This is a good and bad thing for me. I have been putting off getting my lcd cable replaced, so other pre-orders can get done and people that would use their pandoras more than me can. I like the idea of sending my pandora to you because of the save in time/shipping prices. however I did want to send Ed a gift of some sort when i sent my pandora to him. My question is if I send it to you with a present for you and Ed, would the present i send for Ed be able to piggyback on the next package you send Ed, (im not sure how often, if ever, you send things to him) with a bit of extra money to cover any extra shipping costs.
As long as the gift is something legal I can ship, then yes
No need to provide any extra shipping funds. I think I'll have at least one PCB I need to send back possibly more as I'll determine in the next few days of RMAs.