Orders For Pandora`s In The Us

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I think the topic has been covered before, but cant remember. once the cases are in the us to be put togehter wiht the boards, will the ones in the us be receiving their pandata somerimes afterward , or will they be shipped back to anhother location, and redistributed then?
I believe it is all based on your order in the line! So lets just say you are inbetween 500-750, and they make 400 within the first week. You won't get yours until they get to your number no matter where you live. So I'm guessing once they are assembled, they will ship some to Ed, and some to Craig, and they will distro in there areas based on everyones place in line.

I also live in the states and wonder how far away my order will be. In regards to the order number, which set of digits shows your place in the line? Is it the first or second?
Im not sure if any of the digits in the order number relate to the order in line. someone had asked that once, and said the order number wasant related to where your place was in line. I think the poster did write the home office, and they helped him out.
SoleGrave said:
I also live in the states and wonder how far away my order will be. In regards to the order number, which set of digits shows your place in the line? Is it the first or second?
Actually, orders where taken from several different sites during the preorder process, I'm not sure if your order numbers really mean anything in regards to place in line. It is best to contact Openpandorasales@gmail.com and give Jacquelyn or Debs your order number, and they can give you a rough estimate. I ask a few weeks ago, and was told I was in the 250-350 range! ;) So if you are close to 4000, you can live down the street from where they are being assembled, and you will still have to wait until they get to your place in line! I would ask fairly quickly though, as they where going on holiday, and when they get back they are expecting to be super busy after the start of the new year! So they may not have the time to answer!

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jumpman said:
SoleGrave said:
I also live in the states and wonder how far away my order will be. In regards to the order number, which set of digits shows your place in the line? Is it the first or second?
Actually, orders where taken from several different sites during the preorder process, I'm not sure if your order numbers really mean anything in regards to place in line. It is best to contact Openpandorasales@gmail.com and give Jacquelyn or Debs your order number, and they can give you a rough estimate. I ask a few weeks ago, and was told I was in the 250-350 range! ;) So if you are close to 4000, you can live down the street from where they are being assembled, and you will still have to wait until they get to your place in line! I would ask fairly quickly though, as they where going on holiday, and when they get back they are expecting to be super busy after the start of the new year! So they may not have the time to answer!


Thanks. I didnt want to pester them with emails as I assume they get enough already. If I may ask, how long ago did you place your order?
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I'm in the "Approximate position ... 1900 - 2000"
So I'm around the middle of the batch. I also live in the states.

I forget, will we be getting tracking numbers on the pandora shipments to us?
Also, I think it would be cool if the OP team made a dynamic system that would check the mail system trackers on a daily basis and show a time-lapse video in the end where the pandoras went on a global scale :) (in a global perspective, not as in showing each and every house address of everyone that ordered)
chickendung said:
So, even if we are last in line, how much longer will we have to wait than others who ordered years ago?
The factory will be able to produce about 400 a day, so if they can box, say 1500 a week, it shouldn't be any more than 3 weeks to a month's difference.
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SoleGrave said:
jumpman said:
SoleGrave said:
I also live in the states and wonder how far away my order will be. In regards to the order number, which set of digits shows your place in the line? Is it the first or second?
Actually, orders where taken from several different sites during the preorder process, I'm not sure if your order numbers really mean anything in regards to place in line. It is best to contact Openpandorasales@gmail.com and give Jacquelyn or Debs your order number, and they can give you a rough estimate. I ask a few weeks ago, and was told I was in the 250-350 range! ;) So if you are close to 4000, you can live down the street from where they are being assembled, and you will still have to wait until they get to your place in line! I would ask fairly quickly though, as they where going on holiday, and when they get back they are expecting to be super busy after the start of the new year! So they may not have the time to answer!


Thanks. I didnt want to pester them with emails as I assume they get enough already. If I may ask, how long ago did you place your order?
I ordered on september 30, 2008 and my confirmation email was sent at 7:23am pacific standard time. I'm in Las Vegas!

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I ordered mine in july of 09, so maybe that isnt to bad after all.