Keyboard problems


Still Fresh
Sep 16, 2008
I just recieved my Pandora, and have been experiencing two issues:

The "2" key is extremely stiff. It works if you push it hard enough, but does not depress like the other keys. A blob of the hard keycap coating has run down the side of the key, preventing the mat from flexing properly.


The "A" gamepad button is squidgy and unresponsive, and sometimes sticks. It's kinda hard to see in the picture, but the underside of the cap on the right has a lump of scrap plastic still attached, which prevents it from sitting properly on the mat.


Both of these issues are easily fixed with a shark knife, so this is mainly an FYI that these may be QA issues here.
If thats a Panda from the newer batch then cheers for the heads up. Sounds like it was fixable without too much hassle and if thats your only´s all good buddy!

Welcome to the nub club :)
The factory know about those two issues and have tightened up their QC on them. The A button one we actually sat with 1000 buttons trying to find any with that issue and scrape them out, a few obviously got though the net.
Wait, you opened it up? That voids your warranty, right?
We're not all paranoid about the thing failing after a few weeks and needing to be returned under waranty - better a quick fix than a week without a pandora! (says he with a slightly iffy LCD cable which probably will need to be returned eventually!)