Gta San Andreas

whilst it does look like quite a good game there is no way it will be the biggest seller of this year not with halo2 and halflife 2 on the way, might be the biggest game for the ps2 but thats not hard to do, all games coming out for ps2 this year suck.
Jr2swiss posted on Sep 26 2004 at 05:54 PM said:
Lol, if I wanted to advertise <_< , I wouldn't do it like this, but if I intended to advertise like this I would do it more often. :)

Just thought that was a funny comment.
? If you aren't advertising, you wouldn't add the site below each comment (but not in the sig, where it could be ignored). I was just pointing out that your comment was shorter than the advertisement after it.
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mingus_dew posted on Sep 26 2004 at 05:29 PM said:
wow gta sa hmm has kinda a katchy tune to it dont ya thank

Yeah - so are they going 90's on this one? You know with the gansta's look and Guns & Roses-music? When I first heard about the game I actually figured it would go 70's...
You know like all those 70's shows with carchases taking place in San Francisco ;)
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Dante posted on Sep 26 2004 at 06:34 PM said:
whilst it does look like quite a good game there is no way it will be the biggest seller of this year not with halo2 and halflife 2 on the way, might be the biggest game for the ps2 but thats not hard to do, all games coming out for ps2 this year suck.

Nah, not enough XBox owners for Halo 2 to beat it and PC games don't sell that well even when they are Half-Life 2!

I think 70s would have been better :P
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Yeah I'm pretty sure GTA : SA will outsell Halo 2. I wish it wouldn't though, that is unless this version of GTA adds something more significant to it than VC did to the original GTA. I don't really like it when a sequal comes out using almost the exact same engine as the game before it.
GTA Advance looks nice to.. you know... for the GBA ;)

its got the top - down graphics but plays like GTA3
finty101 posted on Sep 26 2004 at 03:43 PM said:
Why can't you just stop trying to be differant and enjoy the games?

you hit the nail on the head. ive never encountered anyone outside this forum who hate on the gta series as much as a lot of people on here. you people seem to think that because a game hasnt got the same exposure and is more underground it is a better game. there is no way that halo 2 or half life 2 will be better or outsell gta sa. i personally will cream my pants when i play it. and i also find hilarious the people who say "it only appeals to 12 year olds who like the blood and guns", surely the same can be said about doom 3 or half life? the reason gta sells so much is because it excells at a driving game, a shooter and adventure game, something other games have yet to master
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I'm all for hating on people who "fuck the mainstream", but none of GTA2, 3 or VC have been any where near as fun to play as the first. I like how people that claim to dislike it are only doing so to be different and following the "fuck the mainstream" crowd, but those who get a boner from hearing the title are objectively right.

The reason that GTA was so good was because it was fantasically fun to play, and the driving didn't suck. Let's face it, the shooting side of the game has been shit in all of them. It seems that with each incarnation they are trying to gain a new trade, when they should just stick to keeping it fun, instead of trying to make it into an RPG.

It doesn't excel as either a driving game, or a shooting game or an adventure game individually, but at least the first one was able to combine these to create an enjoyable game.
if you's looked at what you can do in GTA:SA and it's size then you would understand why people are waiting for this.
I do agree GTA1 was great and also original.
GTA2 wasn't as good too wierd for me to get into.
GTA3 brought the 3d view which gave it a new image but with it you could see the top down view.
GTA:VC was basicly an improvement on GTA3 by including better graphics, motorbikes and helicopters. but lost the top down view completely.
and now GTA:SA is adding so much more to the game. if you look at the offical site and at fin sites for whats new you will be gobsmacked at howmuch is being put into this one. if you don't like this style of game howcome you like the first two. all rockstar did from 3 and after is add a 3d view to keep up with technology. More people bought GTA3 because of the new 3d view and that set the trend off. this topic was started by someone to tell people who are interested in the game that there is a new trailer. not to give people a chance to flame the game.
LHC posted on Sep 26 2004 at 08:11 PM said:
The reason that GTA was so good was because it was fantasically fun to play, and the driving didn't suck. Let's face it, the shooting side of the game has been shit in all of them. It seems that with each incarnation they are trying to gain a new trade, when they should just stick to keeping it fun, instead of trying to make it into an RPG.

It doesn't excel as either a driving game, or a shooting game or an adventure game individually, but at least the first one was able to combine these to create an enjoyable game.

"At least the first one was able to combine these to create an enjoyable game".... to a certain point.
I, like many other people wanted helicopters so you can fly around the city. There is a helicopter in GTA1 but its really crap. In comes GTA3: Vice City with multiple fully working 'like they're supposed to' helicopters ! :o

Yes, yes, motorbike fun was missing for several years after GTA1: London (people have gotten about that one havent they :P). But then, with the helicopters comes... motorbikes! Yey! Seems that Rockstar been looking at thier TODO: list.

I find it a bit humourous when people say that found GTA2 weird for them. Without its charm, gang warfare (as in respect earned depending on your action in missions) would be missing from all of the future titles of GTA (I think <_< ).

Guns, Guns, Guns. In GTA3 i had to budget myself on how much I should spend on a particular gun cause there were so many that I wanted to buy later!. Weapons, is not a good reason to even think about GTA1 (Except when using rocket lanuchers in GTA1 multiplayer matches :rolleyes: )

Also, I think that GTA1 is a bit bland now without a storyline to keep the game going. The new games add more 'flavour' to the genre by adding that, "I have a purpose in life. Its to become rich and buy lots of land... and kill things" feeling. Now, I know everyone would have felt that feeling in GTA: VC B) .
I would write more, but im sleepy... -_-
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The problem with Graduis and JSR are that they mostly are aimed towards a certain type of gamer. GTA and the Sims contian a ton of flexablility. Grad and JSR aren't bad games, they just aren't as broad. GTA and the Sims appeal to more people hence the popularity.
i'm not a fanboy or nething, but i'm more excited about halo2 or hl2, gta is good but after awhile it just gets repetitve it'll be good for a few weeks but then it will get old and boring like gta3 and vc are now. but i see what you mean tho, there are a hell of alot more ps2 owners than xbox so maybe it will outsell, but i expect that everyone thats owns an xbox will be getting halo2
Just thinking about GTA is making me all warm inside.

I loved all of the series, and own all of them, and I agree that sandbox gameplay is the future, it appeals to me way more than levels.

EDIT: Does anyone know the American release date? Is it before europe?
finty101 posted on Sep 27 2004 at 03:22 PM said:
Just thinking about GTA is making me all warm inside.

I loved all of the series, and own all of them, and I agree that sandbox gameplay is the future, it appeals to me way more than levels.

EDIT: Does anyone know the American release date? Is it before europe?

Just check suprnova each day until it appears :P
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bringoutthegimp posted on Sep 26 2004 at 08:02 PM said:
blah blah

I don't see how on God's green earth you could say that there is no chance that Half Life 2 or Halo 2 will be better than GTA. Is it just me or is Halo higher than GTA 3 in the rankings on with VC not being on the list at all (outside the double pack, pack in halo with halo 2 and lets see how high that would be on the list). The fact that you won't even admit that halo 2 and half life 2 could be better than GTA : SA (and in my opinion will be) shows how much your opinion about games counts.

And like hell I'm one of those "fuck the mainstream" guys. I play a game if it's good and that's that. I have both GTA 3 and VC. They're good games but did not deserve the success they got. They achieved their success through clever marketing and "word of mouth". Don't even try to say marketing doesn't play a part either. How else would you explain the failure (ish) of the dreamcast?

P.S. My favourite game of all time is Metal Gear Solid ... eat that you mainstream bastards <_<
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