to do ruby ;)

There are many draw back of rail (which first one is : slllooowwwnnnneeeesssss)

Rubygame is a pretty good game library.
Show me a ruby game in a PND that run at a decent speed plz
Well i almost never use windows... though it was written in basic by non-programmers ^^.

Well the Ruby push for mobile is very interesting, and it's a good idea to consider it as an option. I'm pretty sure google look at it.

Rails is not ruby...

I don't know any ruby program .pnd ^^.

I tried once to install it on Angstrom, but failed.

It's shipped in Slackware, if someone's interested it will be cool to have some feedback.
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In execution speed, ruby IIRC is faster than python, but loses by oodles to Java. By oodles I mean it's around 1/50th to 1/100th as fast as Java (official build).
In execution speed, ruby IIRC is faster than python, but loses by oodles to Java. By oodles I mean it's around 1/50th to 1/100th as fast as Java (official build).
I highly doubt it's a general rule.
As someone who recently worked at a Ruby shop: yes, there are people who get paid to use Ruby. The attraction has very little to do with execution speed and much to do with time-to-market.

Ruby can be had on the Pandora: I've just finished building 1.9.1 from source. Be sure to run ./configure with '--prefix=/media/<mysdhc>' so files don't go on your NAND and making sure gcc runs with the option '-D__dietlibc__' to avoid a re-typedef error. `make test` came back all passes before I fired the install command. All is well thus far.

A caveat, though: compiling is gonna take awhile. This goes quintuple if you want Erlang/OTP on your Pandora. That 72M source tarball is a doozie.


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If you want to put it in a pnd, better prefix with /mnt/utmp/yourpndname
Ruby can be had on the Pandora: I've just finished building 1.9.1 from source. Be sure to run ./configure with '--prefix=/media/' so files don't go on your NAND and making sure gcc runs with the option '-D__dietlibc__' to avoid a re-typedef error. `make test` came back all passes before I fired the install command. All is well thus far.
Lets frame this Magic!

--- later ---

got it, working ruby pnd and gem script to install more gems.

Try linked pnd, will move it to the repo soon.

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