It's really a good game. I think I am about done with it though. The new patch changes things slightly, but not enough. I thought I would give it and honest go before I stopped playing it altogether. I may want to let GG get there servers together and patch the game a few more times before I get back into it.
Multiplayer is really fun. The only problem is sometimes when I clearly have a headshot, I will fire like 10 times and nothing will happen. And other times when someone is running by I will fire 1 shot and 5 seconds later after they have already run away it will trigger that I landed a headshot.
Its pretty crazy but KZ2 never feels like its lagging at all, but sometimes it clearly is. The controls still are an issue. Have you ever been in a sports car and when you wanted to turn, the car follows your command perfectly? KZ2 is the opposite of that. I can still turn the car, but I have to be aware of how it handles...if that makes sense.
KZ2 is like a hot bitch. Difficult to handle, but worth it.