I''ve Just Got A Wiz

Alright. Now I am getting quite worried that we will be receiving useless units. I guess I'll have to take the battery out when I'm not using it. :(

EDIT: Actually, can't someone create a firmware WITHOUT a clock, or one that doesn't draw as much power? If there's no clock, then there won't be any need to draw power while it's off, right?

Weston, if you figured out how to fix the problem, would you post a tutorial on how to do so?
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I thought MWeston was guessing that it was a hardware issue, and not the clock.
Personally, I don't think it is the clock. I have designed RTC chips into a few designs and those things sip the power. The Wiz part uses 0.5uA in standby and 200uA during operation. Maybe a diode is installed backwards but it looks right from the internal pics I have seen. I'm not sure what that second diode is for since it's not in the application diagram but I'm sure it's fine.

It could be as simple as some pull down resistors being omitted from the pick and place data by an accidental oversight or it could be a missed error in the hardware design and the parts needed really aren't on the board.

It could also be a couple of units and the rest are fine. Everyone with production Wiz's would need to test this overnight and see what happens to their battery. If it is something on all of them and ED wants to send me one, I'll gladly play around and see if there is a simple fix I can post to the board.
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+vote of support for craigix. I don't think he's been unfair when talking about GPH.

On another note, it's very strange to visit the Wiz forums and see mostly completely different people posting than on the Pandora forums. First impressions say that I like this crowd better. It's a shame I can't stay.
:blink: I hope this problem gets sorted, ^maybe sounds like yours was a one-off ED (I hope so!)

Esn said:
On another note, it's very strange to visit the Wiz forums and see mostly completely different people posting than on the Pandora forums. First impressions say that I like this crowd better. It's a shame I can't stay.

Uh, why?
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'WarmFluffyUK' said:
This is really odd, as my Wiz lasts for days without needing a recharge.
Hmmmm... what am I doing wrong? :o

How do you switch it off? I just move the switch until the screen becomes black, and when I switch it back on, it starts booting, so it can't be on standby... or can it?

This is weird.

Maybe it's the battery and I have to charge and uncharge it a few times fully... that was common with LiIon batteries, is it still the same with LiPolymer?

Last time I had it on, it said the battery is 2/3 full and the next day it reported that the battery was empty.
It could also be a problem with their battery indicator (softwarewise) as I haven't tried yet how long it will last when it says it's empty.
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pandora said:
Uh, why?

Because I'm buying a Pandora but not a Wiz. This place just feels more like "old times" for some reason, maybe because there are fewer newcomers and fewer people here, so it feels smaller and more intimate like these forums were years ago.

Or maybe because GPH is far away, there's no one nearby to flame for things going wrong and people act more patiently.

The Pandora forums have many great people too, of course, but some don't post much anymore. Maybe because they're posting on the secret forums instead.

Anyway, sorry, this is rather off-topic. ;)
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'EvilDragon' said:
'WarmFluffyUK' said:
This is really odd, as my Wiz lasts for days without needing a recharge.
Hmmmm... what am I doing wrong? :o

How do you switch it off? I just move the switch until the screen becomes black, and when I switch it back on, it starts booting, so it can't be on standby... or can it?

This is weird.

Maybe it's the battery and I have to charge and uncharge it a few times fully... that was common with LiIon batteries, is it still the same with LiPolymer?

Last time I had it on, it said the battery is 2/3 full and the next day it reported that the battery was empty.
It could also be a problem with their battery indicator (softwarewise) as I haven't tried yet how long it will last when it says it's empty.

Yes that's still the case actually. you might have to condition the battery a bit and it'll improve.

Hey the simple solutions are always the ones we forget about right?
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Whew, good thing it keeps the power :D

Then everything seems fine with the WiZ :D
Nice little machine :D
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'fyuno83' said:
i hope these silly accusations end with
a simply apology from peter_r :(
I have a newer Wiz and have stated the facts. I have nothing to apologise for. What it sounds like is that GPH have sent Craig an old version or something.
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'WarmFluffyUK' said:
This is really odd, as my Wiz lasts for days without needing a recharge.
See mine is a little odd, I had this problem and even informed GPH about it losing charge but then it suddenly seemed to right itself and I could come back 3-4 days later and it was still charged. I tried the other day though and it was losing charge again so it's a bit strange. I was told at the time I reported it that the engineers would look into it.
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The Pollux has it, I don't think GPH has set it up. Will not be hard to do sometime, you just put a value in a register to tell it which GPIO to wake up on and then send the sleep command and everything it can get away with shutting down does so.
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