Journal of Purchasing Vouchers >:\


Still Fresh
Jul 25, 2016
Collected vouchers: x2 10€.
Expected Pyra price: it's 400 euro for the downpayment, the amount of the final payment is yet to be known by me.

I'm an easily distracted person, with almost no willpower to stay on track. This journal is to update the slow but sure progress of purchasing vouchers to be used on obtaining a pyra. >:-|

Log1, 7/26/2016 : Using my friend's paypal account, I'm about to puchase a 10 euro voucher with which I hope to purchase a pyra one day. Upon finishing up the required fields, I was asked to agree upon the terms and conditions unconditionally. Clicked on link and sees german texts. goes back and ticked to agree anyways.

Status Payment accepted. But after going into the "My Vouchers" section, no voucher is yet to be listed there. I wonder how long would it take for it to appear?
Update: I've received the voucher codes through emails. I wonder how the voucher system completely works?

Log2, 7/27/2016: in the process of Buying another 10 euro voucher. *update* the purchase was denied at this time, I'm unsure of the reasons. I will try again in the morning.

update: Paypal states that my card issuer denied the transactions.. buying things online, this happens way too often.. I guess it's all for security purposes.

Log3, 7/28/2016: finally bought my second gift voucher. the Transaction were previously denied because I had entered the wrong date. silly me..

Log4,8/1/2016: Currently Purchasing my fourth and fifth 10 euro voucher. *sigh..* Today I've been weak... made some regrettable purchases (i.e, food) that could've gone to funding the pyra.. :( oh well...

Log 8/12/2016: having some troubles with my bank acc.. finally resolved it these past few days. Going to resume on purchasing vouchers for pyra. while the acc was down, I have been mildly successful at keeping myself from spending money on other things.
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I am not sure if you want comments or not, so I will use spoiler tags.
I am not sure about how the vouchers normally work, as I have never outright purchased them (yet. I will be doing as you are as soon as I have money coming in and pay off the cost difference between a pre-preorder and a full preorder). Make sure to check your email, too. It might not be automatic, and require someone in the shop to complete the transaction, just as if you had purchased physical items. I may be wrong.

Which version of the Pyra are you planning to get? I think you made a good decision, as the Pyra will probably be a better all purpose device (the Pandora is still great, but other things hold it back...browsing is quite a headache sometimes, for example).

I hope everything works out and you can join the rest of us getting a first batch unit. Since I didn't say it before, welcome to a great community.
I am not sure if you want comments or not, so I will use spoiler tags.
I am not sure about how the vouchers normally work, as I have never outright purchased them (yet. I will be doing as you are as soon as I have money coming in and pay off the cost difference between a pre-preorder and a full preorder). Make sure to check your email, too. It might not be automatic, and require someone in the shop to complete the transaction, just as if you had purchased physical items. I may be wrong.

Which version of the Pyra are you planning to get? I think you made a good decision, as the Pyra will probably be a better all purpose device (the Pandora is still great, but other things hold it back...browsing is quite a headache sometimes, for example).

I hope everything works out and you can join the rest of us getting a first batch unit. Since I didn't say it before, welcome to a great community.
Comments is fine. Logs would mainly be done at the initial post. >:}
I used to own a nokia n900. and I Loved it. even though the browsing capabilities isn't up to par with better devices I had at the time,(actually.. if remembered correctly, the n900 was so good.. I used it exclusively for internet on the go :D) combine with the qwerty, it's more then enough to make me prefer it over my other android devices. Although, at the price the Pyra is selling for, I would expect the Browsing experience to be no less than stellar(I know, the price is to account for other factors too). or at least, on par with modern devices.

I'm aiming for a 4gb Ram Mobile edition Pyra EU version. :D

you're right. I've received an email containing the voucher codes. Email content: "We are pleased to offer you a gift voucher worth 10 € that you can use on your next order by using the following code : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx".
I wonder why they would have a "My Voucher" Section on the site if the codes is sent and kept through emails?

and lastly, Thanks for welcoming me! >:D
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The "My vouchers" section shows vouchers that are exclusively usable by yourself.
The Pyra preorder is basically a gift voucher - you can give the code to anyone else and he can use it, that's why it's not in the "My vouchers" section :)
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The "My vouchers" section shows vouchers that are exclusively usable by yourself.
The Pyra preorder is basically a gift voucher - you can give the code to anyone else and he can use it, that's why it's not in the "My vouchers" section :)
I see.. I understand now. Thanks for replying to me! :D

extra questions to anyone that have some free time :

is there an expiry date on the gift vouchers?

if I want to make a pre-order using only vouchers,I'm guessing it could only be done after collecting enough vouchers to pay off the down payment. is that right? currently I have only bought 10 euro gift voucher.
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Although, at the price the Pyra is selling for, I would expect the Browsing experience to be no less than stellar(I know, the price is to account for other factors too). or at least, on par with modern devices.
ED made a video early on to show those of us that use a bunch of tabs how it would perform, so check that out. I think he underestimated how many tabs some of us use, but the video shows it should be fine for a normal browsing session. If you use a lot of tabs, like me and a few others around here, you might want to consider using bookmarks instead, or saving different browsing sessions if your preferred browser allows that.

