Release It's Full of Stars (scene demo)


Certified Guru
Jan 8, 2009
Just in time for the recent discovery from NASA :cool: i release the demo. "Its Full of Stars" by Traction.

This demo was presented at Ifparty 2006 where ranked 2nd.

Links for more info about this demo:

Download here.



Visually is really nice, the music (if you could call it music) is a bit strange and maybe explained in the info
was truncated/reduced to gain space (it is a 64K demo).

On Pandora it run with the help of gl4es by ptitSeb and fps will vary from 3-4 frame to 160fps in some scenes @825Mhz on my CC.

Source is included in PND.

I'll try it soon (still compiling for now, I'll wait a little).

I've seen you used BATCH mode of gl4es. If you are using latest version, you can try without BATCH mode, if the rendering use lots of glBegin/glEnd, the new GL_BEGINEND can help. By default (if not in BATCH mode), the mode "1" is used and can help in many case. You can also try with GL_BEGINEND=2 for a more agresive mode, but this one can also be slower (it does helps for Torrus Trooper for example). I haven't looked at the sources so I'm not sure how the rendering is done (to sum up, if mostly glBegin/glEnd, don't use GL_BATCH=1 try with nothing or with GL_BEGINEND=2, if it's glDrawArrays/glDrawElements then GL_BATCH=1 can still help).

*EDIT* I just quickly checked the sources and it seems mostly based on glBegin/glEnd. So replace the GL_BATCH=1 by GL_BEGINEND=2 or nothing and see if it improve things.
ran the exe in wine. A bit boring compared to the funky last one. Will dl the pandora version later to see it there.
ok just compiled your gl4es lib with the latest commit.

Quick test without BATCH mode and BEGINEND=2 seems a bit more fluid but visually i think we lost something (like glowing in some scene).
With BEGINEND=1 visually is like the one released on repo...but is slower than BEGINEND=2.

ok just compiled your gl4es lib with the latest commit.

Quick test without BATCH mode and BEGINEND=2 seems a bit more fluid but visually i think we lost something (like glowing in some scene).
With BEGINEND=1 visually is like the one released on repo...but is slower than BEGINEND=2.

Ah, GL_BEGINEND=2 is still a bit experimental.
is GL_BEGINEND=1 (it's default mode, so you can omit it) faster then GL_BATCH=1 ? Same speed maybe?
Just gave this a spin on my Pandora. I noticed it ran without sound until I disconnected deadbeef from the alsa channel - some software does this and some does now, and I don't know what differs between them.

So on the second run I switched deadbeef to use null output, and then it ran with sound. I did find it more tolerable with sound, and as you say some of the effects are quite nice. I think there's one effect early on (second or third scene) that doesn't run properly, or at least it doesn't get very bright before it terminates on my 1GHz Pandora.

Thanks very much for the port, Farox!
I think there's one effect early on (second or third scene) that doesn't run properly, or at least it doesn't get very bright before it terminates on my 1GHz Pandora.
it's on this ?

or this ?


Thanks for test it.