LHC posted on Sep 26 2004 at 08:11 PM said:
The reason that GTA was so good was because it was fantasically fun to play, and the driving didn't suck. Let's face it, the shooting side of the game has been shit in all of them. It seems that with each incarnation they are trying to gain a new trade, when they should just stick to keeping it fun, instead of trying to make it into an RPG.
It doesn't excel as either a driving game, or a shooting game or an adventure game individually, but at least the first one was able to combine these to create an enjoyable game.
"At least the first one was able to combine these to create an enjoyable game".... to a certain point.
I, like many other people wanted helicopters so you can fly around the city. There is a helicopter in GTA1 but its really crap. In comes GTA3: Vice City with multiple fully working 'like they're supposed to' helicopters !
Yes, yes, motorbike fun was missing for several years after GTA1: London (people have gotten about that one havent they

). But then, with the helicopters comes... motorbikes! Yey! Seems that Rockstar been looking at thier TODO: list.
I find it a bit humourous when people say that found GTA2 weird for them. Without its charm, gang warfare (as in respect earned depending on your action in missions) would be missing from all of the future titles of GTA (I think <_< ).
Guns, Guns, Guns. In GTA3 i had to budget myself on how much I should spend on a particular gun cause there were so many that I wanted to buy later!. Weapons, is not a good reason to even think about GTA1 (Except when using rocket lanuchers in GTA1 multiplayer matches :rolleyes: )
Also, I think that GTA1 is a bit bland now without a storyline to keep the game going. The new games add more 'flavour' to the genre by adding that, "I have a purpose in life. Its to become rich and buy lots of land... and kill things" feeling. Now, I know everyone would have felt that feeling in GTA: VC B) .
I would write more, but im sleepy... -_-