Jdoom (Doomsday Engine)


Advanced Member
May 18, 2009
Rotherham, UK
basically jDoom as an engine for doom (original doom/hexen etc data files required) but its a upgraded engine with 3d models hi-res textures more advanced lighting.
and there is a linux version available.

Doomsday installation wiki

please please say this is possible :)
that does look pretty cool.

Sourcecode appears to be available so you just need someone to compile it for pandora.
It uses display lists and glBegin(), so it won't be a straight recompile. And, the codebase is rather big, so I think it might be better to wait for a wrapper.
As for speed, it got choppy at places on my geforce2mx, but that was at 1280x1024, so I think it's going to be fine on the Pandora... until you break out the plasma rifle :)
well I hope Someone does compile it for pandora :)
calling all you kings of compile/porting... pickle? exophase? anyone?? :)
milkshake said:
well I hope Someone does compile it for pandora :)
calling all you kings of compile/porting... pickle? exophase? anyone?? :)

Love you Jakey :)

sorry that was my gf being silly.
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sorry for the shameless bump just hoped a few more people will read it since i posted it late last night.
I remember playing through Doom I and II with this, although using sprites isntead of polygons. Would be nice to see it running on the Pandora.
Yup it would and I'm hoping at some point someone with the no-how to port/compile this for Pandora will step in and make this dream a reality... anyone :)