Killzone 2


Nintendo Switch
Oct 8, 2005
Is it just me, or is this the most disappointing game ever produced?

I mean...I've played it to death on & offline, and it seems that hype has truly ruined the game in every conceivable manner.

From first seeing a video of it way back in 2005, till now...Not worth the wait, in my opinion.


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Grimgrey! Grimgrey! Goddamnit, who let this game ship? We forgot to add in shaders that enabled color!
So far it's kicking quite a bit of ass for me. The only real downside is that it gives me motionsickness, which frankly should be enough, but that and a slightly more difficult to master control scheme is the only thing keeping it from taking COD4 number 1 spot on my list.

BTW. That list only has 3 spots and CPD4 didnt give me motionsickness.

I havent yet tried the multiplayer though (want to get through single player first). I have a feeling that I should probably keep a vomit bucket and a case of seasickness pills on hand when I do.

Still a beautiful freakin' game though
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If you play around with the control ALTERNATIVES for'll find out that you can make the controls virtually the same as COD4's default control settings.

Clue: Alternative 2!!! And zoom tick. :)
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The controls are horrible. It's okay that the input lag/weight is there, but they need to institute sticky aiming. Analog stick will never be as accurate as a mouse, so design around that idea. I spent half of the game trying to aim with the automatic weapons and the other half just bulldozing through the enemies with the knife. Try it yourself, sprint around knifing everyone. If they aren't clustered together to tightly you shouldn't die. I beat Radec in 12 minutes using the knifing technique
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'Phawx' said:
I beat Radec in 12 minutes using the knifing technique
Try that on elite (I could see dying over 190x by the time I finish every single difficulty).

Anyways, this game was one of the biggest reasons that I got a PS3 and I really believe that it nearly lives up to the hype. Sure, the dialogue is pretty bad (except for Visari) and I really do hate some of the mechanics (spending an hour behind a dumpster until your enemy pops his head out of cover) but the online and art direction really makes up for it (can't wait until I unlock the Sta-14). The controls are going to take some getting used to though (unlike COD4 where it only takes about three weeks until you can win nearly every match).
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I think complaining about Killzones controls is ridiculous. I actually know someone, who now owns a PS3, who despite the original being in his top 3 games of all time (seriously) wont buy Killzone 2 because he doesnt want to have to get used to the controls.

However, it is the same person who hated Warhawk because 'theres no run button' (hes already running!).

But seriously, not every game should play like COD, especially seeing as Killzone is not the same type of game. If you want every game to play exactly the same, go and play Doom mods for the rest of your life.
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The controls maybe a technical issue. Some people have reported the lag going away by turning cross color reduction filter off and/or switching to 480i.

I'm going to test it tonight.
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The cross color reduction filter doesn't do anything for me. I can clearly turn the controller all of the way and then take my finger off and have .25-.40 second delay. I don't know if this happens with everyone or if it's just me.
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I took the time to actually measure the controllers response. You can check it out here:


A group of friends and I started a blog and wanted to do something that would grab the attention of people, so we came up with a "why it sucks" theme for reviewing games.

At first I thought it was just the "Sony Defense Force" at work with all the comments. So, I thought something could have been up with my controls. So I busted out my EX-FH20 for some hi-speed footage and than counted the frames in virtual dub.

If, like me, you are going out through HDMI, you will want to turn off both HDMI filters in the Display settings. This will reduce the input lag for 1/4 of a sec to 1/5 of a sec.

But GG patched the game today and others are reporting the controls are fixed. I honestly don't care anymore to 'test' these changes. Other games are out that I want to play and need to review.

Next review is going to be "Halo Wars - Why is sucks"
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