Wiz Pictures From The Ifa

mindlord said:
Thank goodness for some actual tactile feedback. I was certain that the A-Pad* would not work out, but didn't want to vocalize until someone who actually touched it could comment. I see no possible way to hit three buttons without hitting the fourth. Perhaps they could cut it into four pentagon shaped buttons that all sit very close together, still looks and acts like a pad, but each button could be hit independently. I've seen that configuration used somewhere else before and it looked relatively comfortable.

* Since the left pad is for Direction (D-Pad) and the other pad replaces the action buttons I suggest we call the right pad on the Wiz the A-Pad. And don't you lefties go complicating things by saying, "But Mindlord! You could swap the controls in software and make the left one the A-Pad and the right one the D-Pad."
I nominate calling it the Ass-Pad, because it makes GPH and the Wiz look stupid :D :D

Get them to use standard round buttons if you can. At least try to get seperated rounded buttons with a bit of square edges if they want to be weird.

Does anyone think that appropriate round buttons can be made aftermarket that will fit this faceplate?
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:o I want first try WIZ for real.Than talk... when they will be bad.
I can do mold form 3D model... :D.But I can´t manufacture buttons.
Anybody here who has made custom buttons or gamepad???
elan said:
Well there will be lot of X-Cut button mods for sure.
Or I hope better will be 3th party buttons...
Craig said that if it actually ships with a 2nd d-pad instead of buttons, he will devise and sell some solution (probably a replacement faceplate with holes in the proper places and regular buttons to fill them). That's good news, since an "x-cut" mod like you are suggesting would not work. At least, it wouldn't work well. The reason d-pads and buttons don't fall out when you turn the unit upside down is because there is a lip on the underside of them. If you were to cut a d-pad into four pieces, that lip would only be on one edge of each piece. If you turned the Wiz upside down, all four pieces would fall out.

I'm sure somebody will figure out a DIY mod to turn the 2nd d-pad into buttons, but there will have to be more to it than simply quartering the existing pad.
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Chip said:
elan said:
Well there will be lot of X-Cut button mods for sure.
Or I hope better will be 3th party buttons...
Craig said that if it actually ships with a 2nd d-pad instead of buttons, he will devise and sell some solution (probably a replacement faceplate with holes in the proper places and regular buttons to fill them). That's good news, since an "x-cut" mod like you are suggesting would not work. At least, it wouldn't work well. The reason d-pads and buttons don't fall out when you turn the unit upside down is because there is a lip on the underside of them. If you were to cut a d-pad into four pieces, that lip would only be on one edge of each piece. If you turned the Wiz upside down, all four pieces would fall out.

I'm sure somebody will figure out a DIY mod to turn the 2nd d-pad into buttons, but there will have to be more to it than simply quartering the existing pad.
So when you go for a Wiz your bits could fall out accidentally? ;)

The Dragon edition does look nice, and shows there could be other sweet designs too. It would be so much better if someone like Peter R / Orkie / ED etc could persuade them the benefits of buttons.
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that Wizdragon looks so good!

so is that secondary dpad so flawled? if you can press two buttons using the diagonals can't be so bad, i never press THREE buttons together in any game.
But having normal buttons will calm the waters... keep asking!
The other big problem for me is the 2.5mm headphone jack, 3.5 is the standard... ask for that too :(
Well, at first I thought it isn't that bad. But trying Super Mario World showed me it actually is :(
The 3.5mm jack doesn't fit into the case...
EvilDragon said:
Well, at first I thought it isn't that bad. But trying Super Mario World showed me it actually is :(
The 3.5mm jack doesn't fit into the case...
I can't even imagine jump-dashing in Megaman X...
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Yrx said:
EvilDragon said:
Well, at first I thought it isn't that bad. But trying Super Mario World showed me it actually is :(
The 3.5mm jack doesn't fit into the case...
I can't even imagine jump-dashing in Megaman X...

...while charging the X-Buster.
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Eclipse said:
that Wizdragon looks so good!

so is that secondary dpad so flawled? if you can press two buttons using the diagonals can't be so bad, i never press THREE buttons together in any game.
But having normal buttons will calm the waters... keep asking!

Don't forget games where you need to press opposite buttons to perform the combo, not possible without pressing all four buttons with a dpad.


The other big problem for me is the 2.5mm headphone jack, 3.5 is the standard... ask for that too :(
EvilDragon said:
Well, at first I thought it isn't that bad. But trying Super Mario World showed me it actually is :(
The 3.5mm jack doesn't fit into the case...
Just beg and plead to include a 2.5mm to 3.5mm adapter in the box, it can't cost them more than $0.50 per unit. Or at least see if they can throw it in for those who need it. (If not I suppose the board will be full of links to $1 chinese models from HK distributors).

Do they actually think that 2 dpads will make up for never giving the GP2X a Dpad?

Maybe they think there will be lots of 2-player 1 action key portrait games that need a dpad on each end?

Maybe they have MAME portrait emulation in mind and want to satisfy lefties and righties? (although "righties" like a left dpad, and lefties do too, so WTF??)
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A 2.5 mm jack? The 3.5 mm one in the gp2x was horrible (cos it was too deep inside the casing) but a 2.5 mm jack is downright stupid, certain ipods come in mind. And the dpad trouble was a no-brainer, I mean that's just too obvious .. looks like GPH didn't learn from their mistakes, fix one thing break another :( I am a leftie btw. lol

Chip said:
Craig said that if it actually ships with a 2nd d-pad instead of buttons, he will devise and sell some solution (probably a replacement faceplate with holes in the proper places and regular buttons to fill them). That's good news, since an "x-cut" mod like you are suggesting would not work. At least, it wouldn't work well. The reason d-pads and buttons don't fall out when you turn the unit upside down is because there is a lip on the underside of them. If you were to cut a d-pad into four pieces, that lip would only be on one edge of each piece. If you turned the Wiz upside down, all four pieces would fall out.
Well the thing is we shouldn't have to do such things in the first place - buy a brand new system and mod it to make it useful. GPH shouldn't get away with stuff like that because it doesn't cost them any more to use 4 seperate buttons, yet we have to open the device and void our warranty to put things right. I think not.

The "evil dragon" edition looks really cool tho, I have to admit that! ;)

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I will by one if I can highlight a nes or smd rom and it will play without going thru seperate emulators
wtf? the second dpad is stupid, What if you need to push a and x at the same time, you cant, thats stupid, It looks nice, but bad gameplay there

you cant push all A Y X B buttons at the same time
KungPhoo said:
how is the SNES performance?
Speed wise, I`m not sure, As it hasn`t really been mentioned. But the button layout seems to severely cripple snes game-play according to ED`s quote below.

EvilDragon said:
Some not-so-good news... I just tried an SNES emulator right now.
I didn't even manage to get through the first level with those DPAD-Buttons - definately something that NEEDS to be fixed.
I'll show them, maybe it's not too late.... otherwise, we need to fix that ourselves...
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another game that would be unplayable is tekken.
i really like the design of the wiz except for the second dpad. that totally kills it for me. if they fix it, i will probably buy one in the future.
dsraa said:
"The Wiz".....seriously why would you want to carry something around called the WIZ?

Why would people buy something called the Wii. :o Sometimes things just don't make sense that is for sure.

All I want is handheld that can play SNES games/mode 7 at FULL SPEED with no framskip on with full sound as Nintendo intended it. I hope either the pandora or The Wiz can do that. (I know the GP2x does a decent job and the psp does an ok job(depending on the game as long as it's not mode 7). But it's not perfect yet. Also to do a decent job of Dosbox.....but that's a different story...

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