is there an expiry date on the gift vouchers?
I don't think so. Now you have me concerned that mine will expire...

if I want to make a pre-order using only vouchers,I'm guessing it could only be done after collecting enough vouchers to pay off the down payment. is that right?
Yes. As I understand it, you would use them all (enough to cover the cost) instead of just one that is a higher value than the item(s) you are buying, the preorder in this case. I don't have experience with this, but it should be pretty straightforward.
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The "My vouchers" section shows vouchers that are exclusively usable by yourself.
The Pyra preorder is basically a gift voucher - you can give the code to anyone else and he can use it, that's why it's not in the "My vouchers" section :)

Ah, I was wondering about that. When I pre-ordered a Pyra, I got the following email:

Thanks !

Thanks for your purchase of the gift voucher, (name) !

We are pleased to offer you a gift voucher worth 400 € that you can use on your next order by using the following code : (removed).
ED made a video early on to show those of us that use a bunch of tabs how it would perform, so check that out. I think he underestimated how many tabs some of us use, but the video shows it should be fine for a normal browsing session. If you use a lot of tabs, like me and a few others around here, you might want to consider using bookmarks instead, or saving different browsing sessions if your preferred browser allows that.
could it be found on OpenPandora official youtube channel? I have a lot of tabs opened indeed. but these days have managed to control the habit of opening too much. but on the other hand, now I have too much unfinished articles inside my bookmark >:-D

I don't think so. Now you have me concerned that mine will expire...

hah :D

Yes. As I understand it, you would use them all (enough to cover the cost) instead of just one that is a higher value than the item(s) you are buying, the preorder in this case. I don't have experience with this, but it should be pretty straightforward.

alright. I'm counting on it. >:-D thanks!
That video was one of the ones on the official channel. Check them all out if you get the chance. There is a thread here called something like "What do you want to see?" where we could make requests and those with devboards tried out what we requested.
That video was one of the ones on the official channel. Check them all out if you get the chance. There is a thread here called something like "What do you want to see?" where we could make requests and those with devboards tried out what we requested.
Thank you! nice! I'll look up on the thread too.
I don't know if you care about these sort of things, but one of the cool parts of getting a Pyra early on (as opposed to the Pandora at the end of its lifecycle, essentially) is that you get to see how things change, and if you choose to you can be involved with that. That is one thing I would have liked to experience, so I get a chance to with the Pyra, and with much less risk.

Just be patient for both the hardware and the software. I think ED made the right choice to not rush things much, and to make sure everything is done properly and working before beginning mas production and sending them out. It is better for him (less money lost) and us (we are les likely to need to send them back for repairs constantly). On the software side of things, while many things will work out of the box many things well not be optimized, and we will have to wait/work on ports. Since I wasn't around during the early days of the Pandora I am just guessing, but when the Pyra ships it should be much more generally usable than the Pandora was. While x86 may help with that (which many people want) I think we would get less optimized software, but more games would work natively, and even more so with Windows (many of us don't want Windows, myself included, for a variety of reasons).

This all works out just fine for me, as the Pyra will be primarily a general purpose computer for me, and a gaming handheld when I need it. For those that mainly want it for gaming they may not be as happy about the wait to get ports of their favorite games, if they ever happen. There will still be plenty of emulators, and I get the feeling that I will be doing that more with my Pyra than I do with my Pandora.
I don't know if you care about these sort of things, but one of the cool parts of getting a Pyra early on (as opposed to the Pandora at the end of its lifecycle, essentially) is that you get to see how things change, and if you choose to you can be involved with that. That is one thing I would have liked to experience, so I get a chance to with the Pyra, and with much less risk.

alright, sounds nice. :) I'll see if I could think of something.

Just be patient for both the hardware and the software. I think ED made the right choice to not rush things much, and to make sure everything is done properly and working before beginning mas production and sending them out. It is better for him (less money lost) and us (we are les likely to need to send them back for repairs constantly). On the software side of things, while many things will work out of the box many things well not be optimized, and we will have to wait/work on ports. Since I wasn't around during the early days of the Pandora I am just guessing, but when the Pyra ships it should be much more generally usable than the Pandora was. While x86 may help with that (which many people want) I think we would get less optimized software, but more games would work natively, and even more so with Windows (many of us don't want Windows, myself included, for a variety of reasons).

I'm expecting to use the device for more than just emulations. It's features is plentiful. I'm hoping to make use of it. :)

Even though I hope it get released this year, it'd be more problematic to have a less operable device. in the meantime I could be patient, since I'm not even close on collecting enough vouchers to purchase a pyra yet. :p

This all works out just fine for me, as the Pyra will be primarily a general purpose computer for me, and a gaming handheld when I need it. For those that mainly want it for gaming they may not be as happy about the wait to get ports of their favorite games, if they ever happen. There will still be plenty of emulators, and I get the feeling that I will be doing that more with my Pyra than I do with my Pandora.

It's going to be a general purpose computer for me too. I tend to end up in places where I need such a device in a compact form factor.
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having troubles with my bank acc.. finally resolved it these past few days. going to resume purchasing vouchers for the pyra.