Just in time for the recent discovery from NASA
i release the demo. "Its Full of Stars" by Traction.
This demo was presented at Ifparty 2006 where ranked 2nd.
Links for more info about this demo:
Download here.
Visually is really nice, the music (if you could call it music) is a bit strange and maybe boring...as explained in the info
was truncated/reduced to gain space (it is a 64K demo).
On Pandora it run with the help of gl4es by ptitSeb and fps will vary from 3-4 frame to 160fps in some scenes @825Mhz on my CC.
Source is included in PND.
This demo was presented at Ifparty 2006 where ranked 2nd.
Links for more info about this demo:
Download here.

Visually is really nice, the music (if you could call it music) is a bit strange and maybe boring...as explained in the info
was truncated/reduced to gain space (it is a 64K demo).
On Pandora it run with the help of gl4es by ptitSeb and fps will vary from 3-4 frame to 160fps in some scenes @825Mhz on my CC.
Source is included in PND.