SoleGrave said:
I also live in the states and wonder how far away my order will be. In regards to the order number, which set of digits shows your place in the line? Is it the first or second?
Actually, orders where taken from several different sites during the preorder process, I'm not sure if your order numbers really mean anything in regards to place in line. It is best to contact and give Jacquelyn or Debs your order number, and they can give you a rough estimate. I ask a few weeks ago, and was told I was in the 250-350 range!

So if you are close to 4000, you can live down the street from where they are being assembled, and you will still have to wait until they get to your place in line! I would ask fairly quickly though, as they where going on holiday, and when they get back they are expecting to be super busy after the start of the new year! So they may not have the time to answer!