Wiz Pictures From The Ifa

dsraa said:
"The Wiz".....seriously why would you want to carry something around called the WIZ?
You could play "Wizball" on it ;)

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Squidge said:
Blades said:
All I want is handheld that can play SNES games/mode 7 at FULL SPEED with no framskip on with full sound as Nintendo intended it.
You mean like a portable SNES?

Maybe he means this: http://www.dealextreme.com/products.dx/category.606

Blades said:
dsraa said:
"The Wiz".....seriously why would you want to carry something around called the WIZ?

Why would people buy something called the Wii. :o Sometimes things just don't make sense that is for sure.

At least lets hope that Craig's idea of a good TV advert isn't strange foreign men in pairs that come to your house . . . think about it :lol:
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Nah, I don't think so. The only of experiencing SNES games in the same way as Nintendo intended on a handheld is to buy a SNES and turn it into a handheld :)

Emulation just approximates it.
Squidge said:
Nah, I don't think so. The only of experiencing SNES games in the same way as Nintendo intended on a handheld is to buy a SNES and turn it into a handheld :)

Emulation just approximates it.
Do you think so? Emulators like BSNES are remarkably close to the real thing... on the other hand, Nintendo intended for SNES controls and a giant handheld encasing SNES internals is about the furthest you could get from that as a gamepad could offer.
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Yes, you can get remarkably close to the real thing, but typically, the only way to get identical results to the real thing, is to buy the real thing, or at least use the same chipset.
What what 2,5 jack??? RRRR... I need to buy new reduction.Again... :blink:
Still I will buy it!!! :angry:
Squidge said:
Nah, I don't think so. The only of experiencing SNES games in the same way as Nintendo intended on a handheld is to buy a SNES and turn it into a handheld :)

Emulation just approximates it.
Are you sure that Gamestation isn't a Nintendo on a chip or possibly an FPGA (hardware emulation?)

Of course being a big pirate deal the details are sketchy, but NES and Genesis/MD are supposedly supported so far.

In the ultimate cheapest form the Onestation would just be controls, battery and screen, possibly with a Nintendo on a Chip inside. More consoles are supported by putting the SOC in the cartridge.

(I could be way off base, but that is what I have been led to believe)
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So I guess there was a raid at the IFA for patent violations? Was GPH caught up in this? Is this going to threaten the release of the Wiz for our German friends?
Wow! New console! Im so excited! I think, i like it.

+ more power
+ with proper first directional pad at least (Ah, so they DID listen community, did they?)
+ removable Li-on accumulator
+ Place for Stylus
+ Wiz become thin

Ugh! And the sad things:

- Right d-pad instead of comfortable round buttons.
- Screen size decreased. Resolution stays the same.
- 2,5mm headphone jack (Damn, i hope it wouldn`t be hard to resolder)
- Personally i was quite happy with headphone jack at the top
- Glossy plastic. Matted surface would be much better.

And they did not added any new buttons. It could be useful consider Wiz`s power. How many things could work on Wiz? PS-one, LBA, War-3, Tomb Raider, StarCraft... yeah, additional controls needed...

And Yes, I can remember the Game, that uses three-button-push at once!
Its Beyond Oasis (sega genesis). When you summon a spirit you must push A+B+C together to cancel it.
Cruel said:
War-3, StarCraft
I doubt Warcraft3 and Starcraft appears on Wiz.

Althrough Warcraft 2 and Diablo have a PSX ports.

Starcraft is on N64...
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I thought that possible, because of 3D-accelerator and 533Mhz processor. It`s like a Pentium-III characteristics.
Well, of course if someone will try to port such things. Most likely War-3 will not appear, you right. It has closed source code.

But... N64 possibly could be...